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"Y/n?" The girl heard a familiar voice from behind her, her face dropped as she turned around to be greeted by Five, staring at her shocked,
"Five?!" She shouted, getting the attention of her siblings, who hadn't seen her in years. "What the hell are you doing here Five?"
"What am I doing?" He scoffed, "You're the one who's been in prison for 14 years, what the hell are you doing?"
"I have been let out I'll have you know, I'm looking for our dear old dad, you seen him?" Y/n asked, hoping to cut the conversation short,
"He's dead y/n... that's why everyone's here" Allison piped up from behind Five, the sight of her made y/n smile, realising how much she had missed some of them. She slowly walked up to Allison but as she went to pull her sister into a hug, she stepped back,
"Y/n... you went to prison, for murder..." Allison sounded scared, like she was talking to a stranger,
"You don't understand A, you don't understand what they did to me.." Y/n tried to justify herself when she heard Five scoff behind her,
"Shut up Five, you should just go back to the future, you weren't actually missed you know?" she bitched,
"How'd you know I was in the future? I could've been in the past" He replied smugly, staring at the girl in front of him,
"Were you?"
"No... well technically I-"
"Shut the fuck up Five. If you have to say technically you're already in trouble. Where's Luther? I'm assuming daddy's boy is around here somewhere?" She wanted to see precious number one, talk to him about how he betrayed her all those years ago. 
"I think he left" Allison lied, trying to keep her brother safe.
"He's upstairs. In his room." Diego deadpanned from the stairs, "hey sis"
"Diego.." She sighed happily, pulling him into a hug who didn't push her away

Y/n leaned on the doorframe of Luther's room, making him jump as he turned to see her,
"Y/n...?" He asked, his voice making it obvious how scared he was,
"Luther." She replied, clearly annoyed for what he did to her.
"Look y/n... that was a long time ago... we're adults now. Maybe we could put this all behind us and move on yeah?" He suggested, his voice shaking with every word he spoke.
"Of course number one" Y/n replied, smiling innocently, luring Luther into a false sense of security as she walked over and punched him in the stomach, making him kneel over, "That's for the 14 years you twat." She spat, slamming the door on the way out and walking up to her old room.
Looking for some fresh clothes, y/n pulled open her cupboard doors to be greeted with nothing but matching school uniforms. Great. As she was pulling her socks on she glanced over to the corner of the room, where her old bow lay on display, gathering dust. Y/n walked over, picked up the bow and blew the fine layer of it off, before slumping her quiver on her shoulder and walking out of her room,
"Where are you going y/n?" Allison interrogated as she tried to walk out the house,
"Oh just to go kill a couple more people," The girl replied sarcastically, "It's none of your damn business, and even if it was, I wouldn't tell someone like you." She looked her sister up and down before pushing past her and walking through the door into the streets.
"Is it just me? Or did y/n just get meaner?" Klaus asked, walking up to the others,
"She definitely did."

A soft bell rang as y/n walked into the empty Griddy's cafe. She took a seat at the bar at the front of the cafe and waited for the waitress to come and serve her.
"Oh and what can I get for a cute little kid like yourself?" The woman asked patronisingly,
"Agnes is it?" she asked, the waitress nodded in reply, "yeah do me a favour and never call me kid again okay? And I'll have coffee, black." Agnes took a step back, shocked at y/n's behaviour but obeyed her as she stepped into her kitchen.
Whilst drinking her coffee, y/n spotted an old newspaper on the side which had been released the day her father died,
"May I?" She asked the waitress, looking up at her who hummed in an approving way. As she flicked through the paper, her mind turned off from the environment, not taking in what was happening around her until she was snapped out of her calm mind frame by sudden gunfire. She turned around to be greeted but the sharp pain of a bullet hole through her shoulder. She yelped out as she grabbed her shoulder, doubling over in pain before looking up to see what was happening.
The girl looked up to watch as Five teleported around the room, trying to kill the men. Reluctantly, y/n reached down for her bow, pulling back on the string to help Five, who acknowledged her by nodded his head. Once the men were all dead, she picked herself up and quickly walked out the door, heading back to the academy before he managed to say anything.

Upon arrival, y/n was bombarded with questions. The bullet hole in her shoulder started to raise a lot of concern amongst her siblings, some for y/n's safety, some for other people's safety.
"Will you all just shut up? You're giving me a headache. Ask Five if you want to know what happened because quite frankly, I'm just as confused." She shouted, pushing through her siblings and up to her room to stitch her wound back together.
As y/n wrapped a dressing on the hole to stop any further bleeding, she heard a gentle knock on her door. Expecting it to be Klaus or Diego, she looked up eagerly but moaned in mental pain as she saw Five walk into her room.
"What do you want?" She deadpanned,
"Why'd you help me?" He asked calmly, for once not sounded completely and utterly annoying with her,
"I was mainly doing it for me, didn't really feel like getting shot again," She replied, packing up her first aid kit into a little box under her bed,
"Are you okay?" Five actually sounded like he might care for a minute, which confused y/n profoundly,
"What do you care?" she spat back at him, almost feeling bad for how nice he was being,
"I just asked if you were okay? I mean you were shot but guess I'll just go fuck myself then" He huffed about to march out the door but was blocked by an arrow, shot by y/n who was now stood up, facing him.
"I'm fine thanks. Why were those people after you?"
"Can I trust you?"
"Uhm.. sure?" Five stared at y/n for a second, before closing the door, leaving them in the room alone,
"They work for my former employer. I'm trying to stop an impending apocalypse which is going to wipe out humanity in 6 days. They're trying to stop me from doing it."
"cool?" y/n replied, she didn't really care though, just wanted to know why a group of adults shot her, "You can leave now." She gestured to the door as Five quickly turned and walked out,
"You should rest, that's a nasty shot"
"Whatever, just get out my face dickhead."
As she shut the door she sat down on her bed, questioning everything that had just happened. Was the world really going to end in a week? And did Five really know how to stop it. The girl considered her options but soon realised that she had no hope of stopping this apocalypse alone, she needed Five to even have the smallest chance of survival. She had just got out of prison, she wasn't dying yet.

Not just yet.

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