Welcome to Hell aka my life

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Ok you see him up there?! Yep, that is the lord of well where I am now, I'm starting to wonder if its his fault I'm stuck in this place. No I'm not dead, I'm not actually in Hell, although most days I sure feel like it is. And the worst part is its not even my fault that I'm stuck here. Let me just say this being dead maybe in actual Hell with this guy here would at the every least be entertaining, and so much better than my actual life that I have currently going on here.

The sad part is nobody knows the truth. Tyler has already gone and spread all these horrible rumors about me, so that no one could ever have me, now thanks to him is why I'm now in Hell, my sister is the only one that when she does get to see me take care of me, when I do escape Tyler I had my own secret place, food water, shelter cover up, new cloths that hadn't at one point or another been ripped off my person.

I had no friends thanks to him, I got bullied all the time from everyone, because I they all thought I was whore and a bitch, and they all made fun of me because I was mute now. My sister always wondered why I didn't talk to her a lot these day anymore, but she wasn't around anymore anyways, like I said before this all happened we shared the guest room from Justin's.

No one knew he did this to me, and because my sister and Justin were 4 months older than me IDK how that worked out since the baby making process is at least 9 months, my mom said we were supposed to be twins but something happened to the egg. Either way she and Justin never found out and they were never around either way, but when she was she always asked me a bunch of questions that I either didn't feel like answering or just could physically answer because I had been threatened by my BF not to. I thought about many times to commit suicide, but every time I did, I thought back to Justin and Phoebe, I couldn't do that to them, so my next best option if it wasn't death, was to man up grow a pair and take the pain, I probably deserved all I got anyway, a part of me really believes that.

I'm like so pathetic that at this point I don't even want to be my friend. My life sucks! The only good thing that's come out of this is that I'm hopping to be more pain tolerant, to be able to not lay my heart on my sleeve and become goth to hide my feelings instead of face the world head on. I knew it was coming, the gossip. the teasing the bulling the abuse, the everything, I wanted nothing more then to just run away and never look back. Pack as much as I could in my bag and just flat out leave! Something brought me not to do it though.

I just knew I couldn't actually ever go through with it, so instead most days I skipped school. No one cared about me there anyways, not even the teachers or if they do not enough to put an end to everything. I'm so sick of life, but I need to suck it up and take it for myself, and for the only two people that still care about me, the only people that have no idea that this happens.

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