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Y/n had stayed at the apartment whilst her brothers and Lila went to see their dad. She told Five she felt 'ill' but everyone else knew what she really meant. Lila was supposed to stay with her but had snuck off for whatever reason. Y/n was no idiot. She knew Lila was up to something but, she didn't know what. She also didn't care enough to try figure it out so, she ignored her. It had been hours, Elliott was still tied to the chair and y/n had pretty much been sat motionless the whole time, sat on the sofa staring out the window onto the street. She jumped as the door swung open and Five and Lila burst through the doors, Diego in Lila's arms. The girl rushed up to Five, ignoring Diego as she saw him clutching his neck. She gently moved his hand to reveal three long marks, probably from an animal. She grabbed him a disinfectant wipe, looking at him confused. He read her face and understood what she was asking him,
"Baby Pogo isn't the friendliest" He explained before pointing to Diego, "You recon you can stich him up?" He asked, gesturing to a first aid kit hung on the wall. Y/n nodded before grabbing the kit and walking over to Diego, slowly lifting up his shirt to reveal a stab wound, oozing with blood. Diego was passed out at this point which had the job considerably easier, she took a wipe and began to clean the area as Lila threaded the needle and passed it back to her. She lined up the needle but her hands were shaking too much. She groaned in frustration, knowing she had to do it well and quickly. She focused her hearing on Five's voice, who was telling her to "take it slow" and "focus on the entry point". She tuned out every other noise other than his voice and took the needle, lining it up and this time, her hand was steady. She finished stitching him up and wrapped a dressing over it, before leaving Lila to be alone with him.
"I thought you weren't going to be able to do it for a second there ya know" Five said as y/n walked back into the kitchen where he was sat,
"So did I" she admitted, sitting down opposite him at a small coffee table, "It was your voice in the end.. calmed me down, made me focus.." She said, smiling at him as he looked at her. He placed his hand on the table and y/n took it, he squeezed it gently, smiling at her proudly. The two of them turned their heads as they heard Diego and Lila yelling form the other room, he had obviously woken up.
"That's out cue then" Five said, standing up but not letting go of y/n's hand, who followed him through to the bedroom.
"Oh,, he isn't dead.." Five joked, looking at y/n who smiled at him,
"I thought we might finally have gotten rid of him.." She muttered, looking back at him.
"Disappointed?" Lila piped up, trying to join the joke which Five dismissed,
"Oh to see you? Always." He snarked, glaring at her,
"So much hostility in such a tiny package.." She said back, making Five step towards her but getting pulled back quickly by y/n. Five turned around as he heard a soft snoring from behind him to see Elliott, still tied to the chair,
"You didn't untie him?" He asked y/n, who looked back at the sleeping man,
"I was supposed to?" She asked, making Five chuckle. He walked over to Elliott and gently removed the ropes, being careful not to wake him.

It had been hours. Y/n was laying on Five on a sofa, resting her head on his chest whilst waiting for one of Elliott's radars to go off. Lila and Diego were doing god knows what, but nobody wanted to find out, they would probably regret it anyways.
Y/n sat up quickly as one of the radars started blaring, making a horrible buzzing noise,
"Hey, we got one" Elliott announced, making Five and y/n jump up, walking over to see what Elliott had found,
"Which one?" Five asked, taking y/n's hand,
"Uhm, it's the.. atmospheric radar" He replied, pointing to a little screen,
"Good.." Five muttered, examining the screen,
"I don't get it.. what are you tracking? A storm?" Elliott asked, oblivious to what was happening,
"Vanya.." Y/n replied, making Elliott look at her confused. Five tugged on y/n's hand, making her attention jump to him,
"You ready?" He asked, the girl nodded and within seconds the two found themselves in a corn field.

"Do we even want to know what she's doing in a corn field?" Y/n asked as they made their way through the field. Five put his finger to his lips, making a soft shushing noise before pointing to someone hidden in the corn. Y/n pulled it back to reveal Vanya, sitting in the corn alone,
"Hi Vanya" She said softly, making their sister back up in fear,
"Who are you?" She asked, clearly terrified.
"I'm your brother." Five said, not sounding surprised that she didn't remember him, "That's your sister" he gestured to y/n who waved innocently.
"I have siblings?" She asked, making y/n laugh slightly,
"Who's gonna tell her?" Y/n joked, turning to Five who chuckled,
"Look, you can either stay here and wait for the IKEA mafia to come back and kill you, or you can come with us" Five explained, not really giving her much choice,
"I'm sorry.. IKEA mafia?" Y/n asked, turning to Five,
"Imagine if three IKEA workers got taken into the Commission.." Five said, turning away from Vanya,
"Oh.. do you think they like meatballs?" She asked, following Five out of the corn field.

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