She can't speak

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When they all came to, I was gone and they were trying to figure out what happened. The police found them, and asked them what happened, but they didn't know, all they knew was that I was gone. Justin was tossing and turning in pain lying in the arms of friends arms. The police had sent everyone home. They told them that Tyler had broken out of jail, they said they already knew that.

So they told them what the guards that last saw him happened. How he convinced them something was wrong, how they remembered seeing a stop watch in his cell and something hidden under a cloth, but they weren't sure how he got it. But that when he escaped with his smoke bomb he dropped the blue prints. That maybe with his plans they might figure out what happened to me, and what he was planning.

Except no could figure out what they meant. How are we gonna help her or figure out what his plan is if we have his plans but don't know what they mean?! Justin, stop it! We will figure this out, we will get Farrah back, she will be ok. No she won't! Phoebe my "brother" is capable of doing anything, to think that all this other stuff was going on and no one knew about it and he had me wrapped around his finger making me think he would never do what he did to her.

My sister *sighed* placing her hands on his shoulders trying to tell him everything would be ok, but she couldn't promise that. Justin I'm worried about my sister too, but we have to look on the bright side of things and try to stay positive, that's what she would've wanted. I'm sorry. She said hugging him. He moved away from her nudging her arm off of him. I'm going back to the bus. He said grabbing the plans and heading back.

Justin wait! Our friends called after him, but he didn't listen. He ran ahead, the police apologized for what happened and promised that Tyler would be found and caught, never to hurt us again, and that they had copied the plans and would work on them themselves and get back to them. Thank you, my sister said. And I'm sorry about him. Why, something bad happened to someone he clearly feels strongly about, and so do the rest of you. There's no need to be sorry.

We'll find her. That is a promise. Goodbye for now, we will follow up with progress soon. Thank you so much for your help. It's what we do. Now it would be best to return back to where you need to be. When the rest followed back to the bus and no one saw me with them the adults panicked asking questions, asking if Justin was ok, and what happened. They explained and they all group hugged, his mother turning to her son's room. He will be ok, he's just worried about Farrah like the rest of us.

You are so positive. I know, I know that's what my sister would want. For us to be happy and keep positive. When we find her, I fear we'll be back to square one on her trust and her not telling us anything, but if she did she would be so brave, she is already by being with him, not going to the police or talking to anyone so that he wouldn't kill her. I hope we find her alive, when we find her at all. I have a feeling that he won't kill her, he needs her, if she's dead he can't get what he wants.

You're right. She's so brave, and strong dealing with things like and people like what she's been through and Tyler. Cody, stay out here I'm going to go talk to Justin. But he didn't want to say anything, he just wanted to figure out what happened and figure out his "brother's" plans. He was determined to be my hero and save the day getting rid of Tyler forever. Even if it meant death, since that seemed like the only way to make sure that Tyler could never hurt anyone ever again.

About the same time that Tyler sent me home, somehow I could find myself back even though he made me blind. Now that he cursed me as blind deaf and dumb. They would have to be patient with me all over again with me not telling them anything and not trusting them. I'm gonna go look for her, and I'm not coming back until I do! Justin yelled opening the door just to find me on the other side.

They were so happy to see me, they welcomed me back in, not daring to touch me. Farrah you must be freezing, come inside. When I didn't they all wondered why. He gave me a light push on my back to move forward. Justin? My sister warned. She wasn't moving herself. Farrah are you ok? I didn't respond. Maybe she's just in shock and scared.

No, she would still sign, or move or something. Something's very wrong. It's late let's get her to bed. Maybe she'll be ok in the morning. When I didn't move on my own, he picked me up and carried me to bed. Goodnight. What no one including myself knew was that I could feel around and sign still. What if she's still not fine in the morning? Then we go to the Dr. And get them to check her over.

So that's what happened. The Dr. *sighed* asking if they knew what happened to me. They told him all they did know. Well there's good news and bad news. And a sorta solution. What do you want to hear first? The solution. One thing we can do is keep her here with us until we come up with a more temporary solution, permanent until she gets better, and we're going to keep her over night to run some tests on her, but I'm sure you would all like to have her with you and how inconvenient it would be while you're on tour to come back if she stays here.

What's the other option? We keep her just over the night and you are all patient with her until she gets better, helping her in anyway you can. Someone with her at all times, and I'm gonna recommend a Dr. From every near by hospital on the road, to where you're going. And a check up once a week. And if you aren't in place of a hospital at the moment call me and we'll talk through it over the phone. Ok so what's the bad news?

She has what Drs. Call the "Tommy" curse. Which is what? She's been made blind deaf and dumb or in our case can't speak. So what's the good news? That it's a curse and all curses can be broken. She can still sign, but we'll have to sign the letters into her palm to get her back into doing it on her own, and she can feel, which is different from the original curse and good for us because when she can't see hear or speak that she can still feel.

How do we fix it? Figure out how it happened and put an end to it. That might be easier said than done since her ex and escaped criminal did this probably to her and we want nothing to do with him. It may be the only way to ever make her better, unless you find a different way. Good luck. Come back for her when we call for you, and when she comes back after tomorrow don't talk to her like she's not there or doesn't understand. Talk to her even when she can't hear you. Go about your days as if nothing is wrong.

She will get better have no doubt about that, the question is when. It took about 16 years or so before the mother found a solution. Which was get rid of the origin of the problem. Goodnight progress in the morning. Boy we hope so.

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