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As the small car pulled up, y/n's mouth gaped open as the building was leaping with flames. Her trance was snapped when she saw Five blinked out of the car and running towards the building. She swung open the door and chased him down, she caught up to him, tackling him to the floor and protecting him as the building finally exploded, sending debris flying towards them. After a few seconds, everything calmed down, Five could already hear the sirens as he realised what happened, he sat up as he realised that y/n wasn't responding, he grabbed her face with his hands and saw a load of blood dripping from a cut on her forehead, he picked her up and made his way back to the van where he lay her down in the back and started to clean the wound.

Y/n groaned as she woke up, sliding into the door of the van as Five took a sharp turn,
"n/n? You feeling okay?" He asked, pulling the van over and climbing into the back, pulling the girl into a tight hug,
"You know it almost sounds like you care about me" Y/n laughed a little, "where are we?"
"Oh uhm the library, I'm moving onto plan two," Five explained, opening the door to the van,
"Which is? Y/n asked, standing up weakly, her head spinning from her cut,
"We're going to make a probability map, of who's death could stop the apocalypse," y/n nodded, before grabbing the bag filled with alcohol and jumping out the van, holding onto Five's shoulder for support,
"Uh Five.. I don't have to kill anyone though... right?"
"Not if you don't want to, hell you don't even want to be there if you don't want to, just let me know okay?" Y/n nodded and smiled, before picking up the bag and walking into the library, Five following close behind.

Once they had found a small enclosed corner, Five wondered off, looking for an array of books whilst y/n stayed sat down, her head spinning from before. She took a bottle of vodka from the bag and twisted off the cap, downed a third of it in one go.
"Tastes like fucking nail polish remover" she muttered to herself. By the time Five had returned, the bottle was rolling on the floor empty, and y/n sat there staring into space, Five saw the bottle and rushed over,
"Y/n? Did you seriously drink this whole bottle?" He asked, kneeling down in front of her,
"That wasn't me," She slurred her words, barely being able to get it out, "cheers?" She said, holding up another bottle which had some missing. Five snatched the bottle off her and took a big swig, pulling a disgusted face as he handed the bottle back to y/n, who took it happily. Five had been working on the equation but the temptation to join y/n was too much, he sat down next to the girl and took yet another bottle from the bag, unscrewing the lid and downing it. He threw the bottle on his lap before moving himself closer to y/n, who looked at him before gently placing her head on his shoulder, he took her hand and gently squeezed it before laying his head on hers and allowing darkness take over him, just like y/n did.

"Are they, uhm..?" Luther asked, staring down at the two of them,
"Drunk as skunks." Diego confirmed, looking at the bottles rolling around them,
"They must be absolutely hammered.. I mean look at them. She's got her head on his shoulder and he... he's holding her hand," Luther whispered, walking up to Five, starting to pick him up,
"Yeah I mean just the other day y/n told me she wouldn't been seen dead with him, now look at them," Diego added, picking y/n and pulling a disgusted face, "they reek of alcohol" he added, putting the girl over his shoulder and beginning to walk out the library.
"Well we can't go back to the house," Luther said, walking down an ally way trying to avoid public places at all costs, "It's not secure, those psychopaths could come back at any minute."
"My place is closer, nobody will look for him there," Diego suggests, adjusting his grip on y/n, who was in hysterics on his back.
"If you vomit on me..." Luther threatened as Five belched.
"You know what's funny? I'm going through puberty... Twice!" Five laughed and looked over and y/n who's attention was on Diego. The two of them were walking a little ahead of Luther, just wanting to get inside somewhere safe,
"Hey Diego, you wanna know something ironic..?" she slurred, Diego sighed, 
"Sure y/n, you tell me"
"I think I like my brother... the one I hate!" She admitted to him,
"Well you were bound to make friends one day right?" He asked her, turning back to weakly smile and Luther, who had dropped Five due to him vomiting.
"Nooo not like that... I like him as in.. I want him to be my boyfriend.." She whispered the last part before bursting into laughter, 
"My god you really are drunk" he sighed before opening a door and walking through it. He placed y/n on his bed, she sat up right looking around the apartment,
"Where are we?" She asked as Luther chucked Five next to her. He didn't hesitate to lay down, before grabbing y/n by the shoulders and pulling her down next to him, placing his hand tightly around her waist and pulling the blanket over them. Watching them, Diego glanced over at Luther and smiled, who simply shrugged in reply,
"Look, two masked intruders attacked the academy last night, they were looking for you Five. So you need to focus, what do they want?" Luther asked him, approaching the bed and sitting on a chair next to it,
"Oh that's Hazel and Cha-Cha!" Y/n piped up, "They shot me the other night" She added with a smile, her brothers looked concerned but shook it off, trying to stay on track,
"Who?" Diego asked again, still not following,
"The best of the best," Five pitched in, "Expect for me of course" y/n scoffed as she had heard that before,
"The best of what?" Luther asked, trying to get a straight answer out of them,
"You know Delores always hated it when I drank," Five began but was cut short by Diego,
"Hey! I need you to focus! What do these guys want? We just want to protect you," he offered trying to sound sincere,
"protect me? I don't need your protection, Diego. Do you have any idea how many people I've killed? No. I'm the four fricking horsemen. Not to mention y/n, she's already protecting me." The girl smiled at the boys before waving at them.

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