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2 years ago, y/n was tossed from 2019 to 1961, alone in a city she had never been in before, completely alone. She had searched for her family for just over a year when she came across a very friendly drug dealer. After losing not only her entire family, but the only boy she had ever truly loved, she did what she would call a 'Klaus'.
4 months ago, y/n was taken to a mental institution to help her addiction and because she had tried to kill herself on multiple occasions. She had almost been let out several times but just as she was getting close, she would slip up, extending her stay.

Y/n sat in the dim room, staring intensely at the doctor opposite her,
"Every time we think you're almost ready to leave, you somehow prove us all wrong" The doctor sighed, staring at y/n's most recent report,
"I didn't even do anything" Y/n shrugged which was kind of true,
"you were found, rubbing a glue stick on your arms" He sighed again,
"Your point being? It's fun to peel off, let me have my fun" She said sarcastically,
"Your allergic to glue." Y/n scoffed quietly, making the doctor stare at her unimpressed, "Head straight to the cafeteria then to your room, I'll make sure your there in 40 minutes okay?" He asked, writing some notes on a notepad before standing up and walking the girl out the room.

She sat down at a table in the back corner, far away from everyone else. She had heard rumours that there was a new man who had just been put in, but she didn't really care. She would be forced to introduce herself to him tomorrow in group discussion anyway. After eating her meal, she slowly walked back down, towards her room where her doctor sat, waiting for her,
"Your late." He told her as she opened the door, it locking behind her,
"Yeah by like 5 minutes" She snarked, sitting down on her bed. The doctor pointed to a little tray which had an array of y/n's medication,
"Prepare yourself for tomorrow, you'll have to introduce yourself to our two newbies and I know how much you love talking in group sessions," he advised, picking up the now empty tray and walking out the door, leaving y/n alone,
"I hate it..." She muttered to herself, before switching out the light and laying down, covering herself with the flimsy blanket.

She was woken up by the loud knocking on her door,
"Get up y/n, you'll be late for group discussion and I'm sure you're well aware of the consequence by now" One of the workers shouted from the other side of the door. Y/n groaned tiredly before getting out of bed and throwing on her white clothes, for once in her life she couldn't wait to get back in her uniform which waited for her in the possessions room. She sat down in the closest chair, keeping her eyes to the floor, not even bothering to look up,
"Everyone, I'd like you to all welcome Lila and Diego. They're our newbies here so make sure you make them feel at home. Y/n," He continued making the girl look up at him, making it clear she didn't want to be there, "Why don't you introduce yourself to our new friends first?" he asked. She sighed loudly before looking over at the two new people, freezing completely as she saw her brother staring back at her,
"I.. I'm y/n?" She said, staring at Diego, confused. She turned back to the doctor, "Yeah I've gotta go, the see you in your office later to discuss this yeah I know you don't have to tell me" She said before standing up and rushing out the door. 
She sat silently in the chair opposite the doctor who sighed at her,
"What's your excuse this time y/n? You left your shower running again?" He asked, fed up with her behaviour,
"Uhm.. I don't have one?" She lied, not wanting to tell him that she had just seen her brother after 2 years and after thinking he was dead.
"maybe one day we'll go a day without these games, go to lunch y/n, you're late" He instructed, pointing at the door. She didn't want to go, she knew Diego would be there and she did not want to talk to him, she didn't want him to know why she was in this nuthouse. She walked in and sat at her normal table away from everyone, but it didn't take long for her brother to find her and sit down,
"Y/n? What the hell are you doing here?" He asked, sitting down next to her at the table,
"Its nice to see you too Diego" She muttered, turning to face the boy, "Go ask someone, I ain't telling you," She pointed to a girl on the opposite side of the cafeteria, "Ask her if you really want to know I suppose.. why are you here?"
"Let's just say, the federal government don't exactly support my efforts to save JFK" he said, smiling,
"Of course, why else would you be here," She asked sarcastically,
"How long have you been here?" 
"4 months and counting. It's a shithole honestly," She replied, looking at her brothers eyes as he looked down, clearly feeling bad for her.

A first y/n thought that Diego being there would be the most awkward thing, but it turns out he hated the place just as much as she did so they made a very difficult pair. it's safe to say the workers were very confused when the supposed 'strangers' knew each other better than any of the doctors there, but they never told anyone how. It was November and y/n was in solitary confinement after once again, trying to take her life. She had heard news that her brother had gotten a visitor but hadn't really thought anything of it, maybe it was some friend he had managed to make on the outside before being sent to the nuthouse. She was even more confused, when a doctor came into her room, telling her to get up because she too had a visitor. Apparently someone wanted to talk to her individually and also with Diego, which made her hope it may be some family member, lost in time too. The doctor sat her down, taking of her restraints to see Five, sat opposite her. She stood up from her chair as he rushed over to her, pulling her into a long, tight hug.
"How sweet" Diego snickered from across the room,
"Shut it Number two" Y/n joked, sitting back down opposite Five. 
"How'd you find us?" Y/n asked, gathering that this wasn't the first time Five had visited Diego. Five placed a newspaper article on the table,
"Disturbed man with multiple knives arrested outside 1026 N. Beckley" five read, making y/n laugh,
"Yeah that sounds about right"
"That's not all though is it Five? You wanna say anything else?" Diego asked, sounding kind of annoyed at him.
"The apocalypse followed us here.." He said quietly, making y/n pinch her bridge, "A nuclear war in ten days, I don't know the cause but y/n I need your help. Diego quite frankly, I don't care if you get out or not but y/n.. I need you." Y/n looked at Diego, who already knew what was coming, "You ready to get out of here?" He asked, holding out his hand,
"Y/n.. are you sure this is a good idea? I mean just the other you tried-" He was cut off abruptly by y/n, not wanting Five to know,
"I tried to escape.. so yeah, I'm definitely ready" She laughed awkwardly before taking Five's hand as he blinked them into the possessions room for y/n to change into her uniform. As she pulled on her blazer, she felt some pills she had hidden in there just before she had been taken in, smiling to herself as the plastic bag rustled. She grabbed her bow and quiver before grabbing Five's hand as he blinked them into an apartment above a TV shop, making the man who lived there shriek,
"You.. You were the first.." He muttered, looking the girl up and down,
"Come again?" She asked, confused as she had never seen the man before,
"Y/n this is Elliott, he's helping track down the family. Elliott this is y/n" He introduced quickly.

Y/n and Five sat at a bar, sipping on some drinks y/n had managed to steal,
"So what exactly are we at a strip bar for?" Y/n asked, looking at Five,
"An ape." He replied, y/n knew exactly what he meant and it wasn't long until Luther stood above them,
"You know you're both technically too young to drink" He said, making the two of them turn around and face him,
"Good to see you too Luther" Five said, placing his drink on the bar,
"What do you two want?" He asked rudely, making y/n roll her eyes,
"For you to stop hovering around us and take a fucking seat," Y/n replied, pulling out a chair next to her and gesturing to it. Luther took the chair and moved it so he was in front of the two of them,
"How long have you been here?" Five asked, watching as he sat down,
"A year, thanks to you." He grumbled, making y/n scoff,
"Lucky for some huh.." She muttered to herself,
"I'm sorry Luther, I know that couldn't have been easy" Five said, making y/n laugh before whispering to him,
"You know how sarcastic that sounded?"
"I thought you were all dead" Luther shouted, making the girl turn to him,
"Yeah? Boo hoo Luther, you weren't the only one dickhead so grow up" She spat,
"Look Luther.. before you go. I know what it's like being stuck in time, thinking that you're never gonna see the people you love again but Luther you're not alone.. not anymore. We have to find the others because the world ends in ten days and I have no idea how to stop it," Five explained, trying to get the man to come with them,
"I don't give a shit" He spat before turning around and walking off,
"Well that was a waste of our time.." Y/n scoffed, watching as he left,
"You aren't gonna try stop him?" Five asked, making her laugh,
"Absolutely not."

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