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"You know Eight, in all my time at commission, I've never met anyone quite like you." The handler said, putting her coat out and waiting for someone to quickly take it from her,
"Don't call me that.. and expand? What do you mean?" Y/m muttered, staring at the woman as they followed her up some spiralled stairs, everyone staring at them.
"Well, I'm talking about your parents! And your bow skills of course. It would be an honour to have someone like you on our corrections team." Y/n glared at her as the brought up her parents but calmed down when she felt Five's hand slip into hers,
"I'd like to discuss the logistics of my family's safety at your earliest convenience." Five announced, staring at the woman,
"Such chutzpah. It's refreshing, I'll admit. Slow down Five, all in good time." The woman scoffed before turning around, "In fact, now that you've both finally agreed to work with us, we've got all the time in the world." She stopped in front a double door before opening it and handing a key to y/n, "This shall be you room, I want you both to meet me in the office in 5 minutes, okay?" She walked past them both, brushing her shoulder against y/n as she pushed the door open and walked in, 
"Five.." She said stepping into the room slowly, 
"What? Are you okay? Look you don't have to do this if you don't want-" He began, looking at her worriedly,
"No no Five it's fine. There's... there's only one bed..." Y/n laughed a little as she pointed towards a large bed in the middle of the room,
"Its okay, I can take the floor, its all yours" He said modestly,
"Don't be stupid, its big enough for the two of us... unless you don't want to.. that's fine too" she panicked, making Five laugh at her.
"I don't even know if we'll need it, if all goes to plan, we'll be out in a couple of hours, come on, let's go" Five walked past her and out the door, locking it behind them,
"You got your bow yeah?" He asked, y/n turned around, revealing her bow which she had placed over her shoulder, "perfect".

"Ah perfect timing!" They spun around to be greeted with the distinct clicked of heels against the tiled floor, "Come along and I'll go over everything, mainly for you Eight but also a small refresher for Five." She carried on walking past the duo who looked at each other before following her down the corridor, 
"Whenever someone chooses the wrong path and the time line is changed, the Commission gets a report from field agents on the ground. These field reports are sorted and assigned to a case manager. They determine if anyone needs to be... removed from the equation to assure that their event happens as it should. Based on that determination, the case manager sends instructions via pneumatic tube to... temporal assassins like you will be, Number Eight," She glanced down at the girl and smiled at her, "Any queries so far?" She asked.
"Yeah," Five said, looking around the room they had ended up in, filled with workers, typing on typewriters, "Who was the case manager handling us?" He asked, looking over at y/n who stood behind him,
"Ah. You mean the apocalypse." The Handler said before turning to a woman behind them, "Five, Eight, meet Dot," The woman looked up waving at the two as if she already knew them, "Dot is responsible for all apocalypse matters. It was actually Dot here who first flagged your appearance in 2019." Five glared at the woman, like he could've killed her on the spot,
"No hard feelings" she said, smiling at the two
"Well, you certainly put us through the ringer. Outsmarting two of our so-called best temporal assassins." The Handler paused slightly before raising her voice so the whole room could clearly hear her, "If that doesn't spell leadership material... I just don't know." The room fell silent and y/n felt as all the eyes in the room were looking at her and Five, who stood there awkwardly, "I suspect you like a challenge Five, which is why I've given you a particularly complex first case. It's too bad Joseph Spah decided against sabotaging the fuel tank... it would've made things so much easier." She pulled out a chair at a desk in front of Dot and slid the case towards Five, he glanced at y/n who smiled softly at him before taking a seat,
"And what about y/n? What are you doing with her?" He asked, looking back up at the Handler.
"Well as y/n already has plenty of... experience in killing, she'll do some target practice and I'll assign her first case tomorrow." She walked off and y/n followed, looking back at Five who mouthed 'be careful' as she left.
"When can I see him again?" The girl asked, running slightly to catch up,
"Lunch time I suppose, besides you'll be fine, Jared is perfect company" She muttered, keeping her eyes fixed on a door at the end of the hallway,
"Who's Jared?" Y/n asked, 
"Jared is a retired assassin, he'll be giving you pointers on aim, how to improve and posture, things like that." She explained, opening the door and walking in. Inside the room the were multiple little rooms, all leading to an open area filled with targets, shaped like people, 
"Eight, this is Jared. Jared this is your latest trainee-" She was abruptly cut off by the man, who walked closer, staring y/n down,
"Number Eight. It is a pleasure to meet you!" He exclaimed,
"You- you know me?" She asked, looking to the Handler who had already walked off,
"Do I know- Of course! You're a legend around here, your whole family really but that work you and Five have been doing? That shits awesome. Love what you did to the agents at Griddy's" He said, still staring at the girl,
"Right... uh.. thanks? Anyway, let's get this over and done thanks, I'd quite like to get back to Five.." She muttered walking past him and over to a room, placing her quiver in the corner and taking an arrow out,
"You know you should really use a gun, how about we try that after a couple shots?" He was patronising which y/n hated, she was more than capable of hitting the target,
"Fine whatever, give me whatever," She groaned, placing her bow on the floor next to her quiver,
"Here, it's a-" As he was about to explain the gun, y/n took it off him, examining it,
"9x19mm Parabellum Baretta 92.." She muttered,
"How... how'd you know that?" He asked, passing her some ammo and a holster,
"Dad used to have one, pretty cool huh?"
"Anyway so you're going to want to-"
"Jared look I hate to break it to you but I'm not an idiot. I know how to shoot a gun." Y/n snarked, staring at the man,
"Go on then. Shoot it." He stared at y/n as if she was going to do horribly. Y/n sighed before turning around, taking position and shooting, in the head 3 times, chest 5 times, she turned around to see Jared, stood there with his mouth open from shock. She put the gun in the holster, took her bow and quiver over her shoulder and walked out the target room, trying to find Five.

As she walked into the office Five as in, she saw Dot, packing up her bags,
"Hey Dot, do you know where Five went?" She asked, making the woman jump,
"Oh Eight, you made me jump, I think he's in the bathroom, down the hall, three on the right," She explained, pointing out the door,
"Right.. thanks" As she walked in the bathroom, she was greeted by The Handler, mid-conversation with Five,
"Ah Number Eight! Fancy seeing you here," She said, watching as the girl leaned against the wall,
"Yep... such a coincidence" She smiled at Five as he walked out the stall, walking over to the sinks then back to y/n.
"Hey" he whispered, smiling at her, "You okay?" He asked, she smiled slight,
"Hi Five, I'm fine yeah.." The conversation was cut short by the Handler,
"Five was about to join me for lunch in my office, would you care to join us?" She asked the girl, fixing her hair in the mirror. Y/n wasn't sure until she looked at Five who slowly nodded his head, she knew he was up to something and probably needed her help,
"Yeah sure thing.."
It had been what felt like hours and y/n was sick of hearing the Handler's voice so she started looking around the room at all the decorations from different moments in time. She looked up the wall as her eyes fixated on a Chinese flamethrower,
"Is that a Chinese flamethrower?" She asked, turning back to the Handler,
"Good eye. War, such a fascinating concept. A temporary salve for a permanent human flaw. Of course, it's a bit easier to see from 30,000 feet," She chuckled to herself before taking a step back to admire her wall, "These are just some of the things I've collected in my travels." She was cut off by y/n, who had spotted some grenades loose on display, she looked discreetly at Five, who nodded at her to take them when she wasn't looking,
"M26 grenades..?" She asked, pointing at them,
"Well look at you!" She exclaimed, "Yes from the Vietnam war. And this, the most noteworthy, perhaps." She picked up a pistol which y/n recognised immediately from all the history books she had read when she was younger,
"My Walther pistol, the very one..." She was once again cut off by y/n, who picked the pistol from her hands, examining it, 
"Hitler used it to kill himself.. sorry. It's just really cool," She laughed slightly, placing the pistol back in the stand and smiling at the Handler,
"I had some thoughts I wanted to run by you. Some suggestions to improve commission protocol." Five said, pulling the Handler away from the wall and back to her desk, nodding at y/n, indicating that now was the time to take the grenades. As she turned around to take them, her eyes caught onto the pistol Hitler used, she took her gun from the holster and swapped it with the pistol, hoping it would take her a while to realise it's missing. She grabbed all the grenades she could, hiding them in her blazer. Y/n swiftly turned around innocently when she heard a knocking at the door,
"Sorry to interrupt, may I have a moment... alone?" Dot asked, walking into the room,
"Of course," the Handler said. Y/n watched as she walked out the door slightly and Dot whisper something in her ear, "Duty calls, we'll continue this discussion later, you two" Before walking out the office,
"Do you wanna head back to the room?" Y/n asked, five nodded before taking y/n's hand and walking back to their room. Once inside, she emptied the contents of her blazer onto the bed, Five's eyes widened at the pistol,
"You took her pistol?" he asked, sounding proud of the girl,
"Damn straight I did, you really think I wouldn't? That was Hitler's pistol!" She laughed, taking it and placing it in her holster, "What's the plan then?" She asked, sitting on the bed, Five taking a seat next to her
"Well I know Dot's target will have to be assessed before it's sent off, so in that time frame, I'm going to intercept it and take it for us, so we know who starts the apocalypse, I'll use a grenade to blow up the tube room and when you hear the explosion, pull your pin and blow up the target room, we'll both make our way to the briefcase room, I'll take one and pull another pin, blowing it up and we'll go back to the start of today, in 2019. Got it?" He asked, looking at y/n who nodded, "All right. lets do this!" He said, standing up and pulling y/n after him, "Stay safe yeah?" He said to her, holding her hands,
"Of course, you too?" She replied, smiling at him,
"I'll see you in a bit," He said before walking out the room.

Y/n was taking a shot with her bow when the first explosion went off,
"What the hell was that?" Jared shouted, looking at y/n,
"Oh shit! Duty calls Jared, apologies" She pulled a grenade out her pocket, watching as Jared's eyes widened, she pulled the pin and shoved Jared over, running out the door and locking it, making sure Jared died. She laughed to herself as she ran down the corridor. As she rounded the corner to the briefcase room she heard the second explosion, before seeing Five running towards her, he held his hand out and as Y/n grabbed it he opened the briefcase and sent them flying back to 2019.

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