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Y/n snapped out of her daydream when she heard a commotion coming from the lobby, she froze when she saw Vanya being held up by Luther who had her by her throat. Without hesitation, y/n took her bow from her shoulder and shot an arrow, skimming Luther's ear making him drop the girl, but it was too late, she was out cold on the floor,
"What the hell are you thinking?" Y/n shouted, crouching down next to her sister,
"You just shot me?" Luther asked shocked, 
"What did you expect me to do!" She yelled angrily, standing up to approach her brother,
"She's a monster! She's got powers and she did this to Allison.. to you!" He said, pointing at Vanya,
"Yeah no shit you big moron, I was there!" She shouted,
"you knew? Why didn't you tell me?" He asked angrily,
"Because I knew you'd react like this!" She defended, gesturing to Vanya,
"Y/n I'm sorry" He muttered,
"No Luther I get it, you overreacted, it's okay, let's take her upstairs yeah?" She said softly,
"No you don't understand yet... but for what its worth. I am sorry" He repeated before punching y/n hard in the face, knocking her out cold before grabbing Vanya to lock her up.

"Y/n! Y/n wake up" The girl opened her eyes to see Diego and Klaus crouched next to her, 
"Was this Hazel?" Diego asked, that being one of the last things he remembered. Y/n's memory suddenly flooded back to her as she jumped up stumbling to catch her balance,
"No.. no it was Luther.." She said, looking around for Vanya who was gone,
"Luther? Why did-"
"He's got her. He's got Vanya.. I don't know what he's going to do but we have to stop him, come on" Y/n ran, dragged her two brothers into the elevator and pushing the buttons continuously to go down,
"Did anyone else not know this was a thing until now?" Diego asked as it started taking them down,
"No but it all makes sense.." Y/n muttered. The doors dinged open and y/n burst out, she froze as she saw what was happening,
"You locked up our sister because you think she has powers?" Diego asked,
"No I know she does, Pogo told me.. and.. and y/n knows, she saw them, right y/n?" He asked staring at the girl,
"What did he do to you.." She whispered, pushing past Luther and walking up to the door, placing her hand on the window, "What did you do?!" This time shouting it, making Luther jump,
"He didn't tell us.. because he was scared. Of her." Luther defended himself but y/n wasn't taking any of it,
"Hold on Luther let's go back. This is Vanya we're talking about. Our sister" Diego said, sounding angry with him,
"Yeah.." Klaus agreed, "The one who cried when we stepped on ants as kids"
"Look I know it's hard to accept" He said, turning away from y/n and her glare,
"It's not hard to accept Luther, it's impossible to accept" She spat at him. He turned around and noticed as she reached for her holster where her pistol lay, he rushed over and grabbed her, holding her down in a position so she couldn't move,
"Get your fucking ape hands off me you bastard" She yelled, squirming around trying to free herself,
"Don't make me do this again y/n!" He warned her. That's where Diego and Klaus stepped in. Klaus grabbed y/n dragging her into the elevator whilst Diego pulled Luther off her, allowing Klaus to take her away,
"Klaus no.." She whimpered, collapsing into his arms, "We can't leave her there"
"I know y/n, she'll be okay for a bit longer until we figure something out" Klaus reassured, hugging her tightly.

Diego and Klaus stood in the living room, watching y/n pace the room, thinking of ideas of how to help Vanya,
"Oh there you are guys-" Luther started, walking into the room,
"Don't you dare come any fucking closer or I swear I'm gonna put a bullet in your head" Y/n threatened, waving her pistol at him. He stared at her before sighing and walking back out.
"I'll be in my room if you need me.." Y/n sighed, looking at her brothers and walking upstairs, thinking about where Five was. As she sat on her bed she felt the house begin to shake. She knew immediately what it was but didn't react until her room began to collapse.
"Vanya.." She whispered to herself. As she was about to run out her room, part of the ceiling fell, knocking y/n over and pinned her leg to the floor,
"Fuck.." She shouted, agony overwhelming her as the wooden beam lay on top of her. She had pretty much given up, hearing the shouts of her brothers to get out the house as it fell on top of them. Suddenly, she felt the beam's weight become lighter and lighter until it was gone, she looked up to see Luther, moving the beam to next to her
"Thanks.." She muttered but as she tried to stand up, her leg gave way from beneath her as she fell back down to the ground,
"I got you" Luther shouted, catching her before she impacted the ground, he picked her up and placed her on his back,
"You gotta hold on tight okay?" He asked, her nodding in reply as Luther made his way downstairs, towards the door,
"Luther.." Y/n whispered, making Luther slow as she pointed to the living room, where they saw Pogo, hanging from a deer head, its antlers piercing through its body and Vanya stood below him, staring at him blankly,
"Go.. Luther we gotta go" Y/n panicked, as more of the house fell around them. They reached outside just as the house completely collapsed, Luther placed y/n on the ground who rolled up her trouser leg, revealing a large khash running down her leg, seeping with blood,
"Thank you Luther" She tried her best to sound sincere as he had saved her life but she was still a little mad at him. She turned around to see Five, running towards them with a newspaper,
"Guys this is it.. the apocalypse is still on.. the world ends today" He looked out of breath as he ran up to y/n, his eyes widening as he saw her injury on her leg,
"Your leg... are you okay?" He asked, kneeling down next to her,
"Yeah yeah I'm fine, Luther saved me.. he also caused this so don't give him too much credit.." Y/n said, smiling at Five, glad to know he was okay,
"God I always hated that house.." Diego muttered, walking over to the rest of the family,
"It still hurts watching it fade away though" Y/n muttered before turning to Five, "I thought you said the apocalypse was over?" She asked, remembering what he had said seconds ago,
"I was wrong okay?" He said, looking around at his family, "This newspaper, I found it in the future the day I got stuck.." He explained, holding up a slightly ripped newspaper, "The headline hasn't changed.."
"no.. no that doesn't mean anything," Diego said, refusing to believe it, "The time could've been altered since it came out this morning"
"You're not listening to me.. I thought this place came down along with everything else. But here we are, moons still shining, the earth is in one piece, but no the academy.." Five gestured to the building, in pieces around them,
"I'm confused" Klaus muttered, making Five snap his head towards him,
"Then listen to me you idiot! Vanya destroys the Academy before the apocalypse. I thought Harold Jenkins was the cause but y/n you were right.. he's just the fuse.." Five was cut off by y/n, who finished the sentence for him,
"Vanya's the bomb.." She muttered, "Guys we have to find her.."
"No.. we gotta go.." Diego said, pointing at helicopters that flew above them, "Regroup at the Super Star.. Go!" Five grabbed y/n's hand,
"We're gonna take a small detour okay?" He asked her, she nodded and before she knew it, they were outside a pharmacy,
"All right.. just stay here, I won't be a second"
"Wasn't planning on moving.." She laughed, holding down pressure on her wound as Five ran inside. He blinked next to her a few minutes later,
"You didn't pay for that did you.." She asked as he dumped a needle, some thread and a dressing on the floor next to her,
"No time.. the worlds ending," He said, threading the needle and pouring some rubbing alcohol over the wound, holding y/n's hand as she winced,
"This is gonna hurt so.. I'm sorry, just hold still," Y/n nodded and turned her head so she wasn't looking, taking deep breaths as Five began to stitch her up. Five took a sigh of relief as he put the dressing over the now closed wound,
"Can you walk okay?" He asked her, holding out his hand for y/n to take. She stumbled at first, taking a minute to get her balance, she took a couple of steps before looking at Five,
"Painful but I'll manage, we gotta go, the other's will probably be wondering where we are" Five nodded before taking her hand and blinking them into the bowling alley, they walked up to their family who were already there,
"Where've you two been?" Diego asked as they took a seat,
"We had to stop by the pharmacy for her leg" Five said, gesturing at y/n who smiled at them,
"Anyway.. I hate to be the one to say this, but everyone needs to be prepared" Luther said, changing the subject back to the apocalypse,
"For what?" Y/n asked, already knowing the answer,
"To do whatever it takes to stop Vanya" Y/n snacked him hard in the back of the head making him almost fall off his chair,
"We might not have an option." He defended, looking at the girl annoyed,
"Bullshit" She spat, prepared to hit him again but Five stopped her,
"Look, whatever we decide, we have to find Vanya, and fast okay? She could be anywhere" Five said, trying to ease the tension,
"Or right here.." Klaus muttered, throwing a newspaper onto the table and pointing at a poster for Vanya's concert,
"That's right... her concerts tonight.." Diego said, picking up the paper. The man was cut off by a woman, she was wearing uniform and clearly worked there,
"Hello," She said in a cheery tone, "I hate to intrude, but my manager says, if you're not gonna bowl, you gotta leave"
"Whose turn is it?" Y/n asked, scoffing
"Oh for.." Luther stood up, grabbing a random ball and throwing it blindly behind him, it bounced into a lane a few down from them, getting a strike.
"Look guys we're the only ones responsible of stopping this." Diego said, standing up like he was going to say something dramatic but stopping,
"You know guys.. maybe I can help.." Klaus started but was cut off by Luther,
"Now is not the time.." He muttered, ignoring his brother who looked hurt,
"No. Let him finish, he saved my life today" Diego defended him, smiling at Klaus,
"You did?" Y/n asked proudly,
"I did... take credit for it. In fact the real hero was... Ben. Listen.. today, he punched me in the face and earlier at the house, he saved Diego, not me" Y/n knew he wasn't lying, she had been so close with Klaus since she was adopted and could tell when he was telling the truth, and he was.
"You are unbelievable Klaus" Luther sighed, turning away from him,
"You want proof? Is that it?  All right... I.. I'll give you proof. It's showtime baby.. Catch!" Klaus picked up a bowling ball and threw it towards some air right next to where y/n stood, Five grabbed her arm and pulled her to the side slightly, away from its path as it fell to the floor, thudding.
"Is there a way to silence that voice in your head that screams out to be the centre of attention?" Luther spat, turning to his brother, y/n went to intervene but was cut off by Klaus,
"You know, I liked you a lot better before you got laid," everyone fell silent and y/n burst out laughing, "which was a complete.. It- it wasn't his fault cause he was ridiculously high, right?" Y/n carried on laughing as Klaus continued to make the situation worse for Luther,
"Stop!" Luther yelled, following Allison who stormed away as Klaus began to explain that the girl thought he was as furry,
"Amazing.. bloody amazing" Y/n muttered in between her laughs,
"Excuse me!" A woman said, approaching the four with her son, "Excuse me, it's my son Kenny's birthday today.. and uh.. wouldn't your kids be happier playing with someone their age?" She asked, pointing at Five and y/n, "Assuming it's okay with you two dads" She continued, turning to Klaus and Diego,
"I would rather chew off my own foot," Five spat, turning to y/n indicating
 it's her turn,
"Firstly, this is my boyfriend you dumb bastard. Secondly, I would rather snap my own neck" She snapped, smiling at the woman innocently who looked traumatised, 
"Boyfriend huh?" Klaus asked, smiling as the woman rushed her son away, "That's new"
"Yeah.." Five laughed, squeezing y/n's hand tightly. Her smile dropped as the two of them heard the familiar sound of a tube from the Commission coming from a lane across from them. Y/n stood up pulling Five with her, walking over to the noise. Five opened the tube to reveal an address with a message asking for Five and Y/n to go there.
"How the hell did she find us?" Y/n asked, looking at Five confused. His face lit up as he took a sweet from him pocket, opening it to reveal a flashing tracker,
"She's good.." He muttered before turning to y/n, "You ready?" He asked, the girl nodded and Five blinked them away, leaving their family to fend for themselves for a bit.

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