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"Okay just so we're clear on the finer details, I just gotta go into this place and pretend to be your dear old dad, correct?" Klaus asked us and he pulled on one of dad's brown blazers to match the trousers y/n had found for him,
"Yeah something like that," Five replied, walking out the academy and down the street,
"So what's our cover story?" He asked, making Five stop in his tracks,
"What? What are you talking-"
"Oh of course Klaus! How could we forget," y/n butted in, earning herself a glare from Five,
"I mean was I like really old when I had you? Like 16?" He pushed on,
"Yes! So terribly misguided" y/n giggled, clearly enjoying herself more than Five, who wasn't impressed,
"And your mother... like slut. We met at..." Klaus paused trying to think of a suitable place,
"... the disco?" y/n suggested, shrugging,
"Yes! The disco! Okay, remember that.. and your girlfriend.. you met her at the... school valentines dance.." 
"Hold on girlfriend? No no no. Absolutely not. No way. Sister." Y/n stopped, shaking her head repulsively before carrying on walking.

"Like I said to your children earlier, any information about the prosthetics we build is strictly confidential." Lance replied, glancing at the three Hargreeves as they sat in front of him, "Without the clients consent, I simply can't help you." He explained, as calmly as possible.
"Well we can't get consent if you don't give us a name?" Five spat, looking at Lance like he was an idiot,
"Well that's not really my problem, sorry. Now there's nothing more I can do so-" Lance was abruptly cut short by Klaus, who looked up at Lance from the desk,
"And what about my consent?" Y/n and Five glanced at each other confused then back to Klaus, who sat there with a confident smile on his face,
"Excuse me?" Lance asked him, suddenly becoming progressively more worried,
"Who gave you permission.. to lay your hands... on my children?" He said, fake crying as he did so,
"What?" The three of them asked in unison,
"Oh you heard me.." Klaus said with a grin. Y/n smiled slightly, realising that Klaus had a plan,
"I- I didn't touch your children.." Lance defended quickly,
"Oh really? Then how did she get that black eye?" He asked, pointing to y/n, who's eyes widened as she realised what he was going to do,
"She doesn't have a black-" The doctor was cut short as Klaus harshly punched y/n right in the eye, making her stumble back and place her hand over her eye, which bruised almost immediately and she groaned in pain,
"And him- how did he get that swollen lip?" Lance didn't have time to answer this time because before Five had time to react, Klaus had already punched him, making a small drop of blood drip from his lip.
"I want it. Name please, now." Klaus demanded, slamming his hands on the desk,
"You're crazy..." Lance muttered, clearly scared of the man in front of him,
"Oh you got no idea," he replied, making y/n laugh behind him, 
"Peace on earth?" He read from a snow globe on the desk in front of it, examining it with his hands, "That's so sweet.." He readjusted his grip on the globe before smashing his head into it, making glittery liquid and glass smash all over his head, blood dripping onto his face, "God that hurt!" He yelled, looking back at y/n an Five, smirking at him proudly,
"I'm calling secur-" As Lance dialled the phone, Klaus snatched it off him, holding the phone up to his own ear,
"There's been an assault! In Mr. Big's office... we need security now. Schnell!" Klaus threw the phone on the receiver before looking back up at Lance, wiping some of the snow globe liquid from his face, "Now, here's what's gonna happen, Grant.."
"Uhm It's Lance," He whispered,
"In about 60 seconds, two security guards are gonna burst through that door, and they're gonna see a whole load of blood, and they're gonna wondering 'what the hell happened?'. And we're gonna tell them that you... beat the shit out of us." Klaus began to dramatically sob again, causing y/n to laugh, "you're gonna do great in prison Grant. Trust me, I've been there. Little piece of chicken like you. Oh my god, you're gonna get passed around like a..." Klaus began thrusting his hips in circles making y/n laugh even more, only to be stopped by Five who nudged her in the stomach, "You're just... you're gonna do great.. that's all I'm saying."
"Jesus... you're a real sick bastard" Lance replied, as he began to walk out the door to get the list,
"Thank you." Klaus spat to the side, sending a mixture of blood, glitter and glass flying to the floor as y/n and Five followed Lance out the door.
Oh that's strange.." Lance took a second glance at the list, very visibly confused,
"What? What is it?" Y/n asked, worried that something was going to go wrong,
"Uh the eye, it hasn't been purchased yet.." 
"What? No.. what do you mean?" It was very obvious what he meant, I think Five knew it took, he just didn't want to believe it.
"Well, uh, our logs say that the eye with that serial number... this can't be right.. it hasn't even been manufactured yet." He turned to Five, glaring at him weirdly, "where'd you get that eye?" Five sighed, before grabbing y/n and Klaus by the arms and walking out the door before sitting on the pavement. Klaus and Five sat next to each other talking whilst y/n sat a little further away from them, just far enough away so she couldn't hear them. She sat in silence, she didn't want the others to know but it was eating her up inside that they think she's change so much. None of them knew what her parents did to her but maybe if they did they would forgive her but deep down she knew they all had bigger priorities, they didn't give a shit. She moved a little closer to the others, joining them half way through a conversation,
"Hey, you know I've just realised why you're so uptight... you must be horny as hell!" Klaus laughed, nudging Five, "All those years alone, must mess with your head.. it's okay now though because you've got y/n!" He nudged Five and looked over at the girl, who shook her head dismissively, 
"Not a chance Klaus, not now, not ever." Y/n replied laughing at her brothers comment,
"Anyway I wasn't alone.." Five added, looking away from y/n and down to the floor,
"Oh? Pray tell," Klaus edged on as y/n walked over and sat next to them, eager by Five statement,
"Her name was Delores. We were together for over 30 years." He glanced over to y/n who was staring at him, but looked away at the eye contact.
"30 years? Oh wow.. longest I've been with someone was... I don't know.. 3 weeks? What about you y/n?" He turned to the girl who was blushing over the awkward eye contact moments ago, 
"Me? Oh I've never been with anyone, kinda been in prison most my life so.." She chuckled slightly trying to release some of the tension between them,
"Well I wouldn't worry, you'll be with someone soon" Klaus chuckled, looking between y/n and Five,
"What?" She asked, 
"Oh don't pretend like there's nothing going on here" He pointed his finger between his two siblings, making them both groan,
"C'mon y/n we're going.. unless you'd rather stay with dopehead here?" He asked, putting his hand out for her to take, which she did. The second their hands made contact, Five blinked them away, into the back of an empty taxi.
"Don't stop. Just keep going." He muttered, as the taxi driver freaked out at the sudden appearance,
"Are you okay?" Five asked softly, indicating at y/n's black eye from Klaus,
"Oh that? Yeah it's fine, how's your lip?" She replied, touching her eye slightly and wincing at the pain,
"It's okay.." He murmured, realising how awkward it was in the taxi.

The taxi pulled up to Gimble and Brother's, and Five gently shook y/n, who had fallen asleep on his shoulder. She hummed as she sat up quickly, embarrassed as she realised what happened,
"We're here, come on," Five whispered to her before getting out the taxi and paying the driver. 
"Five, what are we doing here?" Y/n asked, rubbing her eye as she yawned.
"You'll see, come on" He grabbed her hand again and blinked the two of them into the shop before walking over to a rack, taking a flashlight and turning it on, y/n grabbed her own and walked off in a different direction, grabbing dressings and other supplies to help her and Five when she heard him talking.
"I've missed you... obviously." She walked over to him to see Five stood there, talking to a literal mannequin.
"This.. this is Delores?" Y/n asked laughing slight, which made Five smack her. This was cut short but the piercing sound of bullets, flying through the air. Five grabbed the mannequin and y/n's hand before blinking them to the other side of the shop,
"Y/n.. take Delores and get the hell out of here, okay?" Five suggested, looking at the girl frantically,
"No way Five, you're not doing this alone," she scoffed, "you can let go of my hand now too.." Five glanced down to see his hand gently holding hers, he quickly let go, his cheeks flushed with redness. The conversation was cut short by more gun shots flying towards them, Five went to grab y/n's hand to take them away but she pulled back and shook her head,
"We should split, I'll meet you behind the till point okay?" She whispered before taking an arrow and shooting it at the figures before running to the left as Five did on the right.
The two shooters both went for Five, giving y/n enough time to sneak over to the till, peaking around the corner to see Five struggling. She wanted to run back out to help him but knew she shouldn't, it would blow her hiding spot too and Five was making his way there. Y/n watched closely and soon realised it was the two people she saw outside Griddy's the other night.. what did they want with Five? A few minutes later and the shooting stopped, y/n heard sirens outside and watched as Five took it as an opportunity to ran behind the till, he slumped down next to y/n and grabbed her hand, not caring what she thought. She gentle squeezed it, smiling at the boy who, after a minutes rest, managed to blink the two of them out of Gimble Brother's and into a nearby ally.
"Where's Delores?" Y/n asked, looking at Five, not letting go of his hand as she stumbled onto the floor out of exhaustion,
"They blew her up.." Five said, clearly sad by what had happened,
"Oh that's too bad.. who were they anyway? I saw them at the Griddy's aftermath the other night?" She asked, quickly changing the subject,
"Assassins. The best of the best.. after me of course" Five continued to explain his old job and the Handler and everything about the commission to y/n, who for once in her life, listened to him.
"So let me get this straight.. they want to kill you.. for trying to save the lives of billions of people yeah?" She asked at the end of it,
"Yeah pretty much" He replied, pacing up and down the ally,
"But if they're the best of the best after you... why don't you just kill them..?" She asked, clearly taunting him,
"Did you see the back there? They would kill me in a second!" He snapped, looking down on the girl,
"Oh so you're not the best?" She joked, 
"Whatever, I'll see you around I guess." He replied, before blinking off into the night, leaving y/n alone.
"I guess I'll take myself home then" She sighed, picking herself up and walking down the street back towards home.

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