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Y/n hurriedly limped down the street. She knew exactly where both the Five's would be as he had told her the story for him abandoning the commission before. She rushed over to the grassy knoll as quickly as possible, wincing every time she took a step from the injury the Swede gave her, who was without a doubt, hunting her down.

As y/n rounded the corner, she saw the two Five's, fighting over the briefcase. Luther was knocked out on the floor and younger Five was losing miserably. She watched, knowing that the two of them were about to be pulled into the vortex so as quickly as possible, she barged into the briefcase, sending both the Five's flying backwards as she tumbled to the floor in pain, thick blood oozing from her leg. Luther and Five ran to the briefcase, unaware of y/n's presence,
"Shit.. it's broken" Five muttered, kicking the case on the floor,
"Now what?" Luther asked, still unaware as y/n was slowly bleeding out from her leg,
"What now? Now we die.. what else can we do?" Five muttered harshly,
"Hey guys.." Y/n started, taking off her blazer and applying pressure to her wound, "A little help here please" She finished as her two brothers ran to her side,
"Y/n? What happened?" Luther asked, pulling down her sock to reveal to open wound,
"Uh well it's safe to say the Swede  very isn't fond of me" Y/n chuckled
"You tried to fight them alone? Do you have any idea how dangerous that is?" Five scolded, making y/n scoff,
"Firstly, I've killed two out of three so far. Secondly, I wouldn't have been alone if you didn't tell me to go" Five looked down, guilt filling his face,
"Y/n I'm sorry I just.." He started but was cut off by y/n,
"Forget about it Five, we have bigger priorities to deal with right now" She said, taking off her tie and wrapping it around her leg as tightly as possible,
"No.." Five said sternly,
"What do you mean no?" Y/n asked, 
"I mean no. Nothing is a bigger priority than you. I need to properly talk to you and I'd rather die knowing that we're okay than live not knowing" Five admitted, making y/n's face soften,
"So you aren't completely emotionless..." Luther muttered, "Come on, you two can talk at Elliott's, JFK's just been shot so we should really get going" He continued, picking y/n up and walking off, Five following closely behind them.

Y/n sat on the edge of Elliott's bed, wincing as Five slowly pushed a needle through her wound, closing it up as cleanly as possible.
"You okay love?" Five asked, placing a dressing on the wound and rolling her sock back up. Five tensed up when he realised what he had called her but calmed down as y/n didn't seem to react,
"Yeah fine, just a little sore" She said, standing up and walking over to the door, ready to walk out,
"Y/n.. can we talk?" Five asked, making y/n freeze, slowly taking her hand off the door handle,
"I mean I suppose.. but quickly, we have to get back to the others okay?" Five nodded, sitting down on the bed as y/n walked back and sat next to him. She watched as the boy's leg bounced up and down anxiously, so gently, she placed her hand on his, slowly stroking it with her thumb,
"I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have said an of those things and if I had taken even a second to think about it from your point of view.. I would've realised that you did what you had to do. I never meant anything I said and I need you to know that, I love you so much and nothing can change that. Nothing." Y/n sat there silently, she was happy that he had told her but part of her wanted him to say that he didn't love her anymore,
"Five I- I love you too but.. I just think we should give it time, you know?"
"What" Five's voice cracked. His heart felt like it had been thrown on the floor and shattered, he felt his stomach drop and tears pricking his eyes, which he tried to fight but it was no use,
"Please.. please don't make this any harder than it has to be" Y/n muttered, looking away from the boy,
"No please you can't do this.. I'm sorry, I am so so sorry please just don't" He carried on, holding onto her hand tightly but she pulled away, a single tear falling down her face,
"Five just wait. At least wait until we get home where we belong, then maybe we can sit down at Griddy's or something and have a proper conversation and try work some things out okay? But for now, just... give me some space please" She finished, before walking back out to the others.

The other Hargreeves' watched as y/n joined them, wiping her tear away with the sleeve of her blazer before taking a deep breath,
"What's the plan now then?" She asked as her family looked amongst one another slightly worried,
"Well... you're a main suspect for your "homicidal tenancies" at the institution you broke out from, Vanya is wanted for killing half the FBI, Diego is a Cuban? Exile who is wanted for breaking out the institution, Ape man over here is wanted for "Mafia Ties", me for the recent "riots" and Klaus for literally leading a cult and tax evasion" Allison explained to the girl who simply scoffed in reply,
"Oh and Five.." Y/n tensed up by the mere mention of his name, "Apparently we're holding him hostage" Klaus piped up,
"Well it' true, I do feel like I'm being held hostage some days" Five said from the top of the stairs. Y/n felt a surge of guilt wash over her as she stared at the boy, who had obviously been balling his eyes out the second y/n left the room.
"What did you say to him?" Diego whispered to y/n, staring at Five,
"Not that much... just that we needed to take a break and I need space from him" She muttered back, shrugging slightly,
"Yep.. that'll do it" Diego whispered back as Five began walking down the stairs. He began to walk over to Diego and y/n but stopped himself as he looked at the girl, turning around and standing next to Allison on the stairs.
"Well if the FBI is hunting us down, we can't stay here" Diego started, trying to break the awkward silence between them,
"Well, where are we supposed to go?" Luther asked, with an annoyed tone in his voice,
"I have this yurt just outside Reykjavik. We could totally lay low there.. folks are little weird, but lovely" Klaus suggested,
"No.. hiding won't do shit. The commission will hunt us down when and wherever we go" Y/n said, making everyone turn to her,
"She's right they'll never stop" Diego added, making Five and y/n turn to him,
"I'm sorry, since when were you am expert on the commission?" Five asked harshly,
"Since I got back from there" He deadpanned,
"What?" Y/n asked, surprised,
"Yeah they headhunted me, offered me a job" He replied proudly,
"Damnn" Y/n muttered
"They headhunted you... the village idiot?" Five laughed,
"Look I know you're a bit butthurt your girlfriend broke up but you but what, am I not allowed to be headhunted?" Diego spat 
"Oh that's low" Y/n muttered to herself, chuckling at the comment,
"Wait what? Y/n you broke up with Five?" Allison asked,
"No she didn't.. it's just a break" Five shouted,
"That's what they all say" Luther said, patting Five on his shoulder,
"Anyway," Five continued, brushing Luther's hand off, "Diego you're not commission material alright. Got an obstinate nature to ya"
"Well, who do you think figured out that Vanya was the one who causes Doomsday and stopped it? Me. That's who." Diego carried on,
"Hey!" Vanya shouted form the back, slightly offended,
"I figured it all out on the infinite Switchboard" Y/n's eyes widened,
"You were on the infinite switchboard?" She asked impressed,
"Hell yeah, I made that machine my bitch" He replied, clearly proudly,
"I'm leaving" Vanya announced, putting her phone down from her ear,
"What?" Allison asked, "where?"
"Sissy's farm. Something's wrong with Harlan and I need to help him" She explained quickly, grabbing her jacket from the coat hanger,
"No Vanya, we have to stick together, now more than ever," Allison fought back,
"That's why I'm telling you this. Whatever's going on with Harlan.. I think I may have caused it" She admitted,
"what? How?" Y/n asked worried that they might not have stopped the apocalypse just yet,
"He drowned and I.. I was able to bring him back to life. And now it's like were connected" She explained quickly, clearly in a rush to get there,
"What does that even mean?" Klaus asked,
"I don't really know.. but I know he needs my help and.. I need your help too. For the first time in my life, I don't wanna do it alone, I want my family by my side" Vanya continued, making y/n smile,
"Vanya, we're sorry, but we have bigger priorities right now" Luther explained, on behalf of everyone else.
"Okay.. I'll see you when I see you" Vanya said, beginning to walk out the door,
"Vanya wait! Wait for me" Y/n shouted, running to catch her sister up,
"You're coming?" Vanya asked happily,
"damn straight I will, can't let my sister face the world alone now can I?" She said, pushing open the door but Five blinked in front of her, pulling her back,
"You can't go, we have other things to worry about" He said, but y/n pushed herself from his grip,
"I can. And I will. You have other things to worry about. Not me." She said before turning around and walking out, getting into the passenger seat next to her sister.

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