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The car ride was the most awkward thing y/n had ever experienced. All seven of them, cramped into a little car, on the way to save Vanya's friend. As the car rounded the final corner and pulled into the farm, snow began falling onto the windscreen. The brakes screeched and the family jumped out the car,
"Do you think whatever's going on inside is causing the cold front?" Luther asked as they made their way up the drive,
"Nah I don't think so Sherlock" Y/n replied sarcastically,
"Sissy!" Vanya shouted as a woman ran out of the barn, aiming a shotgun at the group. Y/n took her bow from her shoulder, preparing for the worst,
"Get back! All of you just get the hell back!" She threatened, pointing the barrel between the family,
"Hey! What's wrong" Vanya asked, slowly approaching the woman,
"Carl.." Sissy muttered, sounding scared,
"What did he do?" Vanya asked, 
"He's... dead." Y/n looked over to Diego who was clutching onto his knife, she took an arrow from her quiver and placed it on the string, preparing to take action, "Harlan he.. tossed him aside like a rag doll. Same way you sent those policemen flying"
"You did what?" Y/n asked, laughing,
"not the time y/n" Luther spat, nudging her ribs with his elbow,
"Look Sissy we don't have time for this. I found my family.. this is them" She pointed to the group who awkwardly smiled and waved at the woman,
"Were you lyin' to me this whole time?" Sissy asked sadly,
"No of course not," Vanya said softly, "I didn't know who I was, but now I do. And we're not the monsters they say we are. We did not kill the president. We are not terrorists. We are not her to hurt anyone."
"Then... who are you?" Sissy asked,
"The only one who can save Harlan" Vanya said. Sissy nodded and allowed Vanya to rush past her into the barn,
"Talk about being dramatic" Y/n muttered as the rest of the family walked behind her. Y/n noticed Five looking at her before turning around, walking next to Diego. She ran up to the two of the, walking next to Five,
"Hey!" She said as she approached them, Five looked at her sadly, "Be careful okay?" She said, patting his shoulder and smiling at him, Five nodded, trying to push down the crushing pain he felt in his heart, 
"You too" He replied,
"you know me, careful 's  basically my middle name" She said laughing before running to catch up with the rest of the group,
"She definitely still likes you Five" Diego said, nudging the boy as they walked,
"You think?" He asked, looking at her talking to Klaus,
"Absolutely. Anyone would be able to see that" He reassured, as they approached the barn doors.
Y/n was zoned out, staring out into a field behind the barn with Klaus until she saw a familiar blue zap. She glanced behind her to see five stood, watching Vanya save Harlan,
"Uh guys... who are they?" Klaus asked, pointing at the people in the field,
"Ah shit.." Y/n muttered as Diego and five stood next to her,
"Ones the Handler and the other's Diego's girlfriend" Five deadpanned,
"Ex-girlfriend!" Diego defending,
"Yeah but she was still your girlfriend" Y/n said patting his shoulder, "c'mon, let's see what they want"

"Don't you love the smell of the fresh country air darling?" The Handler asked Lila as the three approached,
"Makes me want to vomit" Lila replied,
"You make me want to vomit" Y/n muttered, staring at the girl,
"What do you want?" Five deadpanned,
"To what you suffer" Lila replied, making y/n scoff,
"As far as being intimidating goes... I'd be more scared of a baby worm" Y/n muttered again, earning a sharp glare from Lila,
"We're here on official business. I've decided to eliminate the people responsible for the assassination of the board." The Handler explained. Five nervously glanced at y/n who shrugged back at him,
"Yeah right, we didn't kill the board" Diego said a little too confidentally,
"You didn't tell them.." The Handler muttered, smiling,
"Five what the hell did you do?" Diego shouted,
"Hey it was mainly her!" Five defended, pointing at y/n,
"Okay yeah but don't act like you didn't have a play in it too" She shrugged, not caring if she took the fall,
"So why aren't you home then? Hm Five?" The Handler asked,
"Something came up" He muttered, glancing at y/n,
"I can believe you guys killed the board.. do you have any idea how messed up the commission is right now?" Diego asked, changing the subject,
"Messed up? Who's saying it's messed up?" The Handler asked, sounding hurt, 
"Dude, everyone. Even the janitors are saying it's gone to shit" Diego spat,
"That's not all he killed" Lila spat, making the three turn to her confused,
"What are you talking about?" Y/n asked,
"Tell them Five, you know what you did" She pushed on, Five stood there silently, 
"Yeah I've got no idea" He said after thinking about it,
"Either way. You'll all die today" Lila threatened,
"Like I said.. not intimidating. Besides I don't like your chances, eight of us, two of you." She finished, gesturing to the barn where Allison and Klaus watched,
"You're right, let's change that shall we?" The Handler clicked her fingers and the entire Corrections Division of the Commission flashed before them,
"You just had to ask" Five muttered, slowly backing up.
"What now?" Diego asked sacredly,
"Well we got two choices, run now and die later or fight and die now" Five deadpanned,
"Yeah? I vote on running" Y/n said, tapping Five's arm and taking off, the two of them closely following. Y/n turned around slightly to watch the Handler taking out a red handkerchief and drop it to the floor as the assassins began running,
"Oh fuck, hurry up guys!" Y/n shouted, turning around. Five grabbed onto the two before blinking them behind a nearby tractor,
"Oh my god I'm gonna puke!" Diego shouted, taking cover behind the tractor,
"No time! Now what?" Y/n replied, glancing over and seeing the hoard approaching,
"I'll distract them for a second, you two get to the house" Diego shouted, pointing at the open door,
"But-" Y/n started, knowing how dangerous it was for her brother,
"No buts. On my mark okay" Diego began shaking his hands to 'prepare himself' obviously nervous, "Go!" He shouted. Y/n and Five began running watching as Diego blocked the bullets coming towards them, stopping them in their tracks and guiding them away. Once in the house, Y/n slammed the door, falling onto the floor with her back against it, stopping anyone from trying to get in,
"You okay lov- y/n?" Five asked, leaning on a table to catch his breath,
"Yeah yeah I'm fine, you?" She asked, standing up, "Holy shit" She muttered as she looked out the window, seeing Lila floating up just like Vanya, sending out a shock wave which hit the house like a bomb,
"Five get down!" Y/n shouted, diving on Five to protect him from the explosion, "Are you okay?" She asked, examining him for injuries,
"I'm fine thank you," The two of them turned around to see Lila approaching them, "Y/n go find the others, I'll deal with her okay?" Y/n reluctantly nodded, running out the door as she watched Lila blink across the room like Five,
"What the hell.." She muttered to herself. Her attention was diverted to Diego, who was yelling from under the tractor, y/n began running over alongside with Klaus, Vanya, Allison and Luther.
"hey what took you guys so long?" Diego joked, clutching onto his leg which was under the tractor,
"You're girlfriends fucked up mate, she can blink like Five" Y/n said as she caught up to them as Luther lifted the tractor from Diego,
"Yeah that bitch just rumoured me so I couldn't breathe" Allison added,
"And destroyed half the farm with a shock wave, so unoriginal" Klaus muttered, making y/n smile,
"If she can do anything we can, she might as well be one us us" Diego joked. Y/n's smile dropped immediately,
"No way right.." She said, turning to face them,
"Yeah there was only eight of us right?" Vanya asked,
"Maybe there was more.." Luther added,
"Are we surprised? Dad never told us the truth about anything" Allison said,
"But she's not our biological sister right.." Diego muttered, making y/n smile,
"Okay so she can mirror anything we throw at her right?" Y/n continued, trying to find a way to beat her,
"Yeah, but only one of our powers at a time" Luther said,
"Are you sure about that?" Y/n asked, making everyone go silent, "Look, Five's out there fighting her alone, we don't have time for this, we go in together. As a team, as team..."
"Zero?" Diego asked,
"Yes! Team zero" Y/n clicked her finger's, "Come on, let's go get this son of a bitch"

"She never cared about your parents. She was looking for you" Five explained as the others began to approach the barn,
"Why?" She whispered, her voice cracking,
"Because you're one of us" Diego said as they ran in. Y/n immediately rushed over to Five,
"You're okay?" She asked, placing her hand on his shoulder,
"Yeah I'm okay" he said, placing his hand on y/n's,
"Good" She sighed a breath of relief, tuning back into the conversation,
"You're right it's not the same. Because your dad didn't have our parents murdered" Diego said, trying to convince the girl,
"Low blow" Y/n muttered from the sideline. Something hit y/n like a truck. The briefcases. She grabbed Five's arm and pulled him out the barn,
"Y/n what the hell are you doing? They need our help?" He asked, pushing himself from her grasp,
"Fine stay there with them, I'm going to get a briefcase from the field, I'll be back in a sec okay" Five nodded and y/n sprinted over to the hoard of dead Commission workers. Y/n looked up as she heard a round of bullets being emptied, she took a breath of relief to see the Swede, who had shot the hell out of the Handler, who was now laying on the floor.
Panic filled her mind as she saw the Swede reloading his gun, strolling over to her
"Tillrackligt?" (enough) y/n asked, hoping he would leave her be,
"Inte efter det du gjorde" (not after what you did" He spat before raising his gun and shooting her twice, once in each shoulder. The Swede grabbed a breifcase and blinked off as Five and the others began running over after hearing the gunshots,
"Oh my god y/n no" Five shouted, falling down and holding her tightly,
"Is everyone okay?" She whispered, tears falling from her face as Five cupped her hand, the rest of the family crouched around them in shock, "Is everyone safe?" She asked again,
"Yeah" five nodded, tears spilling from his eyes,
"Yeah.." Y/n repeated, "It's okay" She whispered, a slightly smile coming across her face, "It's okay"
"No no it's not okay I- I should've been there.. I shouldn't have left you I-" Five said, holding down on her gunshot wounds,
"It's perfect.. I'm in the arms of my first love" She whispered, looking up at Five,
"No y/n please no" he sobbed,
"The first person I've ever loved.. I love you"
"I love you too.. so much and I'm- I'm so sorry"
"Go home.. please.. take everyone home for me okay" She whispered, feeling the life being drained from her. Klaus stood up as he saw y/n's faint ghostly self appearing in front of him once again, "No.." He muttered as the figure began clearer and clearer
"No I won't leave you here.. I can't" five whispered, "If I was here I could've stopped it.. I could've saved you"
"You did save me.. I love you" Y/n felt her eyes becoming heavier by the minute and soon enough she was too weak to speak, still with a heartbeat but already dead.

|--- 2019 ---|

The family blinked into their hallway, Five clutched in Luther's arms,
"You should've left me there!" He shouted, Five burst out of Luther's arms and rushed over to Klaus, "Summon her! Summon her right now!" He said, holding a knife closely to his throat,
"I- I can't!" Klaus shouted, making Five drop him,
"What do you mean you can't?" He threatened,
"It's like she isn't dead! I can't find her!" Klaus explained,
"Uh guys.. why is there a portrait of Ben on the mantlepiece?" Allison asked, walking into the living room,
"I knew you'd show up eventually" The familiar, cold voice of Sir Reginald Hargreeves said from his office chair on the other side of the room,
"Dad.. you're alive" Diego muttered as the rest of the baffled family joined them in the living room,
"why wouldn't I?" He asked in a stern tone,
"Y-yeah you're right, I'm just happy to be home and... together again" Luther said, going along with it,
"Home? What are you talking about this isn't your home" He spat, standing up,
"What are you talking about? This is the Umbrella Academy?" Allison asked, stepping back,
"Wrong again! This is the Sparrow Academy" He said, making the family look amongst one another. The family looked towards the stairs as seven figures and a floating cube stood at the top, Ben stood in the light at the front,
"Dad, who the hell are these assholes?" He spat,
"Shit." The original family simultaneously said, looking at the group of kids


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