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"So what's the plan?" Lila asked as the four of them crouched behind a car,
"We infiltrate, we identify, we extract. Double time," Diego replied, looking back at his siblings and Lila,
"What the hell's he talking about?" Lila asked again, turning to face Five and y/n,
"Find the old man and get out fast" Y/n said simply,
"That's literally what I said," Diego argued, looking at the girl,
"Yeah but your idiot girlfriend didn't understand" Y/n snarked, glaring at Lila. Diego and y/n took off, walking casually towards the building, leaving Five and Lila to catch up behind them.

The Consulate was fancy, filled with people who all obviously had way too much money,
"I'm not going to lie but we definitely didn't dress for the occasion" Y/n said, looking at her and Five, still in their uniform,
"Well I don't see dad anywhere" Diego said, walking back to Five and y/n after taking a quick look around,
"Just keep an eye out for the majestic twelve. Me and y/n have got upstairs, you two stay down here okay?" Five ordered, before taking y/n's hand and walking up the spiralled stairs. As they reached the stop of the stairs, y/n pulled back on his hand, making him stop,
"What?" He asked loudly,
"Shh! Look.." She pointed at a group of men, walking into a room at the end of the hallway,
"The president is continuing to make inquiries into Rosewell and the other crash site, gentlemen" Five glanced at y/n, realising that they had found them, "And as you know, we cannot allow him to get his nose into our business" He carried on,
"Five.. can you get us into the room? Is there a wardrobe or anything?" She asked quietly, watching as the men walked in and locked the room behind them. Five blinked away then reappeared a second later,
"Yeah. you ready?" He asked. She nodded as Five grabbed her hand and blinked them into the room. They were in a wardrobe filled with coats and shoes, y/n peaked through the doors, just managing to watch what was happening,
"I've confirmed the motorcade will indeed be turning left on Elm Street," The man from earlier continued, y/n shot Five a concerned look, she knew exactly what they were plotting, "We'll have our people in place.."
"Gentlemen. This plan of yours seems ill-timed" A familiar voice said, walking out into the room into view.
"Dad.." y/n muttered quietly, watching the man,
"It's going to be a turkey shoot" Another guy agreed. Five lost his balance slightly, taking a step back and making a hanger fall from the rail. Their eyes shot up as they saw their father walking towards the wardrobe,
"five.. get us out of here" y/n commanded calmly, holding onto his hand. Five blinked into the hallway outside just as Reginald began stabbing the wardrobe doors. Five fell onto the floor and y/n slouched. The girl looked around to make sure nobody saw when she saw three men with bleached slicked back hair walking towards them,
"Uhm Five.." She said, taking her bow from her shoulder,
"Yeah what's up?" He asked, looking up at her,
"So that IKEA mafia.. any shot they look like them?" She asked, pointing at the three men who were gaining on them,
"Shit" he muttered, standing up as y/n drew her bow, taking a shot at the men, hitting their dominant arm.
"What's the plan?" Y/n asked, ducking a swing and punching one of the twins in the face,
"Don't die?" Five panted, standing up from the floor after being thrown down by another. As he span around, y/n watched as he took a punch straight to his face,
"Ouch.." she muttered, dropping one of the swede's on the floor and punching them repeatedly, in the face. She carried on as his face became unrecognisable from the blood, which had splattering on her uniform and face until he finally became lifeless. Another twin grabbed the small girl and threw her, she slammed into the wall and fell to the floor, laying there as her vision went blurry. The Swede picked y/n up and held her by the throat against the wall, cutting off her oxygen. She watched as he took a knife form his pocket, threatening to slice her throat, he missed as she struggled, moving around in his grip and making him cut her cheek, blood flowing down her face. She passed out from the lack of oxygen as the Swede dropped the unconscious girl, turning his attention to Diego who had just arrived,
"Five.. y/n" Diego muttered as he ran up the stairs. Two of the Swede's were on Diego but he managed to push one out the window after y/n had shattered it earlier with an arrow. Five and Diego were both getting their assess handed to them as Lila rushed up the stairs,
"Lila! Help me" Diego shouted as the Swede held him up punching him continuously. The girl looked at Diego before running over to Five, helping him throw the other Swede out another window as Five,
"Your welcome" She muttered, walking over to help Diego as Five rushed over to y/n, who was beginning to regain consciousness,
"Y/n! You okay?" He asked as he saw her open her eyes,
"Never been better" She said sarcastically, pulling Five into a hug,
"are you okay?" She asked him, wiping some blood from his nose,
"Yeah yeah I'm fine, come on, we have to stop dad" He stood up and held out his hand, pulling y/n to her feet and allowing her to get her balance. The two of them ran outside, Diego and Lila loosely following from behind. Y/n stood in shock as Five began repeating ancient Greek from their childhood, making dad turn to look at them before getting in his car and driving away,
"Was that him?" Diego asked out of breath, watching the car drive off,
"Yup," Y/n replied, leaning against the wall of the Consulate to get her breath back, "You know, I recon dad might be avoiding us" She said, looking back up at Five,
"Look I hate to be boring, but we need to get the hell out of here" Lila said, standing up and beginning to walk off,
"When you say 'we', who exactly are you referring to?" Five asked angrily, glaring at the girl,
"Not a lot of ambiguity in that sentence" Lila laughed, looking at y/n who just looked at her blankly,
"Listen, I don't know who you are or where you came from, but whatever it is, I advise you return post-haste" Five continued in a threatening tone,
"She's right Five, we have to leave" Diego agreed making y/n scoff,
"yeah.. we'll be leaving. Not her" Y/n said, pointing at Lila,
"I just saved your boyfriends life you kinder-shit. If I didn't step in all that would be left is a blazer and some bloody socks" She argued back, taking a step towards y/n who stood her ground,
"Yeah that's the problem Lila. You know too much, ask too many questions and fight like you've been doing it your whole life" Y/n carried on, looking at Five who nodded in an agreeing manner,
"She has a point" Diego agreed, looking at y/n,
"What so I can handle myself and that makes me the bad guy?" She asked, staring at y/n,
"Look, we don't have time to waste on someone like you. Fuck off. And if me or Five see you again, we will kill you" She shouted, pointing an arrow at the girl who took a step back, "Come one we need to go guys" Y/n finished, taking Five's hand and walking off, leaving Lila alone with Diego.
"I was getting my ass handed to me back there. You helped five, not me. Why?" He asked, waiting until his siblings were far away enough to not hear,
"Because he's a kid, you're not. So bloody act like one," She spat, realising what she said a second later, "Diego, I-" She started but got cut off by him,
"You know what? I'm used to liars Lila, but I prefer it better when I know what they're lying about" Diego said before walking off, lightly jogging to catch up with y/n and Five.

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