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Y/n sat in the back of Luther's car as him and Five sat silently in the front, waiting for Hazel and Cha-Cha to arrive.
"Y/n I'm so-" Luther began, turning to face his sister,
"It's fine shut up." She cut him off harshly, looking at Five and smirking. After another long, agonising silence, Five finally broke it this time, 
"You know I never enjoyed it." He said out of the blue, making Luther and y/n turn to him,
"What?" They asked in unison,
"The killing. I mean, I was... I was good at my work, and I.. I took pride in it, but it never gave me pleasure." He glanced back at y/n who smiled softly at him before blinked into the back seat next to her, taking her hand in his whilst Luther sat the uncomfortably, "I think it was all those years alone. Solitude can do funny things to the mind" He sighed, smiling at y/n,
"Yeah well I was mostly alone in prison, in solitude most the time because of my 'abilities'. It's the being alone that breaks you" she looked down, reminding herself of all those years,
"You think they'll buy it?" Luther asked, looking down at the briefcase they got from a charity store,
"Well what I do know is that they're desperate. It's like a cop losing his gun, if the commission finds out, they'll be in deep shit. Oh not to mention they'll be stuck here until they get it back" Five explained, not taking his eyes of y/n,
"Well, I should hold onto it" Luther suggested, "In case they make a move on you two,"
"Okay, just be careful, and y/n are you sure you want to come? You can wait here if you want," Five asked her,
"Yeah I'm fine Five, I promise," Y/n got out the car first, leaving Luther and Five alone for a second as the car approached,
"If this all goes sideways, do me a favour and tell y/n I'm sorry" Luther looked at Five then nodded, opening the car door and joining y/n in the road, Five following closely,
"Come on love, you're staying with me this time," Five said casually, grabbing y/n's hand, his eyes widening when he realised what he had called her,
"Oh so I'm your love now?" Y/n joked, taking his hand and walking off, pulling him with her,
"Shut up" He laughed, catching up with her. As the two of them got closer, Five was the first to talk,
"The masks really necessary?" He asked, looking between the two assassins,
"So, where is it kid?" Cha-Cha said, cutting straight to the chase,
"Wow, that's how you're gonna start?" Y/n scoffed,
"You know, we can get right back in our car and call it a day," Five carried on, looking at y/n and smiling,
"You won't even make it halfway" Cha-Cha threatened, making y/n laugh a little,
"Maybe." Five said before turning to face Luther, "But as I'm sure you found out in your previous foray, my brother is not your average giant" He smiled at the assassins, gesturing to Luther,
"He's right." Hazel agreed, looking at number one stood behind them, "You dropped a chandelier on him and he got right back up." This was news to y/n who pulled a confused face, looking at Five who just shrugged,
"By the time you took him out, he'd smash your precious briefcase to a pulp" Five carried on, smiling innocently at them,
"Probably us too, right?" Hazel asked, clearly smarter than Cha-Cha who stood there in defeat, "So, how do we help each other?"
"I need you to get in contact with your superior, so me and y/n here can have a chat with her. Face-to-Face." He said, y/n could only guess that they were talking about this Handler.
"About what?" Cha-Cha demanded,
"I don't think that's any of your concern" Y/n snapped her head towards the woman, staring at her stupid uniform.
"Just don't tell her about the briefcase" She asked, Five nodded in agreement as Hazel turned to a phone box to call her. Five tugged on y/n's hand as he turned back to Luther, leaning on the car bonnet, waiting for them to come back to him.
"What happens now?" Y/n asked as they approached Luther,
"Now we wait.." Five stood, leaning against the car door, pulling y/n next to him who lay her head on his shoulder. Silence filled the air for a few moments but was interrupted by "ride of the Valkyries" coming from an ice cream truck, rapidly approaching the two groups. As it got closer y/n realised who it was, Klaus and Diego.
"What the hell is he doing here?" Five asked, watching as the two brothers drove straight past them,
"Go faster!" Y/n heard Diego yell whilst Klaus was screaming "wee!"
"It's a setup!" Cha-Cha yelled. Y/n jumped as she heard a bullet go off, followed by silence. Complete silence. Y/n and Five glanced around as the whole world around them was frozen. The saw their two brothers in the car, about to hit Hazel and Cha-Cha, who were jumping out the way. And they saw their other brother, his arms out, about to get shot in the chest by a bullet, shielding y/n and Five from it,
"Neat trick isn't it?" The two of them spun around to see a women, well put together wearing tall heels, walking towards them, "Hello Five. You look good." She said, making y/n cringe, "feels like we met just yesterday.. of course you were a little older then. Congratulations on the age regression by the way, very clever. Threw us all off the scent." She said whilst eyeing y/n up and down.
"Ah well, I wish I could take the credit, I just miscalculated the time dilation projections and, well you know. Here I am" he gestured to himself, with one hand, still with a firm grip on y/n's with the other.
"You realize your efforts are futile. So why don't you tell me what you and your little girlfriend tell me what you want" She deadpanned, staring at y/n's and Five's hands.
"I want you to put a stop to it" Five said clearly meaning the apocalypse,
"You realise what you're asking for is next to impossible, even for me" She replied, looking down at the two, "What's meant to be is meant to be. That's our raison d'etre" Five looked at y/n and smiled at her softly before letting go of her hand and pulling a handgun from his blazer, pointing it at the woman,
"Yeah? Well how about survival as a raison?" He asked, threatening her with the gun,
"I'll just get replaced," She warned him, "I'm but a... small cog in the machine. This fantasy you've been nurturing about summoning up your family to stop the apocalypse... is just that. A fantasy. I must say though, we're all quite impressed with your initiative, your... stick-to-itiveness, really quite... quite something. Both of you that is" She pointed at between Five and Y/n who stood before her. Y/n rolled her eyes, just wanting the woman to cut to it,
"Which is why we want to offer you two a new position back at the commission. Five, you in management. Y/n, you in corrections, although training will be required."
"sorry, what's that now?" Pointing the gun to the floor, staring at the woman
"Come back to work for us again. You both know it's where you belong." She said again, "Although not working together, you'll see each other plenty" She smiled at them, trying to convince them to go.
"Well it didn't work too well last time" Y/n scoffed, looking at Five then the Handler,
"But Five you wouldn't be in the corrections field anymore, just y/n. I'm talking about... the home office. You'd both get the best health and pension, and an end to this ceaseless travel. You're both distinguished professionals in... school uniform. I mean... you can't be happy like this?" She asked him, looking at the boy,
"I'm not looking for happy" he spat at her,
"We're all looking for happy. We can make that happen. We can make you.. yourself again."
"What about our family?" Y/n asked, thinking over their options,
"What about them?" The handler asked,
"I want them to survive," Y/n pushed, not letting herself go unless they're safe,
"All of them?" The Handler sighed, glancing around at the mess of the family,
"yes, all of them."
"Do we have a deal?" She asked, putting out her hand for one of them to shake,
"One thing.. y/n come here" Five muttered. He quickly explained his plan to y/n whilst emptying Hazel's gun as y/n moved the bullet so it wouldn't hit Luther. He told her to let him get the information and for her to just act natural' until it was time to blow it all up to which she agreed. He walked back over the the Handler, y/n close behind him before shaking her hand, before they knew it, the three of them were gone and the world went back to how it was.
"Good god!" Klaus shouted as Luther ducked, realising the bullet didn't hit him. He looked around in panic as he realised his brother and sister were missing, 
"Five!" He yelled loudly, walking around trying to find them, "Y/N!" The shouting got Diego's attention, who was instantly worried for his sister,
"Where is she Luther?" He yelled, jumping out the van and ignoring the assassins around him, "Y/n!"

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