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"Ben said you'd be alone" Y/n said softly, sitting down on the floor next to Five, who was clutching onto the note, silently crying. Five looked up, trying to hide the tears and the note as fast as he possibly could, "He also said you were reading that and crying so stop trying to hide it" She chuckled.
"Y/n I'm sorry, I'm so sorry I should never have-" Five was cut off by y/n,
"No I'm sorry. I lied to you and it was wrong. You trusted me and I broke it, so for that I truly am sorry."
"You shouldn't be the one apologising y/n, you almost died because of me" Y/n chuckled slightly,
"Don't blame yourself Five. I wanted to anyway it's just.. that was the last straw I guess" She said, 
"Don't blame myself? Are you kidding me? How couldn't I blame myself" He shouted, guilt taking over when he realised how loud he had shouted, "Y/n I'm sorry just... I think you should go"
"Go? Go! You're telling me to go? Five I'm not sure if you noticed but we have an apocalypse around the corner to stop! We aren't even from this year, where do you want me to 'go'?" She shouted back, annoyed at his stubbornness, 
"I'll handle the apocalypse just.. go. I don't care where.. just go anywhere but here" He repeated. Y/n sighed before standing up and walking out past the others and down into the shop, pushing the door open and walking out,
"Y/n where are you going?" Diego  asked, standing over the railings,
"Anywhere but here" Y/n snarked before walking out. Klaus looked between his family worried before looking over at Ben,
"Go.. make sure she's okay" He instructed. The boy nodded before running out after her, following her down the street.

Y/n sat on a small bench in the middle of a park, staring into the water on the lake. She used to sit and stare into the water for hours when she first arrived as it was calming, listening to the birds and water flowing. Although this time she felt uneasy, she felt like she wasn't alone. Looking around y/n was alone, there was one other family, walking a dog along the path at the top of the park, not paying any attention to the girl. As she turned back around, she felt the barrel of a gun pressed onto her head. She sighed as she saw two of the Swede's, both of their gun barrels aiming at her head,
"hur mar din bror?" (how's your brother), Y/n asked, smirking at the two brothers
"hur vagar du prata om honom." (how dare you talk about him), the eldest spat.
"det kan du lägga ner. du skrämmer mig inte" (you can put that down, you don't scare me) Y/n replied, batting the gun away and standing up,
"kom med oss och ingen kommer till skada" (come with us and nobody gets hurt), they threatened, aiming their guns back up as y/n laughed,
"Yeah I don't think I have to worry about that." She pushed the gun out of the eldest's hand, who had the barrel held to her head. She slid on the ground behind the two before knocking the other to the floor. He dropped his gun in pain and y/n grabbed it, throwing both the weapons into the deep pond in front of them.
"I really hope you can swim" She muttered before reaching towards the youngest who still lay in a heap on the floor and pushed him into the middle of the pond.
"It's just you and me mate" She said, straightening out her uniform and turning to face the eldest Swede who was visually confused about how she had disarmed them so quickly. Y/n managed to throw the first punch, hitting the Swede square in the jaw, making him take a few steps back. Y/n braced herself as the Swede began running but glanced up when she saw him run past her, kneeling down on the edge of the water,
"Simma! Simma!" (swim) he began shouting as the younger brother began to loose consciousness. He slowly stopped splashing and lay there, slowly sinking to the bottom,
"Two down.. one to go" Y/n said, a little too loudly as the swede obviously heard her, turning around, his face bright red, "Uh oh...". Y/n stumbled back as she took a punch to the face, feeling thick blood running down her face from her nose. The Swede pushed her to the floor before repeatedly punching her. Y/n struggled to stay awake every time he punched her but she fought on as the man was violently ripped off her, thrown onto the floor metres away from her. Y/n looked up and around her but saw nobody,
"What the hell.." She muttered to herself. Suddenly she felt someone grabbing her arm, pulling her up and helping her walk as she had injured her leg. The thing helped her all the way back to Elliott's and had even opened the door for her. Klaus and Allison ran over to her, helping her up the stairs and onto the sofa,
"What the hell happened to you?" Allison asked, examining the open wound on y/n's leg,
"The Swede's. They aren't happy that I killed their brother" Y/n explained, wincing as Allison began to disinfect it to stitch it up,
"How'd you escape?" Klaus asked, watching from a distance,
"Well I drowned one of them.. then his brother was gonna kill me but I was saved by... nothing?" Y/n said, I'm a confused manner,
"So he can do it when I'm not there" Klaus muttered to himself but y/n heard him,
"What?... Oh my god.. it was Ben wasn't it?" She asked, figuring out what had happened,
"I may have told him to make sure you were safe" He said glancing behind him and smiling,
"Is that where he is?" Y/n asked, gesturing to the spot that Klaus had looked at. Her brother nodded at her, looking back again, "Thanks Ben.. I really owe you" She said, looking at the same place as Klaus,
"He said it was okay.. and that someone has to look after you" Y/n chuckled at his comment and looked down as Allison placed a dressing over her leg,
"Thanks" Y/n said, swinging her legs around and standing up, "Where's Diego?" Y/n asked, looking around the apartment,
"We don't know, he left shortly after you and just said he'd be back later," Allison explained, watching as the girl washing some blood from her hands,
"Hm.. anyway, I gotta go, I need to find Five. You guys go find Vanya or Diego or something okay?"
"Why do you need to find Five?" Klaus asked,
"The motherfucker thinks he can stop the apocalypse alone, he's actually gonna die and.. someone's got to look after him" She smiled, looking at Klaus before taking off, walking out the door once again, completely alone this time.

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