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Allison turned the radio back down after dancing to her favourite song with Klaus and Vanya when Klaus went silent. He was staring at the door, with a horrified look plastered on his face,
"Uh guys..." He started, standing up from his chair, "Please tell me you see her too" he asked, getting his sister's and ben's attention, who all looked over to the door,
"See who?" Allison asked,
"Yeah there's no one there Klaus" Vanya confirmed, making Klaus' face drop immediately,
"I.. I can see her" Ben said, walking up to the person. Stood in front of them was a faded figure of y/n, a sorrowful look covering her face, "Y/n?" Ben asked, approaching the girl slowly as she was staring directly at him. He held out his hand and jumped back in surprise when he felt the girl hold onto it, squeezing it tightly,
"That's not possible..." Klaus muttered, watching the scene play out, "How are you here.. doing this?"
"I'm sorry Klaus.." Y/n said, her voice echoing around the room. Ben didn't hesitate, he pulled the girl into a tight hug and despite the conditions, y/n smiled, wrapping her arms around him. He looked down as he felt the girl fading from his grip,
"Y/n? Where are you going?" He asked, watching as the girl slowly began to fade away, become less visible by the second,
"I think.. I'm going back" She replied weakly as she vanished from Ben and Klaus' view,
"We have to go... now" Klaus announced, rushing towards the door and pulling it open,
"Go? Go where?" Allison asked, following her brother out of the hair salon,
"To Five. Y/n's in trouble... I think she's going to die."

Diego ran through the empty streets, checking down each alley way. He was far from the city centre at this point and was starting to lose hope. He felt like he couldn't give up, he couldn't walk back in there with nothing, he had to find her.

He skidded to a halt when he saw his sister, laying in a pool of her own blood, barely conscious.
"Y/n! Oh my god y/n no.." He shouted, running over to the girl and holding her tightly,
"Diego.. go" She managed to whisper weakly,
"No.. no I'm.. I'm not going anywhere okay?" He said, cupping her cheeks in his hands, "I gotta get you back.." He muttered, standing up and picking the girl up, who limply hung,
"Leave me.. please" The girl carried on, barely hanging onto life,
"Come on y/n stay with me, you can do this okay? It's not much further" Diego carried on, running down the back alleys to avoid as many people as possible,
"The note.. does Five have it?" She asked quietly, her breathing becoming uneven,
"Yeah.. yeah he said he was sorry" Diego said, waiting for a response but getting nothing, "Y/n?... Y/n!" He began tapping her face, trying to wake the girl, "Come on y/n don't leave me now" He began running again, as fast as he could. He knew he still had a while to go but let out a breath of relief when a car pulled up besides him, Allison in the driver's seat next to Vanya with Klaus in the back,
"Get in!" Allison shouted, rolling down the window. The second the two were in the back, Allison placed her foot on the pedal and slammed on the acceleration, sending the flying down the street.

"And you're sure Elliott has the stuff to save her?" Allison asked Diego as the car skidded to a halt outside Mort's,
"Yeah, yes I'm sure, let's just hurry" Diego replied, picking the girl up again. 
Klaus swung the door open, allowing Diego to walk in before him, running up the stairs and laying y/n on the coffee table. Luther burst into the room,
"Oh my god.." He gasped, staring at the girl, bleeding out on the table. Diego ran back into the room, holding an arrangements of medical equipment,
"Where'd you get that from?" Luther asked him, watching as Allison began setting it up,
"I don't know, Elliott was weird man" Diego sighed, sitting down next to y/n and holding her hand,
"Okay, she needs blood and well.. it's between me and you Vanya, who's doing it?"
"I will" The family turned around to see Five in the doorway, eyes bloodshot and clutching onto the note tightly. They looked amongst themselves before Allison nodded, sticking the needle into Five's arm and drawing blood. The whole time, Five sat silently on the sofa, staring at the wall blankly, silently crying to himself,
"We're all done Five, now we just have to hope she wakes up," Allison explained, sitting down next to him, "Diego told me what happened.. it's not your fault you know" She said reassuringly, placing her hand on his shoulder,
"You don't know that Allison.. I shouldn't have said what I did, it was wrong" He replied, standing up and walking over to y/n, sighing deeply as he sat next to her, squeezing her hand tightly.

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