Three again

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After that whole thing happened, Tyler took me home. I still refused to speak. Justin was heartbroken. Now I still won't talk still, even though they're treating it like nothing even happened. We went home and lived our lives like everything was perfect, like it was supposed to be. Where he pretended to be the perfect BF. If I knew or remembered what happened, as Tyler hadn't just lied to my confused face in the hospital, where he tried to tell me all of that horrible relationship was all just a bad dream.

Justin now knew the truth, and tried to stop Tyler, but Tyler ignored him and took me away as if Justin had said nothing at all. Except you've all heard all the way through this so far, so let's continue our new stuff, shall we?! That's what I thought. Continuing now. Back with Justin, he was trying to of course come up with a scheme to do the things we talked about in our last chapter.

He's good at that, good at coming up with plots, and plans and scheme's and get into trouble, even if getting into trouble is the only way to put a rapist in jail for raping myself and abusing me too, and then putting my sister away in jail, well she took my place, he was trying to sew me for drugging him for abusing and raping me, and my sister took my place instead, even though she had no proof, and she wouldn't have to have done that if it weren't for Tyler in the first place.

Then when Cody tried to protect me from Tyler, Tyler found out, and beat Cody up. Then if that weren't enough he drove drunk with both of us in the car which caused my accident in the first place. Once again, back with Justin.

*Ug* this is impossible, why was I the last to hear about everything?! Why can't she trust me?! She doesn't trust anyone, and I, and I, and I *sigh* I don't blame her. What on Earth happened the 4 of us were the popular kids in school, were the cutest couples, where did everything go so wrong? Was it when Phoebe and I went on tour, or before that when they moved in to the guest house together, or was the mistake way long before that all?

Like I was totally dating the wrong girl. It's always been Farrah, she's my BFF, and my crush, but because none of us ever admitted any of our feelings for either of each other and because of that, her sister went out with me, and the same reason she broke up with me, because she knew her sister had feelings for me. Boy am I stupid! This is all my fault!

*Ug* what have I done?! I have to do something to help her, and first thing first, in order to get rid of Tyler I need Phoebe out of jail, and Cody to be well enough to work with me on my devious plan to get rid of my "brother" brother being he's still adopted. Now I just need a plan. I'll need my phone for this.

Justin: Hello? Yes this is Justin Bieber, I'm calling for Phoebe Jade.
Voice: Yes, let's see here, Phoebe Jade, sister Farrah Jade, older of the set of twins, identical to each other and was dating our victim Tyler, your adoptive brother and drugged him saying he rapped her and had no proof.

Justin: No that was all a lie first of all, she said that to help her sister, who probably would've rather been in jail to not be around any of us, because Tyler rapped Farrah, Tyler dated Farrah, not her sister, her sister was with me on tour, Farrah was trying to get away from the pain and the abuse, she won't speak to anyone and doesn't trust anyone and now she's been in a terrible accident because Tyler drove drunk and then told her everything was a bad dream and took her back home, and now I need her sister out of jail to put my brother in jail, he also beat up my best friend.

Voice: I see, well we will have the girl out of our causticity and remove the file from our records and in the first van back to your tour bus, in how does tomorrow morning work?
Justin: *sigh* Well if it's the earliest you can get her here by, than thanks. Goodbye.

Ok, now to get Cody back, which means I'll just get out my car in the back and go and get him myself. Once he arrives. Hello, I'm here to get Cody Simpson and take him back with me. Yes let's see, um.... The rest lady suddenly looks up with a small smile. He doesn't appear to be here?  What? What do you mean he's not here, I just saw him a couple of hours ago?! Suddenly someone leaps onto his back. G-D Cody, please get down.

Cody ruffles his hair getting down from his back. Hey? Justin whines. Oh Justin man up, and lets get this plan in action, and get you your GF back. She's not my GF. She's not even my friend as of right now, she hates me, at the very least she's afraid of me. Oh we'll fix that right up, don't worry your pretty little head. He says patting his head. Hey, don't pat me so hard, geez Cody. Cody rolls his eyes. Oh boy, you do not make this easy.

The next morning Phoebe shows up, the next morning. He tells her the plan, everyone hugs. Let's get my sister back, and get rid of Tyler once and for all! Now you're speaking my language! Let's do this! 1, 2, 3 break!

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