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Y/n stood outside of Griddy's, watching as the night sky was lit up by bright blue and red lights from the sirens. She looked around the crowd, hoping that she might see a familiar face but was greeted with nothing but strangers. She noticed two tall figures, both dressed in smart uniforms with a clear outline of a gun under the woman's blazer. The woman noticed y/n staring who immediately began to back away until she heard the voice of her beloved number two.
"By the way, this things might look like a botched robbery, but my guts telling me that something else is going on here," she glanced over to see her brother being handcuffed by some detective, looking fed up as ever, "Look, the waitress, she mentioned that Ishmael's two truck guy and his kid's, maybe they saw something."
"You're not police, Diego, remember?" The detective stared at him, y/n could tell by the way she looked at him that they had a past, she just didn't quite know what.
"yeah I know." Diego glanced down to the floor, as he was embarrassed about what she had reminded him.
"Do you? Because you show up and act like you can be a part of this, and you can't. Not anymore." Diego sighed and looked up from the floor, as he did his eyes met y/n's and she watch as a smirk came across his face, "I do not need... I do not want your help okay? Who's the kid?" She asked, looking over in y/n's direction, who smiled at her innocently before walking off back towards the academy.

Back at the academy y/n knew she had to find Five, find out what was really happening and how he was going to end it.
"Hey Allison, any idea where Five is?" She asked, approaching the girl mid conversation with Pogo,
"Sorry y/n, I haven't seen him since this morning, why do you want to know where he is? Don't you hate each other?" Her face softened as she saw blood slowly seeping through her shirt from the bullet hole, "y/n.. is that blood..?"
"Oh that? Pfft that's nothing it's fine. Pogo, is the CCTV still active?" She purposefully dismissed Allison's question, turning to the Ape in front of her who nodded. The young girl thanked him before walking up to the security room, picking the lock with a bobby pin she found in her pocket and watching the footage from this morning, watching as Five left the house with an address for the Meritech building a couple blocks away.

"So, what are you doing here then?" She asked Five, approaching him as he stood outside the main lobby doors of Meritech.
"Oh so you're following me now?" He sighed, turning to face the girl,
"You just told me the world was going to end dickhead, obviously I want to ask questions. What are you doing here?" She glanced down to see a prosthetic eye clutched in his hand, "What's with the eye?" She pointed to it making Five roll his eyes,
"Why have you got to be so nosy? This eye belongs to the man who ends the world, found it in Luther's dead hand"
"Wait Luther dies?" Five had never seen her so excited before, he glanced at her weirdly, wondering how he ended up here, "Are you coming or not?" He asked her, walking up the stairs and pushing the doors open. Y/n hummed in reply, being snapped out of her daydream of Luther dying and ran up the stairs catching up to Five.
"Uh can I help you?" The two 'kids' spun around to see a man stood behind them, staring at the blankly,
"I need to know who this belongs to" Five deadpanned, y/n pinched her bridge, knowing that he had to have some sort of backstory for this to even remotely work,
"Where did you get that?" The man asked, reaching for the eye but Five pulled it away,
"What do you care?" He spat harshly,
"Don't mind him," y/n butted in, pushing Five out the way, "he's an absolute fucking twat. We found it... at a playground actually, it must of just... popped out. We just want to return it to its rightful owner." She stepped on Five's foot heavily, warning him to stop being such a prick,
"Oh what thoughtful young kids" the receptionist chipped in, smiling at the two of us cutely,
"Yeah look up the name for me will ya?" Five asked her, staring at her intimidatingly.
"Oh I'm sorry but patient records are strictly confidential. That means I can't tell you-" Y/n cut the man off abruptly, getting impatient. Looking down at this name tag she learnt that his name was Lance. Of course it was fucking Lance. 
"Yeah we know what it means, we're not fucking stupid Lance" she spat, the man took a step back, looking shocked at her sudden chance of behaviour.
"Look. How 'bout I take that eye off your hands and return it to its rightful owner, I'm sure he or she will be very grateful. So if I can just-" Lance leaned down and tried to grab the eye from Five again, who quickly clutched it even tighter in his hand before placing it in his pocket.
"Yeah you're not touching this eye" Five cut him off. Lance looked furious at this point, he was sick of these kids and just wanted them to leave and take their stubbornness with them.
"Now, you listen here, young man-" Y/n knew that was a mistake. She knew Five and she knew that being called a young man would infuriate him.
"No! You listen to me asshole!" Five grabbed the man by the ear and pulled him aggressively down to his level, staring at him in the eyes whilst y/n watched, embarrassed by Five's actions, "I've come a long way for this, through some shit your pea brain couldn't even comprehend, so just give me the information I need, and I'll be on my merry way. And if you call me 'young man' one more time, I'm gonna put your head through that damn wall." He let go of Lance who stumbled back ad pointed to the wall behind y/n who sighed and shook her head.
"I'll call security.." The receptionist murmured. It was loud enough for y/n to hear who took out her bow and shot an arrow through the telephone line, disabling it. She walked over to Five and grabbed his blazer, pulling him out the building as he struggled to free himself from her firm grip.
"Real smooth in there Five. Real fucking smooth." She said sarcastically, letting go on his blazer and pushing him down to the floor,
"Yeah as if you could've done it better, besides we're not done yet.. we just need Klaus" Five stood back up, straightening out his blazer and bumping hard into y/n's shoulder as he walked past her,
"Hey watch it you twat. And why Klaus..?"

Y/n sat on the edge of Five's bed, watching him carefully as he paced back and forth, muttering to himself,
"You know it's rude to stare y/n..." He stopped in his tracks and glared back at her, who quickly turned her mind,
"I wasn't staring, just zoned out so shut up." The silence in the room which followed was almost deafening, but was cut short by Vanya, shouting for Five worriedly, 
"Five? Oh thank god you're here. I was worried sick about you." She stopped in the doorway, looking at Five sympathetically. 
"Sorry I left without saying goodbye." He looked down at the floor as y/n stared at him confused, knowing full well he meant none of that.
"No look, I'm the one who should be saying sorry, I was dismissive and... I- I guess I didn't know how to process what you were saying, and I still can't, to be honest" She spoke like she genuinely felt sorry for him,
"Maybe you were right to be dismissive.. maybe it wasn't real after all," he scoffed, not taking his eyes off the floor, "it felt real. Well...like you said, the old man did say time travel could contaminate the mind." His eyes darted over to y/n as he heard her mutter something under her breath,
"Then maybe I'm not the right person for you to be talking to.. Look, I used to see someone, a therapist. I can give you her information.." Y/n laughed at this statement, as if Five would give up on this apocalypse, I don't know why he was having this conversation with Vanya, it's not like he cared anyway.
"I think I'm just going to have some rest, it's been a long time since I've had some good sleep" He gestured out the door and as Vanya was about to leave she turned back to look at y/n,
"Why are you here y/n? You hate him?" She asked rudely, pointing at Five who was just trying to get rid of her,
"The old shitbag stole my quiver and won't give it back, besides I quite enjoyed listening to his sob story." She replied, walking up to the door and closing it on her face, leaving her and Five alone in the room. Just as y/n was about to open her mouth to say something, she was stopped by a loud clattering from inside Five's wardrobe,
"That's so touching! All that stuff about family and Dad and time.. wow!" Klaus gasps, falling out the wardrobe alongside with many hangers.
"Klaus?" y/n asked.. "What the hell are you doing here?"

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