Follow her

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We were on the road, Justin said he would be in charge of me and making sure nothing bad happened to me. My sister said that everyone was gonna take part in everything, that because it was his "brother" that was causing the problem that he was definitely taking part in making sure we knew what he was up to. But that he could take the first shift in watching me, that try to make sure I don't go anywhere, but if I did to follow me.

Fine. If or when she leaves and comes back, check her over for any new bruises. Ok, and what are the two of you going to do? Cody is going to contact the Dr. In the area that our first Dr. Suggested, and I'm going to try and somehow help the police in the area figure out what Tyler is up to. If you figure out anything before then, and if you figure out where he's hiding, report back to us.

Don't let her out of your sight! No problem there. She rolled her eyes. This isn't a romantic mission, it's for her safety. I know. When and if we figure this all out, and she's back to the good kind of "normal" then my goal is to make my mission romance, she laughed winking, but until then just keep her safe. Figure out if she starts trying to walk away that you figure out how and why.

Got it. Where are you going? We don't have practice, rehearsals, or any tour stuff until six, so I'm going to the police station. Where's Cody? I'm here, he called, I'll just be busy trying to figure out the Dr. Stuff. Where is she right now? Sleeping, which is good for her, that way we know she's going to be just fine. Ok. See ya. I'm trusting you.

Cody, I'm leaving, make sure he makes sure that nothing bad happens to my sister. Got it! He called. Hey?! My sister left chuckling. At about noon, Cody left to go pick up lunch, and when he did Justin had me get up, he helped me out of bed, handed me some clothes, dragged me to the bathroom, and signed into my hand to go get dressed. I went to go get dressed, but then saw my reflection in the mirror and left.

Farrah? Are you ok? He signed into my hand. Yes I signed back. I went to the door, opened it and left. As soon as the door closed he opened it again and stayed a distance behind me as we walked to another totally different abandoned broken down building. That had also been made sound proof and darkened. He still tried to listen for me.

This time he thought he heard something. But he wasn't sure. We were there for what felt like hrs. and by the time I came out Justin was sure that something bad had happened. He followed me back home looking confused as why I'm out here. He decided to approach me. He took my hand signing hello to me. Hello I signed back. What are you doing out here? He sighed into my hands again. IDK I signed back. Come on honey let's go back to the bus and see if Cody has food for us.

He signed into me. I signed ok. He took my hand and dragged me back. He closed and locked the door. He sat me on the couch and went to talk to Cody. Hey where did the two of you go? I followed her. Cody pulled him into the room, and closed the door. Where did she go? IDK, it was like a building that she went to last time, but this time I heard noises, but IDK what I heard.
Should we get rid of the building so that no one can go there? I'll call her sister and ask her, and we'll decide what to do from there, but I have to check her for new bruises. Where is she now? Sitting on the couch. Won't she wonder why you're doing that? There's more. What do you mean? I asked her what she was doing there, but she didn't know, so we came home.

Do you have lunch for us? Yes, but you should check the younger Jade sister first. Ok, alright, you're right, I'm going. Good boy. Woof! He mocked playfully. He sat down beside me, and signed into my hand an explanation for what he was about to be doing. Trusting that he wouldn't hurt me, I allowed him to touch me. But his hands were freezing. I jumped back.
He frowned at me. Did I hurt you? He signed. I shook my head. You're hands are just cold, I signed back. Oh I'm sorry, I can warm them up, he signed. No I signed, it felt nice, I don't mind the cold touch, I continued. When my sister came back, she asked how everything went. Justin hadn't found anything new, but that was because Tyler used a special cover up on me to cover the parts he made new cuts and bruises on just in case something like this happened.

When my sister had me go shower and get ready for bed, I was in my pjs and saw my reflection and left. Where is she going? We need to follow her! They followed me. Back to the same building. That's the same building. Why would whoever is doing this bring her here? We already know who, we just want to know why. She had no new anything from before, and there was no screaming crying or yelling. Unless he made it that way for a reason. Probably the same reason for making sure that she forgets what happens here so that even if she wanted to she can't tell us.

This is all part of his plan. If we can't get proof he can't get double time for being in jail. But nothing says we can't destroy the building, once she comes back out. He pulled out his phone. Hey?! How will we get out of here in time, before Tyler is on to us, if he knows something is up, Farrah could be in more danger than she probably is right now!

We want to capture him, and get him back, but we don't want to risk Farrah being more hurt than she has been. Call them, and get them down here, and I'll get the police down here to get us home, but without knowing who's really in there, and with what with no proof we can't arrest him again. So that's what they did. When I came out the wrecking people came and once we were safely driving away they blew it up. Now all we needed was proof and to figure out how and when I decide to go wherever I go. Until then they kept an eye on both of us.

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