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Y/n squinted as she woke up from the sun peaking in through her childhood room's curtains, she hadn't been asleep for long but had no idea what time it was. As she readjusted her tie and changed her dressing she heard the familiar sound of Luther, trying to whisper and be quiet but failing miserably. 
"Where did you find this?" He asked, as y/n reached the door of the security room she saw Allison and Luther, rewatching a tape over and over again, analysing it.
"I was looking at old footage of us as kids, I saw the tape just sitting th- ..y/n.." Allison stopped midsentence as she noticed her sister, eyebrows raised, staring at the two of them,
"Y/n you shouldn't be here, what are you doing?" Luther asked, approaching the girl like he was going to push her out,
"Oh I'm just here to kill some people" She snarked, glaring at Allison whilst Luther just stared confused,
"Look y/n I'm sorry about that, it's just a lot okay? We found something on mum, she might have something to do with dad's death" She explained it to her but y/n just stared blankly,
"Very sad. Anyway, I need to find Five, you guys seen him?" She asked, moving forward towards the screens,
"Five? No sorry. Are you really just going to ignore what we just told you about Grace?" Luther sounded confused, he had never heard her ask for him. The two siblings watched as their sister flicked through the footage of that morning until she found footage of Five leaving through a fire escape and taking a plumbing van,
"What are you up to Five Hargreeves..." She muttered
"Are you alright.. your eye.." Luther sounded concerned as he assessed the damage on his sisters eye,
"That? That's nothing I'm fine, barely hurts."
"Are you stalking him?" Allison asked, watching the footage of Five,
"Not really.. more like saving him from some crazy assassins... yes.. technically I'm stalking him," She said with a smile, starting to walk back out the door, "Oh and by the way, mum isn't killing dad, you just have to look closer."
"wait y/n what?" Luther asked but before he could finish, the girl had jumped out the window to the fire escape and started running down the street.

Five jumped in his seat as the passenger door flung open and y/n jumped in, landing on the seat and placing her bow next to a duffle bag in between them.
"Y/n? How'd you find me and what are you doing" He asked, almost sounding threatened at her appearance,
"I used to CCTV to find you and.. I'm sat.. in a van? What are we doing?"
"We?" He asked, taking his eyes off the road and onto the girl next to him,
"Yes, we. There's two of us so that makes we" Y/n sighed, "What are we doing back at Meritech, I thought it was a dead end?"
"Yeah well I got one more idea, it'll take a while though so I hope you don't get bored easily" The silence was loud and y/n decided that if she was going to talk about what was eating her up so badly, now was the time,
"Hey Five?" She asked softly, her change in tone made Five snap his head towards her, his face looked like he almost felt bad for her, 
"Yeah?" He asked, "You okay?"
"Can I ask you something?" She felt his hand land softly on her knee as she realised how much it was bouncing up and down, it was comforting for once and made y/n feel safe, Five nodded, shifting his back so it was facing the window.
"Why aren't you scared of me?" She asked, feeling tears form in her eyes,
"Why would I be?" He asked softly,
"Because I murdered people. Not like you, not for a cause, not because I had to, because I wanted to."  A single teat began to roll down her cheek as she reminded herself of the terrible things her parents used to do to her,
"well I'm somewhat a murderer myself, and I trust that you had a really good reason to," He said, cupping the girls cheek and wiping the tear away with his thumb,
"Can I tell you? But you have to promise not to say anything to anyone else," He nodded, taking one of y/n's hands and holding it in his own,
"Uhm.. before the academy.. my parents they.." Her voice began cracking as flashbacks began to flood her mind, "They used to abuse me.." She didn't want to say anymore than that, she feared that Five would think she was some sort of freak,
"Oh n/n.. you should've said something, we- I could've helped you.." He sighed, pulling her into a tight hug, normally she would rather lick a cheese grater than have physical contact with her brother, but this time she didn't care, it was comforting. The moment was brutally cut short but the sound of pounding on the van window, Y/n groaned as she looked up to see Luther, opening the door and sitting next to her in the second passenger seat,
"What were you doing-" He began to ask but was cut off but Five,
"You shouldn't be... How did you find us?" He demanded, letting go of his sisters hand as he noticed Luther staring at it,
"Uhm.." Luther started but instead of explaining, simply pointed to the back of the van, where Klaus sat, imitating y/n and Five moments ago by hugging a bottle of vodka Five had stolen,
"Hey, a little privacy guys. We're really hitting it off back here.." Klaus was cut off by y/n throwing a book at him from the dashboard who screamed, putting the bottle back in the bag,
"Get out! You can't be here!" Five screamed, "We're in the middle of something.."
"Clearly" Luther muttered, making y/n smack him on his head
"Any luck finding your one-eyed man?" Klaus asked loudly from the back,
"No.." y/n whispered, pinching her bridge,
"What's he talking about?" Luther asked, turning to Five,
"Does it matter? It's Klaus" Five said harshly, receiving a hurt look from his clearly high brother.
"What do you want Luther?" Y/n asked, changing the subject and looking away from Klaus,
"So, Grace may have had something to do with dad's death. I need you both back at the academy all right? It's important.." Y/n scoffed at the stupidity of her brother,
"I told you to look closer you idiot" She muttered, loud enough for Luther to hear her,
"We did. 18 times we looked closer" He shouted, making y/n jump once again reminding her of her childhood. Five noticed again, subtly taking her hand to comfort her who smiled weakly at him,
"'It's important' You have no concept of what's important" He spat, irritated by the way he was acting, he was cut short by Klaus, who popped up from the back in between the three siblings, 
"Hey! Did I ever tell you guys about the time I waxed by ass with chocolate pudding? It was so painful" Y/n sighed, rubbing her temple, getting a headache from her two idiot brothers, "what are you still doing here?" she spat, pointing at the van door for him to get out,
"What? I- What? I need an excuse to hang out with my family?" he sounded offended by y/n's comment, who was always so nice to him,
"we're trying to have a serious conversation" Luther pointed out, also trying to get rid of the junkie
"What so I'm incapable of being serious? Is that what you're saying?"
"Pretty much.." y/n muttered, earning a glare from Klaus,
"Luther's got a point, you should get out," Five added, looking at Klaus seriously,
"Fine!" Klaus sighed, before sliding open the plumbing van's door and getting out the van, walking towards a corner store across the road.
"What the hell are you two up to?" He asked, looking back from Klaus, noticing Five's hand once again on y/n's but not saying anything,
"You wouldn't understand" Five muttered, stroking the back of her hand with his thumb,
"Try me. Last I checked, I'm still the leader of this family," Luther said smugly as y/n rolled her eyes at him.
"Well last I checked, I'm 28 years older than you." Y/n giggled at his comment, making Luther look up at her,
"You know what the problem is with you two?" He snarked,
"Really hoping you'll tell us," Y/n remarked sarcastically,
"You guys think you're better than us. You always have, even when we were kids, Five looked over to y/n who had her eyes to the ground, he knew that's not the way she felt about herself, even if it might be true sometimes, "But the truth is, you're just as messed up as the rest of us, we're all you have and you know it. Both of you." Five gently squeezed y/n's hand and she smiled softly at him, maybe he wasn't all that bad,
"I don't think I'm better than you Number One. I know I am.. and leave y/n out of this. I've done unimaginable things, things you couldn't even comprehend. Just to get back here and save you all." He shouted, pointing his finger harshly into Luther's chest.
"Hey bitches!" The three of them turned their heads to watch Klaus, running full speed out of the shop, his arms full with items he definitely hadn't payed for, being chased down the street by the shop owner and a police officer.
"Now I'm starting to wonder if that was the wisest decision." Five muttered to himself. After telling Luther once more to get his fat ass out of the van and to mind his own business, he finally listened and once again Five and y/n were alone in the van.
"Thank you Five" y/n whispered, making Five turn his head softly to her,
"What for?" making y/n smile,
"Just back there, really helped me out" She nodded at him and smiled softly, making him blush,
"Oh it's nothing don't worry about it,"
"I'm sorry," a large smile crept across Five's face as the words came out her mouth. Y/n was stubborn and no matter how much her father yelled at her, she had never apologised to Five for anything before, "I'm sorry for not giving you a chance when we were younger and I'm sorry for being such an asshole, maybe you aren't all that bad.." She admitted, smiling at the boy in front of her,
"I'm also sorry. I can't let you take all the credit, I wasn't exactly making it easy for either one of us.. friends?" He asked, opening his arms for a hug. The girl hesitated, she knew deep down that's not really what she wanted but she also knew there was no way Five would want more than that anyway.
"Uh yeah.. friends" She leaned in an accepted the hug, the silence that hung in the air was louder than anything y/n had heard before, luckily she spotted Lance, talking to some man in a car before walking off,
"There's our guy Five.." she said, pointing the man out to him,
"What is he up to..." he whispered, watching as he took a package from his blazer and slipped it to someone in a car with blacked out windows.
"So.. what's the plan?" y/n smirked, looking at her brother next to her, who held out his hand for her to take.

Lance screamed loudly as the two of them blinked into the car, Five in the front and y/n behind him. The girl took her hand and placed it over his mouth the silence him from screaming.
"One chance, that's all you got. One chance to tell me exactly what's going on inside that lab." As y/n took her hand away from the man's mouth, Five replaced it with a pocket knife, held tightly up against his throat.
"I... I manufacture prosthetic devices for fake patients. I bill the insurance companies and then sell them for cash" He spluttered, terrified o what would happen to him if he said nothing.
"Well that was easy," y/n scoffed, "Including eyeballs?"
"Yeah they're my biggest seller. I mean.. they sell like hotcakes. I... I've got a list.. probably about.. 20 buyers" y/n smiled at their success, looking at Five who remained serious as Lance could see him,
"So the serial number I told you..." he edged him on,
"Yes off... off the books." Lance sighed as Five loosened his grip on the knife,
"We need that list Lance, names and numbers, and we need it now!" Y/n barked, making the man look back at y/n terrified,
"I don't have... not on me anyway. The only copy's in my safe... at the lab."
"Well, you better start the car then." y/n started, looking at Five,
"'cause we're going on a road trip. Five finished, smirking at y/n in the back.

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