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Y/n sat, her back up against Five's bed, holding his hand with one whilst still staring at her other one, covered in blood.
"Ah.. I thought I would find you here" Luther said, walking in a sitting down on a chair next to Five's bed,
"You okay? You look like you haven't slept for days" He asked, looking down at his sister as a tear sipped down her face,
"That's because I haven't.. not since I was drunk with Five" She muttered, receiving a worried look from Luther,
"Y/n you really need to rest.. I mean you've been through so much the last few days" he suggested,
"No.. I- I gotta go.." She said, standing up and letting go of Five's hand
"Where?" Luther asked, "Just in case Five wakes up you know.."
"Just... tell him I've gone to apologies to some people" She muttered before walking out. Luther sat there for  a moment, debating going to stop her but deciding it wasn't worth it after last time she almost shot him. She walked into the living room holding a brown bag, she siblings' attention going straight to her,
"Y/n.. is he okay?" Allison asked, standing up. She nodded, walking over to dad's alcohol cabinet before taking two bottles of vodka and placing them in the bag,
"Are you okay?" Diego asked, worried for her,
"I'm fine. And if I catch a single one of you trying to follow me.." She pulled her pistol from her holster, aiming it at each of her siblings, "I'll fucking kill you" She finished before walking out the academy.

Y/n sat under a tree opposite a grave, staring at it slowly chugging one of the bottles, the other on the floor next to her.
In loving memory of Martha and Daniel L/n
Was written in large writing on the grave. Y/n placed a small bunch of flowers on the grave before sitting back down under the tree, tossing the empty bottle to the side.
"Hey mum... dad." She whispered, her voice cracking, "I'm so sorry, for everything.." She stuttered, her words slow and slurred, "I shouldn't.. shouldn't have done it... I wish you were still here.." She looked up at the sound of footsteps to be greeted by a man, holding a bunch of flowers in one hand and a dog lead in the other with a small puppy on the end,
"who were they?" He asked, reading the names on the stone,
"My parents.." She muttered quietly, "I... I killed them.." The man looked scared when she did,
"Don't worry, I've already been to prison done all that.. I've never regretted something more.." She said, slurring her words as she did,
"Well.. maybe drinking isn't the best solution" He said, pointing to the bottles before walking off, leaving y/n alone again.
She stayed there for hours, slowly making her way through the second bottle, it got dark real quick but she didn't care, she didn't want to go home. She heard some more footsteps and looked up to see Five, walking with a slight limp up to her,
"I thought you might be here" He said, sitting down, not seeing the bottle at first which was hidden by the paper bag,
"You shouldn't be here Five" She said, taking a large drink of the vodka,
"Is that... are you drunk?" He asked, suddenly sounding worried,
"Does it matter?" She asked, taking another big gulp before Five grabbed what was left and tossed it to the side, out of reach,
"Why are you here?" five asked,
"How'd you find me?" Y/n asked, completely ignoring Five's question,
"Luther said you were apologising to people, I just assumed you'd be here" He replied, "Why are you here?"
"I miss them Five.." She said, tears streaming down her face, "I.. I shouldn't have done it and I regret it so.. so much. I turned myself into a monster.." She said, slurring her words so much it was hard for Five to understand,
"Y/n you're.. you're no monster.. You're y/n! Y/n L/n Hargreeves to be exact, and I know that even through you went through so much with them.. they'd be so proud of you" He said, pulling her into a tight hug, holding her close to his chest. She felt calm for a moment, listening to Five heartbeat, steady once again.
"How is everyone?" She asked, pulling away but allowing him to hold her hand,
"Diego's in jail and Allison has gone to Jenkins'" he explained,
"She's alone?" Y/n asked, panic overcoming her,
"Yeah I think so.. it's what pogo said anyway,"
"I.. I have to go. Five go back to the academy and rest.." She directly, stumbling slightly as she stood up,
"You need rest too y/n, you're not in the right state of mind to drive," he defended but the girl cut him off,
"Five, this isn't an option, I am going to help Allison. You are going back to the academy, okay?" she said harshly,
"Just... be careful okay? I care about you.." he said, knowing he wasn't going to win the argument,
"You too" She smiled at her before taking off, climbing into a random car and hotwiring it, speeding down the road towards Harold's house.

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