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"I'll leave you too to it then" Pogo said with a smile, walking out the room and closing the door behind him,
"Oh my god y/n, you're okay!" Five gasped, standing up from the floor,
"Have you been crying?" She asked, slowly sitting up,
"well yeah.. I.. I thought I had lost you" He whispered
"I'm right here Five, I'm okay" She reassured, pulling him into a tight hug as he quietly sobbed into her shoulder,
"Five, we need to go downstairs and help the others, they need our help and you know it.." Y/n said, pulling away from the hug and looking at Five
"No.. no you need to rest" He muttered, shaking his head,
"Five I promise you, after we save the world I'll rest so much, but the apocalypse isn't going to wait, come on." She said stumbling as she stood up but Five caught her,
"Thanks," she muttered, starting to walk out the door,
"Y/n?" Five asked, making her stop and turn around, "I love you"
"I love you too Five." She replied, holding out her hand for him to take it. 

"We need to go after her" Diego said, talking about Vanya as Five and y/n walked into the room,
"Vanya is not important" Y/n said as she walked into the room, she knew how it sounded but it was true,
"Y/n? Oh thank god, you're okay" Diego said, rushing over to hug her,
"Yeah I'm good thank you" She said, hugging him back,
"Look I know it sounds heartless and I'm not saying I don't care about her but the apocalypse is today, she dies with the other seven billion of us." She explained, looking to Five who squeezed her hand tightly,
"Our first priority should be Harold Jenkins" Five agreed, looking around at the family,
"I agree" Diego said standing up, "Let's go"
"You guys count me out.." Klaus said, making everyone stop and turn to him, "I mean, you know, no offence or whatever. It's just... I kind of feel like this is a whole lot of pressure for newly-sober me so..."
"You're coming" Five told him, looking at him seriously,
"No, no, no I mean I think we can all agree that my power's... I mean, it's pretty much useless so I'd just be holding you guys back"
"Klaus get up. Y/n almost just died and she's coming, you got no excuse buddy" Diego said, pointing at y/n who stood next to Five, holding his hand tightly,
"You can't make me" Klaus taunted, sitting down on the sofa. Diego sighed, looking back at y/n who nodded at him, knowing what he was going to do. He took a knife in his hand and threw it towards Klaus, making it land in between his legs,
"Oh, then again.. a little exercise couldn't hurt.." Klaus muttered standing up,
"Luther? You coming big man?" Diego asked him, looking at the man who was still leaning on the counter,
"Uhm, I'm gonna go ahead and stay, wait for Allison to wake up. Besides someone should stay in case Vanya comes here" Five was about to talk, probably tell Luther to come but y/n beat him to it,
"Just let him stay, we're wasting time we have to go" She said, pulling on Five's hand to make him leave.

"It's not exactly what I expected.." Y/n muttered, standing over the dead body of Harold, his body stabbed with all kinds of utensils, pencils, knives, scissors and even forks,
The understatement of the year" Diego laughed,
"No sign of Vanya" Klaus yelled from another room, looking for their sister
"We gotta get out of here, before the cops come back" Diego sighed, turning to walk out the door,
"In a minute.." Five muttered, walking towards Leonard,
"Five what are you.." Y/n stopped as she saw Five pull out the eye from his pocket, pushing it into the hole in Leonard's face,
"Same eye colour, same pupil size.. Y/n this is it. The eye that I've been carrying around for decades, it.. its found its rightful home." Five bent back down and pulled the eye back out, slightly bloody now,
"That's totally not completely gross," Y/n muttered as he put the eye back in his pocket,
"We got the guy we needed to kill to stop the apocalypse" Five sighed a breath of relief,
"Yay! Lets go" Klaus clapped his hands and started walking out,
"No no wait.. It.. it can't be this easy" Y/n said, looking over the body,
"Y/n look, this is the note from the Commission, 'protect Harold Jenkins', aka Leonard Peabody. He's the mark and he doesn't exactly look capable of ending the world right now" Five said, pointing at the dead man laying on the table,
"Yeah but who killed him.." Y/n knew the answer, she knew it was Vanya and she knew she had powers, it just didn't feel right to tell them.
"I have a crazy idea. Crazy, but why don't we find Vanya... and ask her what happened?" Klaus suggested,
"Let's just head back to the academy before someone sees us. Hell, Vanya might even go there." Diego said, walking out the house and back to the car.

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