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On the first day of October, 1984, forty-three women around the world simultaneously gave birth. This would be completely normal but none of the women were pregnant before. 
Sir Reginald Hargreeves, eccentric billionaire and playboy adventurer made it his mission to find and adopt as many of these children as possible.

He got seven.
And another one twelve years later.
Although not growing up in the Umbrella Academy sounds like luxury; y/n's childhood was far from that.

Y/n paced her cell impatiently, waiting for the guard to fetch her clothes so after 14 years, she could finally leave.
"So y/n," The guard began, walking over to her cell and unlocking the door, "What shall you do when you're out?" he asked, 
"You know Max I never thought that far ahead, I suppose I'll go home or something, figure it out from there" She replied, smiling at the guard innocently. Max had always been her favourite, since day one. He turned around as she took her clothes out of the bag they came in to reveal her old uniform. She sighed as she tucked her tie into her vest and tied her laces before being escorted out of the juvenile prison into the outside world. She watched as the guards who escorted her turned around and back in before taking a deep breath and began walking down the hill, back towards the city of New York where she spent her childhood.

*19 years ago* 
Y/n sat on the carpet in front of her fathers television, watching the news eagerly as the reported was interviewing The Umbrella Academy. She had always felt like she was different, even at school she was the outcast, the kids there bullied her, called her names and kicked her and when she got home. Her parents did the same.
For her tenth birthday, she received nothing from her parents (as per usual) but after saving up scraps for years, she was able to buy herself a present.
"Happy birthday y/n" she whispered to herself, admiring the bow which lay out in front of her. It was completely black to match her black quiver which she slumped on her shoulder before grabbing the bow and taking off out the front door.
"I'm just going out mum!" She shouted up the stairs before she shut the door, "I'll be back in a few hours or something!" The silence indicated that her mother simply didn't care, so before she got chance to hit her or something, she left, heading straight for some woods, just outside of town.

She placed down her quiver on the floor next to her, placing an arrow in her bow and aiming wonkily at a tree. As she released the arrow from the bow, she watched as it began heading completely in the wrong direction, flying off to the side of the tree, just as she was about to give up, the arrow took a sharp turn, hitting the tree directly in the middle.
Y/n tried this for hours, hitting a variety or objects such as trees, leaves, a button and even a bird. As she looked around, she realised that the sun had gone down and it was getting dark, she began running back to the house, hiding her bow and arrows outside in a bush before rushing into the house where she was greeted with her very drunk and angry parents.

*1 year later.*
It had been one year since y/n had discovered her power and she had practiced every day. After arguing with her parents for days, she even convinced them to let her keep the bow inside. On the fifteenth of November 1995, y/n's father acquired a new job in New York, which was exciting for y/n because it meant that they got to move, have a fresh start with new friends in a new school, and she would even live in the same place as the Umbrella Kids.

The city was very different to her old life, but y/n liked it. Now she was eleven, her parents began to pretend like she wasn't real, which was fine by y/n because it meant that she could do whatever the hell she wanted, whenever the hell she wanted.

*1 year later (again)*
Shortly after arriving, y/n had discovered an archery range, about thirty minutes away from her house. The owner had felt bad for her so had given her a free membership, allowing her to use the targets whenever she wanted.

One day in June, y/n slowly walked down the street towards the range, her bow in hand and quiver slumped over her shoulder. As she turned a corner, she stared in shook as she watched a commotion play out in a shop. An armed robbery was taking place when the Umbrella Academy arrived, fighting the men. Y/n watched from a distance as one of the boys threw a man out the shop and a young girl commanded one to shoot his friends chest, to which he obeyed. Y/n attention was suddenly turned to the screams of one of the boys, who was being held by one of the men, a gun to his head and his siblings staring in shock. Everything stopped as the man threatened the kids with the gun. Y/n didn't hesitate. She aimed for the armed man, pulled back on the string and let go, hitting him directly in the head and killing him, freeing the boy who began to cry. 
Two of the boys ran over to the other, supporting him and helping him out the building, as the others all turned their heads to y/n, who stood in the middle of the street, bow in hand.
"What the hell? You- you could've shot him!" A blonde boy yelled at her as they approached the girl.
"You're welcome," she scoffed sarcastically, "I wasn't going to shoot him, watch." She took her bow, and pulled back on the string, clearly aiming for one of the boys. They all flinched as she let go but watched in awe as the arrow took a sharp turn, piercing a lamp post next to them,
"Woah, how'd you do that?" The girl asked,
"Same way you guys can do your things" She replied, smiling at the girl,
"I'm impressed." She heard, turning around and seeing Reginald, "What's your name child?"
"Oh I'm y/n" she said, putting her hand out for the man to shake who just stared at it in disgust,
"Well. Welcome to the Umbrella Academy Number Eight. With your parents consent, I will be taking you in from now. Number One! Take this girl and the others back to the academy whilst I go discuss matters with her family."

Y/n's parents obviously didn't care if she left, they actually seemed happy to see her go. The Academy was okay, better than her old home. Her new siblings were mostly nice, her favourites were Klaus and Ben, she spent most of her time with them, her least favourite was Five. They had hated each other since day one, he annoyed her and she annoyed him. They argued all the time and even refused to be in a close radius to one another, on multiple occasions, Five had even tried to get Reginald to give her back to her parents, who simply told us to 'stop acting like children'.

The day Five went missing was bliss for y/n. Whilst everyone was worrying for him, she was living her best life. She had never felt more peace and could finally relax without being bothered by his presence.

By the time y/n was 14, Pogo had noticed that her growth had stopped, completely. She wasn't growing, or ageing. It didn't really bother the girl, it wasn't the end of the world and she convinced herself that it would have it's upsides to it.
In August y/n was full of anger. She wanted revenge for what her parents did to her for the first 12 years of her life, so leaving in the middle of the night, y/n returned back to her childhood house were she stabbed both her parents with arrow heads, killing them in their sleep.
It didn't take long for the cops to figure out who committed the crime and unfortunately, Luther found out y/n was wanted for murder before she did. He broke into her room during the night and took her down to the police station, handing her in for good.
Y/n was sentenced to 14 years in prison for her actions which she spent in juvey, which by the end of it, she was technically 29.

*present day*
Y/n stopped in front of her old home, the academy, which she had joined many years ago. Oh how she couldn't wait to see the look on her dear old dad's face when she walked back through those doors, She swung them open and triumphantly walked into the living room, expecting him to be sat there silently, but instead she was greeted with something very very different,


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