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Y/n was woken up by Five who was shaking her gently,
"Hey n/n, we're back at the academy, come on," he whispered. She sat up embarrassed after realising she had been laying on him this whole time,
"Sorry Five" she chuckled, hopping out the van,
"What? No no, don't be sorry, it's okay" he replied, shutting the door and walking in, furrowing his brows as he saw the chandelier on the floor. Luther walked off up to his room and y/n began walking to Klaus', remembering that she hadn't seen him since he got out the van the other day, Five closely followed. As they approached his room, Five stopped and pulled y/n back, pointing at a bloody bathtub, bloodied footprints walking up to it. Y/n hurried to Klaus' room, sighing a breath of relief when she saw her brother, sat on his bed,
"You okay?" she asked, knocking on his door and walking in, Klaus stopped what he was doing and looked up at the two of them,
"Yeah, I just... long night" he sighed, looking back down at the floor,
"More than one by the looks of it..." Five muttered, earning a harsh glare from y/n who quickly changed the subject,
"I.. uh I don't remember the dog tags" She said, looking at Klaus confused,
"Yeah.. they belonged to a friend.." 
"How about that new tattoo?" Five asked, looking at the tattoo on his arm. Y/n could tell that it was old, it wasn't red and the ink looked like it had been there a while, making her confused,
"You know, I don't totally remember even getting it. Like I said... it's been a long night." Y/n looked at Five and by his facial expression, she could tell he had just figured something amazing out.
"You did it, didn't you?" He asked, taking a step closer to his brother,
"What are you talkin' about?" Klaus asked tiredly,
"You know I recognise the symptoms Klaus." Five said, hoping Klaus would admit,
"Symptoms of what?" Both him and y/n asked  simultaneously,
"The jet lag. Full body itch. Headache that feels like someone shoved a box of cotton up into your nose and through your brain. You gonna tell me about it?" Y/n had never been more confused, glancing between her two brothers,
"Your pals, when they broke into the house and they couldn't find you, they took me hostage instead..." Y/n felt instantly bad, she felt like she should've been here, protecting him,
"And in return, you stole their briefcase." Five finished, looking proud of his brother,
"Yeah" Klaus sighed again, y/n walked over and hugged him tightly, he accepted it and wrapped his arms around her and stood there.
"I thought there was money in it or I could pawn it, you know, whatever. And then I opened it..." he cut off his sentence and started at the floor again, y/n walked back over to Five and tapped his hand, he looked down before realised what she wanted, he gently grabbed her hand and squeezed it, smiling at her.
"And the next thing you were... where? Or should I say when?" Five asked. Everything suddenly clicked in y/n's mind, the briefcase was a time travelling device. Of course!
"What difference does it make?" Klaus asked sadly,
"What diff- uh.. okay, how long were you gone?" He replied,
"Almost a year.." he muttered, clearly tired of Five's questions
"A year?" Five exclaimed, "Do you know what this means?"
"Yeah, I'm ten months older now" Klaus chuckled,
"No, this isn't any sort of joke Klaus. Hazel and Cha-Cha will do whatever they can to get the briefcase back... where is it now?" Klaus stared at Five with a small smile coming across his face,
"Gone. I destroyed it.. poof" he made a small exploding gesture with his hands and walked towards the door,
"What the hell were you thinking?" Five snapped, taking a step towards Klaus but y/n grabbed his hand, pulling him gently back towards her, shaking her head,
"What do you care?" Klaus snarked, turning to face the boy,
"What do I care? I needed it, you moron, so I could get back," he looked at y/n who glared at him, " I could just start over. Just.. just..." Five stopped as Klaus pushed past the two of them, walking out the door,
"Where are you going Klaus?" Y/n asked him, attempting to put her hand on his shoulder but he pushed it off,
"Interrogations over, just.. leave" he walked out the door, leaving Five and y/n alone.
"What the hell was that Five?" she asked, pulling her hand away from his,
"What do you mean?" he asked, sounding offended,
""What do I mea- Five he had obviously been through something! Couldn't you have been a little more nice?"
"Y/n we needed that briefcase!" He shouted, making the girl step back,
"He didn't know that did he? Just cut him some slack you idiot,"
"Why are we doing this again? What happened to being friends?" Five blurted out, trying to loosen the argument,
"Friends? Five I never wanted to be friends I-" Y/n was cut off, she hadn't finished what she really wanted to say to the boy,
"Wh.. what?" he asked, sounding a little too hurt,
"No Five that's not what I meant.."
"Just- whatever.. come on we have to go" he said, walking out the door. Y/n stood there alone for a minute, before following Five down the hallway.

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