Comfort Zone

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Tubbo pov:

Once tommy began talking I mentally cringed, both hoping he would say something embarrassing about me and that he wouldn't say anything to make Ranboo feel uncomfortable

Then tommy said he was beautiful and the blush that crept onto ranboos face was cute enough to make me want to kiss him all over again.
Not caring if tommy was there.

I decided against it though in order to make Ranboo feel safe.

"Ok well thanks for dropping by tommy but now that you know I'm alive... you can go" I smiled and slowly began to push him to the front door

"WAIT WAIT WAIT!" Tommy shouted trying to push back against me

I audibly groaned
"What now?"

"There's a party later that my friend is throwing if you're interested" tommy said and I stopped.

"Go on" I playfully smiled

"Did you and Ranboo wanna come?"

I looked at Ranboo through the doorway for a second and he gave me the Same look

"Give me a minute to talk it over" I replied then headed over to Ranboo

I closed the door so that Tommy couldn't see me pull Ranboo to my height and give him a quick kiss

"Sorry been wanting to do that for a while... did you wanna go to that party, I won't if you don't"

Ranboo's quickly turned pink, and I let out a soft giggle

"Umm I-I don't mind... I wouldn't mind going for a drink tonight so long as I'm with you" he replied rubbing the back of his neck

"You sure?" I double checked and he nodded

I returned to tommy with a skip

"Yeah we'll go, where is it and what time" I asked tilting me head slightly

"It's a 9 and at George's house" tommy replied

"Alright I'll see you later" I waved and opened the door for tommy who finally left

I skipped back to ranboo and wrapped my arms around his neck and jumped up

To my surprise Ranboo hugged me back tight enough to keep me in the air.
I buried my face into his neck.

"You smell nice" I said aloud accidentally

"I-uh th- thanks" Ranboo stuttered and choked on his words

I giggled then finally dropped back down onto my feet but before I could moved Ranboo softly grabbed my chin and leaned down to me

"Can I kiss you?" He whispered, the deepened of his voice once again making me shiver

"Yeah..." I trailed off before I felt his lips connect with mine.

I could feel my head get dizzy and once it ended I felt as if I was going to loose balance

"You have no idea what that just did to me" I admitted and pointed my fingers together

Ranboo simply laughed

"Shut up! Help me decide what to wear tonight!" I shouted and Ranboo nodded and followed me to my wardrobe

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