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Y/n and Five stumbled into the living room where their siblings all sat in a circle,
"Jesus.." Y/n mumbled, stumbling onto the floor and laying there briefly before standing up, clutching her leg in pain as she did. She glanced over to see Five do the thing, holding onto the counter as he stood up, using it or support.
"Do you have it?" Y/n asked, looking at Five, ignoring the rest of her family,
"yeah" he said, out of breath whilst holding up the piece of paper,
"What the hell?" Luther said, catching the two's attention,
Your welcome," Y/n sighed, taking the paper from Five and pushing it into Luther's chest, who stared at it for a second before opening it.
"Harold Jenkins?" He asked, staring at the instructions, "Who the hell is Harold Jenkins?"
"We don't know... yet" Five explained, walking over and sitting on the table, tapping it indicating for y/n to join him, which she did, "But we do know he's responsible for the apocalypse," He finished, taking y/n's hand in his own once again,
"We have to find him, and we have to find him now" Y/n finished for him, looking around the room at her family,
"How is he connected to what's gonna happen?" Luther asked, stepping forward from the rest of the family,
"We don't know" Y/n said quietly,
"Wait so you just know his name? That's it?" Allison asked, sounding sceptical,
"That's enough," Five argued,
"There's probably dozens of Harold Jenkinses in this city" Diego piped up, standing up from the sofa,
"Then we better start looking," Y/n snarked,
"I'm sorry am I the only one that's sceptical here? I mean you two come out of no where after not showing up for days with this guys name who's going to end the world? And let's not ignore the fact that y/n and Five are literally holding hands, they hate each other!" Allison shouted, pointing to the two of them who let go of their hands quickly,
"You remember the lunatics in masks who attacked the house?" Y/n asked, ignoring Allison slightly,
"Oh yeah I think I remember those ones," Klaus snarked, rolling his eyes,
"Yeah, the ones that attacked us whilst you two were getting drunk" Diego added,
"Yeah, them. They were sent my the Temps commission to stop Five from coming back and preventing the end of life on Earth" y/n explained, trying to keep it short and simple,
"The temps what?" Allison asked,
"Our former employer. They monitor all of time and space to make sure whatever is supposed to happen, happens." Five explained, who looked at y/n for her to take over,
"They believe the apocalypse is coming in three days. So, me and Five went to the Commission headquarters and intercepted a message that was meant for the lunatics" she said, glancing between her family,
"We also blew half of it up.." Five muttered, smirking at y/n who laughed slightly,
"The message was 'protect Harold Jenkins', so, he must be responsible for the apocalypse." Y/n stopped, hoping her family would understand and they could find Jenkins.
"What do you mean, protect time and space?" 
"Where is this Hazel, guys?"
"Are you two like... dating?"
"My skin is on fire.."
"Do you have any idea how insane this sounds?"
"You know what else sounds insane? Me and Y/n look like we're 13 year olds, Klaus talks to the dead and Luther thinks he's fooling everyone with that overcoat!" Five shouted, pointing at Luther who looked slightly offended, "Everything about us is insane, it always has been" He continued, silencing the family.
"he's got a point there," Klaus agreed,
"We didn't choose this life, we're just living it. For the next three days anyway." He said, sitting back down, looking proud of himself,
"But last time we tried to stop it, we all died. Why is this any different? Why shouldn't I go back to my daughter?" Allison asked, Five glanced at Y/n who nodded at him, indicating that she'll handle it,
"Because this time, Five's here," She pointed at the boy behind her, "And we have the name of the man responsible. Guys we actually have the chance of saving the lives of billions of people... including Claire" She finished, looking at Allison,
"You know her name?" She asked, looking at her sister shocked,
"Of course, I'm not a monster Allison, and I'd like to live long enough to meet her" She smiled softly at her sister,
"All right. Let's get this bastard." Allison announced, looking around at the others,
"You had me at Gerald Jenkins" Diego smiled, pulling a knife from his holster,
"Harold" Y/n correctly, walking past him and patted him on the back,
"Whatever. I've lost two people this week, I'm not losing anyone else." He said, looking around the room,
"And Luther?" Five asked, looking at his brother, waiting for a reply,
"yeah you go. I'm gonna stay and look through dad's files. I still think this had something to do with him sending me to the moon" He said, making y/n face palm,
"Seriously?" She asked, walking up to him, "Now you wanna make the end of the world about you and dad?" Luther stepped back, scared of what she might do after their encounter the other day,
"No." He defended himself, slowly backing up from the girl, "'Watch for threats'. That's what he told me. You think that's a coincidence?"
"Yeah I do think it's a coincidence" Y/n snarked, pulling her walther pistol and tapped the barrel on Luther's chest, "He was a paranoid old man who deserved what happened to him," Luther had backed so far up he was pushed against the wall, "Yeah it's not so nice being this close to death is it?" Y/n threatened, pushing the gun closer to him,
"What's she talking about Luther?" Diego asked, walking up to them to try intercept until Five stopped him, knowing he should be the one to step in,
"Oh he didn't tell you? Well, now's the perfect time, don't you think Number One?" She asked, staring at him intimidatingly,
"I... I threatened to kill her.. to stop Five from killing someone.." he spluttered, 
"And?" Y/n said, pulling the gun back, reloading it and clicked safety off,
"And I dangled her out the window by her throat!"
"There it is" She smiled to herself, holding the gun up to his head. At that moment, Five quickly blinked grabbed y/n with one arm and the gun with the other, turning safety back on straight away,
"Calm down n/n, it's okay" He whispered, pulling her into a hug and slipping the gun back into her holster. She hugged him back for a second, allowing herself to calm down before walking out the door,
"Let's go get this bastard"

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