"telling" my sister the truth, while the guys learn sign

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At least a week went by and with in that week, my sister tried to get me to tell her what happened that night, I knew she knew for her and the sake of the of the guys that I was lying, that I knew she wouldn't like the real answer and most likely tell Justin, that if Tyler found out, he'd probably really hurt more than he's ever hurt before. IDK, but I know somehow someway that Tyler found find out, and then he'd find out where I was and track me down, I'm sure he's already trying to do that anyways.

She started teaching the boys sign. With all of them she started with the letters, and normal sign, but behind closed doors, she taught Justin ways, and words, and other things in sign or with other simple actions to help him help me trust him again. She knew eventually that I'd want my BFF back. I don't remember learning sign I just knew that I knew it, and that my sister did too. Even if it ways way before Tyler.

Its how we communicated, especially if we had a secret, or prank, we were going to do on someone or keep from someone or to have inside jokes. We just always knew how to sign. Our parents never taught us and we had never learned it in school. The guys never knew how to speak it. Well until now, well the guys that had been with us never did, so Tyler and Justin. If I wanted someone's attention I rang a bell, or if they called for me I'd ring it to make sure they knew they had been heard.

With all my non speaking free time, I wrote stories, or drew pictures, or wrote lyrics, because I had loved to act and sing, but now. Well.... You know it was kind of harder now. I would scream and cry in my sleep, but now instead of screaming or yelling or shouting to get someone's attention I used the bell. If after I got their attention if I wanted everyone to know what I wanted to say I wrote it down, but if I wanted just one person to know I'd point to them, and they'd come to me, the other's would have to sit and wait and wait to see if it cold be something I didn't mind the other's knowing.

I used to love to laugh, and now I scream in pain, or cry out. I don't let anyone lay a finger on me except my sister, since she's the only person I trust. One time she came to me and tried to ask me to tell her. I started playing with my hair nervously, then I gave in. I made her promise not to tell anyone, especially Justin, not to freak out or possibly laugh at me, and she had to believe me and know I wasn't just doing it to get attention, because she knew I wasn't that kind of person.

So I told her.... "You're gonna want to sit down for this." She sat. "Everything was all fine with Tyler and I at first, and then he convinced Justin to let us live on our own, away from everyone else, he agreed." "Why are you starting from so long ago?" "Would you just listen to me please?!" " I have to, to make it make sense." Ok sorry continue. "Thank you, so as I was saying, you and Justin were together, and I was with Tyler, then you guys started kind of doing your own thing, you became home schooled, and stuff, and didn't hang around me much anymore."

"Things were going ok, up until he wanted the one thing I wasn't willing to give him, which was sex." Why that little.... "Phoebe!" "Please wait to give comments, or ask questions until I am completely finished." Fine go on. "Thank you." "I reminded him that he said he wouldn't make me do something I wasn't ready for, he let it go for a while, until a few weeks later, when I went around school, and kids started to bully and pick on me, they gave me dirty looks, they called me a bitch and a whore. "

She *gasped* I continued. "I lost all of my friends. The teacher's didn't care what happened to me. I ditched school a lot of the time, to get away. When I confronted Tyler about it, he told it was my punishment for not giving him what he wanted, he said he spread rumors about me that I slept with a bunch of guys, and had sex with others. "Soon he started to rape me, at that point I only spoke when talked to, since if I tried to tell people what he did, that no one believed me anyways.

The times I did see you and you tried to talk to me, that's part of the reason why I barely spoke." I started to tear up, I knew my sister did too, "soon they kept whispering about how, they were sure my parents accident wasn't an accident at all that they purposely, got them selves killed to not be around me, how no one wanted to be around me not even my own family, that the only reason you didn't kill yourself was because of Justin, that Justin was never my friend, that he only cared about you, that no one else cared about me at all, that's why you always stayed away.

We four used to be the most popular kids in school, but then Justin and you stopped going to school, and Tyler was the most popular person in school, I lost all my friends, and everything, no one wanted anything to do with me, no one would talk to me or anything, they wouldn't even go anywhere near me." I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding in, " I asked Tyler why he did that, if he loved me, he said if I can't have you no one can, so I'll just make sure they can't by making you seem horrible." " Soon he started drinking even though we were all under age." "He'd drink, and start beating on me, he told me if I told anyone what he did to me, he hunt me down and hurt me like he's never hurt me before." I just cried and cried. " No one was gonna believe me anyways, so I decided to go mute, then everyone started adding mute to their list of words to call me."

"He made me into a slave. Made me do everything for him, if he didn't like it he hit me, if I tired to talk me back, he punched me in the stomach, if I didn't take my "medicine" to let him do what he wanted to me, he'd pull my hair to make me open my mouth, and continue to rape or abuse me to the point the only words were, stop, and please, and why are doing this to me, aside from that they were screams, shouts, cries of pain, or whimpers." When I texted you, I had used my cover up on my scars, like I kept around. you had been on tour with your BF for sometime now, no one asked me probably because you all thought I was happy with Tyler, I mean I physically couldn't tell you anyways even if I wasn't."

"Tyler wasn't home at the moment, I had been planning my escape for a while now, don't ask why I didn't run away, for two reasons, one I was afraid, two, I knew he would find me and bring me home, drug me and then rape or abuse me. I went out and bought his favorite beer, and put sleep pills into it to knock him out, I found my phone in the house, my window was right on the inside of the ground, all I had to do was open it and put one foot out onto the grass, I tossed my stuff out of the window, heard him come home, he saw I made his favorite drink, told me if I thought I was buttering him up it wasn't gonna work, then I heard a loud thunk noise and made a run for it and never looked back."

" I texted you, it was pouring rain, my scars were showing again, I looked the way I did when you found me that night, and told you that drunk guys beat me up, it wasn't all true or a lie, Tyler was drunk, and he is a guy, but I knew how you'd all react if you knew the truth, I heard beeping when I ran down the ally, where you found me I thought it was Tyler coming after me, that he was gonna kill me. To my relief it was you, and Justin, then I remember blacking out. I remember being in a bed, and screaming thinking I was home again, with Tyler." "The rest is history."

My sister cried and held me tightly then cried out that she had to tell! I gave her the no, sign, I told her if she told, IDK but he'd knew I had told and hunt me down to try and kill me, that in front of a crowd he'd pretend everything was ok. She agreed not to tell anyone, but she was scared for me, and cried and cried and cried, and we both cried, she rubbed nice cold circles onto my back and kept promising she'd never tell, that somehow we were gonna put a stop to everything.

She slept with me that night, said she was doing it to protect me, truth be told I don't think after hearing the truth, that she ever wanted anyone to leave my side ever again.

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