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Y/n looked around, rubbing some blood off her elbow from landing on it,
"This is it?" She asked Five, who completely ignored her, straightening out his uniform before walking into the building in front of him, "Or just don't answer me that's fine too" Y/n muttered to herself, following Five into the building. 
The girl saw Five talking to some woman but y/n couldn't be bothered to go over, he was probably over-complicating things anyway,
"Excuse me" She said, tapping a waiter on his shoulder to get his attention, "Could you please tell me where the Midwest Soybean Society meeting is? I'm looking for my mum" She asked innocently. She didn't need Five to help her kill them, she was more than capable.
"Oh of course young lady, down the hall in the Muskellunge Banquet Room." He answered, pointing towards some double doors on the other side of the room,
"Thank you" Y/n replied, smiling innocently at the man before walking off towards the room.

As y/n made her way through the hallway, she noticed a large cake on the side, staring down, she noticed a large knife placed down besides it,
"Bingo" She muttered to herself, gripping the knife tightly, examining it as she turned it over. She ducked down behind the table as she heard the door behind her swing open. Five. Y/n watched as Five approached the vending machine in the middle of the hallway. She peeked over the table as Five started freaking out, punching and kicking the vending machine,
"Fucking fudge nutter!" He shouted, y/n saw the opportunity to slip through the doors and get this over and done with.

She clutched the knife tightly as she walked into the room, swinging the doors open, making them bang against the wall, causing the whole boards' heads to turn towards the girl,
"You!" AJ gasped, standing up from his chair, "Call security!" He demanded. One woman nodded, rolling her chair back and reaching for the phone,
"I guess you're going first huh?" Y/n said, stabbing the knife through the woman's chest and twisting it, making her body fall limp. Y/n quickly slid across the table, taking three men out in one, slitting all of their throats, spraying the girl with blood.
"What the hell are you doing y/n?" The girl heard from behind her, she paused to look up, seeing Five stood in the doorway,
"Just eating some food. What does it look like I'm fucking doing?!" She shouted, throwing her knife to her side. She watched as the knife hit another man in the head as he was going to reach for the phone,
"You just gonna stand there orrr?" Y/n asked, picking her knife up and gesturing to the rest over the board members, cowering in the corner. Five shook his head, clearly annoyed with the girl before jumping over to the group of people stood in the corner, taking them all out quickly, leaving AJ who was stood before y/n, towering over him,
"She sent you didn't she?" He asked, glancing between the two,
"Does it matter now?" Y/n asked, pointing the knife towards him,
"Whatever she offered you.. I'll double it... triple it!" He offered shakily,
"We're not doing this for money.. besides... I've already settled for killing you" She smirked before taking another step forward, grabbing AJ's glass head and smashing it into the table, sending glass and water flying onto the floor.
"You got the bag?" Y/n asked Five, glancing up at him momentarily. Five nodded, holding up the bag before picking up the fish and placing it in the bag, tying a tight knot on the top,
"all right, let's get the hell out of here" Y/n said, walking out the room,
"I'll blink us back to the briefcase, nobody will see us that way" He suggested, holding the girl's shoulder before jumping to a car where they had hidden the case under. Y/n grabbed it before opening it, sending them both back to 1963. 

The two stood in an alley in silence. Five leaned against the wall, picking dried blood from his nails as y/n stood on the other side of the alley, watching the fish swim around as she heard the clacking of heels,
"Well?" The Handler asked, holding out her hand as y/n handed her the fish, "AJ!" she gasped, holding up the fish, "Why so quiet?" She asked Five, walking up to the boy, "I thought you'd be buzzing after todays slaughter"
"All this killing... I'm done with it" Five said quietly, looking up at the Handler who chuckled at his response,
"What? Am I supposed to believe that? What about you y/n?" She asked, turning to the girl, "Are you also 'done' with it?"
"I don't think so. I was made to be a killer so... besides it's not like I've got another purpose" She said with a monotoned tone. Five glared at her but she simply shrugged in response, it was the truth,
"Anyway.." The Handler continued, breaking the awkward silence, "This will get you and your siblings back to 2019. You have 90 minutes." She handed y/n a case, who stared at her blankly,
"What? You never said anything about a time limit!" Five shouted, staring at her,
"And you're surprised why?" Y/n asked, making Five glare at her, "Let's go and stop wasting time" She said, walking out of the alley towards Mort's.

Five jumped the two of the at the bottom of the TV shop,
"I can't believe Elliott's dead" Y/n heard Diego say, making her shudder,
"He was a good guy, deserved better than this" Luther replied, sighing deeply,
"They deserve to know" Five whispered to y/n, who shook her head desperately as Five blinked away,
"Five no!" She shouted running up the stairs and tackling him to the floor before he was able to say anything,
"Uhm guys? You kinda have some blood on you.. a lot of blood actually" Diego said but the two ignored him,
"They deserve to know y/n!" Five shouted, pushing y/n away from him and standing up,
"Trust me Five, they don't need to know shit" She replied, standing up to face him,
"Trust you? Trust you?! You're the last person who I should trust right now!" He shouted, making Luther and Diego glance at each other, "You have done nothing but lied to me since the moment I found you, I mean how do I know you haven't lied about more?" Y/n stood there for a second,
"I lied to stop you acting like this Five" She shouted back, glaring at him,
"No! Lying about Elliott is one thing, but the institution? I loved you! Why would that change anything?" He snarked
"Loved?" Y/n asked quietly, her voice breaking,
"Yeah loved. Past tense. Maybe you were right, you should go back to the institution," Y/n said nothing. She stared at him, tears slowly falling down her face. She reached into her pocket and pulled out a folded up piece of paper before shoving into Five's chest and walking down the stairs and out the shop, leaving everything behind,
"What the hell was that?" Luther asked, looking at Five who stood there silently,
"Five! What the fuck?" Diego shouted, snapping his fingers to get Five's attention,
"I- I don't know.." He muttered,
"The paper.. what is it?" Diego asked, gesturing to the note that Five held. He unfolded it and stared blankly,
"It's.. it's a note" he said quietly,
"Well? What does it say?" Luther asked, taking seat on Elliott's sofa.
"Dear Five,
I know lately I've been distant. And I'm sorry. I am so so sorry. Whatever happens I want you to know this isn't your fault, I know what you're like so just, don't beat yourself up.
Get the others and get out of here, I know you can do it, if anyone in the world can.. it's you. And when you get back, you have to promise me you'll move on, find someone better and grow happy,"
Five's voice began to break as he slowly realised what was happening, "I want you to know that no matter what happens, no matter what we go through and no matter what you say, I love you, I will always love you. I just hope you can still love me back.
I need you to tell the others I'm in a better place, somewhere I belong, somewhere I won't suffer anymore, and I want them to know that I'm grateful, for everything they've done for me, whether it's save my life or buy me a doughnut when I was out of money.
I love you so much, and I'm sorry. Sorry for lying about the institution, sorry for not admitting my feelings sooner, sorry for killing Elliott or shouting at you or hurting you or scaring you, I am sorry for everything."
Five looked up from the note at his brothers who at this point, were also silently crying,
"She killed Elliott..?" Luther mumbled whilst Diego scrunched his eyes shut,
"I have to find her I- I need to help her" Five spluttered, placing the note back in his pocket and jumping to his feet,
"Five maybe.. maybe I should go.. I just think you... you've done enough damage" Five sighed, knowing Diego was right and sat back down, placing his hands in his head,
"Just.. tell her I'm sorry" He whispered, glancing up at Diego sorrowfully. Diego nodded before running out the door, swinging it open and rushing down the street into the town.
"Did you mean it?" Luther asked Five as he shut the door after Diego,
"Mean what?" Five asked quietly, pacing around the room,
"That you don't love her" Luther replied blankly
"What?" five asked angrily,
"Do you love her? No bullshit, it's just you and me" Luther simplified, making Five stop in his tracks,
"Of course I fucking love her.. I- I've never loved anyone more" He said, sitting down on the sofa.

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