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Y/n watched through a crack in her eye as her family blinked away from her, leaving her alone on the farm. She had to try something, she couldn't die alone, on a farm, to a Swedish assassin. She managed to pull herself over to the closest briefcase she could see which happened to have a singular bullet hole in it,
"Eh what's the worst that can happen?" She thought to herself as she opened the case and got engulfed by the blue flash, taking her somewhere unknown.

somewhere in time and space

Y/n awoke in a familiar bed, her body bolted up as she realised she was in the Academy infirmary, had Five saved her? As she looked around the room she noticed a stranger sat in a chair watching her curiously. Usually, y/n would be scared to see a random person in her house but a sense of calmness washed over her
"Excuse me" She said, looking over at the brown haired girl, "Is Number Five here?" She asked, hoping he would be nearby,
"What are you talking about? I am Number Five" She said, making y/n furrow her brows, "But you can call me Sloane" She said smiling,
"That can't be right..." She muttered to herself, "What's the date?" She asked,
"February 26th" Sloane said, standing up form her chair and walking over to y/n's bed, picking up her bow and examining it,
"cool" She muttered,
"What year?" She asked, making the girl look at her weirdly,
"2019.. why?" She asked,
"Who's your father.. what's his name?" She asked, panicking,
"whoa slow down with the questions..." Sloane began, "What's your name?" She asked suddenly,
"Number Eight." Y/n said seriously, 
"Ha ha yeah right, you're actual name"
"I told you Number Eight. I'm the eighth child of the Umbrella Academy" She explained,
"The Umbrella Academy?" Sloane asked, sitting down next to y/n on the bed, slowly becoming equally confused, 
"Yeah it's a group of kids all born on the same day with special abilities" Y/n explained to her,
"Let me guess.. October 1st, 1989" She said, making y/n's eyes widen,
"How'd you know that?" She asked, backing away from her,
"I'll start again. Hi, I'm Sloane, or number Five. I'm the fifth out of seven from the Sparrow academy, an academy for children all born on the October 1st, 1989 which is ran by 
Sir Reginald Hargreeves
"Sir Reginald Hargreeves." They both said together, "Is he here?" She asked, knowing she had to talk to him, 
"Yeah, I can get him for you if you'd like but I have to warn you.. he might not bother.. he's not the nicest" Sloane offered,
"Oh trust me.. I know" Y/n joked, the girl nodded before jumping off her bed and into another room in the house, leaving y/n alone for a little bit.

A couple minutes later the one and only Sir Reginald walked into the room she was in, closing the door behind him and sitting down on the chair Sloane was on when she first woke up,
"I must say number eight it has been a while since I last saw you" He began,
"I never told you my nam-" She started but got interrupted,
"56 years to be exact. Of course not for you. No for you, just a mere few days" He continued, y/n soon realised he was talking about their encounter in 1963,
"What do you want from me?" She asked,
"I want nothing. Just came to welcome you" He replied,
"Welcome me? To what?" She said, standing up from the bed,
"The Sparrow Academy of course. you will find our uniform in the closet in your room. Upstairs, third door on the left" He finished, before standing up and leaving the girl alone again. She slowly picked up her bow and quiver, placing them over her shoulder, y/n slowly pushed the door open and began slowly walking up to her room, everything was the same except for a few things. The figurines in the cabinet were different now, same layout but with different people, y/n identified Sloane to be one of them and as she glanced at the she could've swore one was Ben but shook it off instantly,
"Don't be stupid" She muttered to herself,
"So you're the new girl?" She heard a voice say. Y/n spun around to see a group of three children all stood in matching uniform, similar to y/n's but with different colours and a sparrow on the logo instead of the iconic umbrella.
"She looks like shit" One of the girls muttered, making the others laugh. Y/n looked at a mirror on the wall next to her, her uniform was ripped and her face was bloody and bruised,
"better looking than you" Y/n spat to the girl, making her lunge at y/n but was pulled back by a darker boy,
"What's your name?" the boy asked, still holding the girl who was calming down,
"Eight. but you can call me y/n" She said smiling,
"Well y/n, I'm one, or Marcus, this is four and six otherwise known as Alphonso and Jayme." He seemed nice to y/n, so she smiled at him,
"It's nice to meet you all"
"I can introduce you to the others once I show you to your room if you want"

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