Saving her

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Ok you guys does everyone know that they're doing? Yeah I think so, but just so the readers know should we tell them, or surprise them and just do it anyways? Hm.... Yeah sorry readers, but your gonna find out anyways so why tell you twice?! Oh Justin stop teasing the audience. I'm not it's the truth. Phoebe rolls her eyes. Sorry about him but he's right let's continue.

So we were discussing our plans to save my sister from her soon to be ex boyfriend. Get Justin's brother in jail and get my sister to start trusting us again, and eventually get her to speak again. (And get my sister together with Justin, sh don't tell Justin.) What Phoebe? Oh nothing *Wink* Whatever.

So first thing's first get back home to my house. So that we can get rid of Tyler once and for all! So that's what we did. We went home. Because Tyler told Farrah that everything was a dream he pretended to be the best boyfriend ever. Which now we all know isn't true except for her now and Tyler knows that the rest of us know his secret.

A secret that he tried so hard to keep. Except now he knows we know and is now using that to his advantage. He probably expects us to try to save her, but would he be prepared for what we have planned?! Man I hope not! So that's what happened. We arrived at the guest house and since it was my house still and I knew all the secret ins and outs of it I knew a secret way in.
Which I'm glad that Tyler didn't know about it. It was a secret entrance to my bedroom here in the guest house. Neither of them would have a clue. Meanwhile Cody would be there to get her out and her sister was gonna call the cops for Tyler. But no one knew what I had planned. Knowing myself I wanted to be the hero she was gonna need. I wanted to take down my brother myself. No matter what happened to me.

While her sister was currently on the phone with the police I was looking for Farrah in the house to make sure she was ok. Other then being fooled into thinking that everything was a lie or in her case a dream. I found her in my room. I knocked on the door and she looked up. "Justin?!" She signed to me. I nodded. I wanted to hug her but I knew better.

"What are you doing here?!" She signed back. The reasons not important. I told her. She gave me a weird look. Farrah?! I asked her. She pulled away from me. "Get back Justin!" She signed back. Why? I asked her. "Your gonna get hurt!" She warned me. "I can't let anyone get hurt because of me." She signed. Farrah what has he done?!

"It was a couple days after we all went our separate ways, Tyler took me home, for the next couple of days he was fine and we pretended that nothing happened and then I started to remember what happened and tried to get away again." " he went back to his ways like the last couple of weeks never happened."

"Hearing" that broke my heart. There was nothing I wanted more than huh her and make her mine, but I still knew better then that. For now all I wanted was for her to be safe and come back with us and help her trust us and be her friend again be whatever she needed me to be. As long as she trusted me. But I knew that trust wasn't forced that it had to be given and once again she didn't trust anyone.

I didn't blame her. Soon I heard footsteps come up behind me and saw my "brother." I made sure my door was wide open to make sure someone could hear her scream and come to her aid. He threw the first punch. I staggered a bit and Farrah gave a small whimper. Luckily she wasn't the one getting hurt. I would gladly take the pain if she didn't have to.

I punched him back harder, this went on for a while until both of us were broken, or until the police showed up, but by then it was too late. Tyler had hit me hard enough to send me flying back into the wall temporarily knocking me out. I heard a scream as I blacked out. I knew now Farrah would be ok.

Back to my POV

Justin probably just saved me or something after he beat up Tyler. I didn't want Justin to get hurt, but there was nothing I could do. He was trying to protect me. I whimpered when he got hurt the first time and then when he blacked out I was so scared. I screamed. Then Cody came in. Tyler pulled my arm and brought me to him. I whimpered in pain.

Suddenly I heard sirens and knew the police were coming. My sister came to my side to make sure I was ok. I signed to her that I was fine, and she kissed my forehead. Cody went to Justin's side and held a grip onto him picking up his head resting it in his lap. Oh bud that wasn't the plan, at least not the one we all discussed, you don't need to be the hero.

You moron. You got yourself pretty banged up bro. He gently pushed his hair out of his face. Tyler got taken away. We were never gonna see him again. Good thing we were on a break for a couple of days. Another car came up and picked us up towing Justin's behind the other. The car was taking us all back to the tour bus.

We were so glad that we were never going to see him again and we couldn't wait to relax. We had a ways to go to get to where we were going next and also a ways to go in helping me get better. Back to normal happy healthy and talking again and with trust in others. Myself and my friends would have a lot to catch up on. Even though they knew pretty much everything even when I never even spoke. We couldn't wait to hear my voice again and gain my trust once again. (I'm sure that my sister couldn't wait to get Justin and I together, but she would have to wait a little bit longer.) I on the other hand couldn't wait to have my best friend back to be able to talk to him again without signing.

For now though rest is in order for both of us. I hope we get better soon. Especially Justin he did just save me from his brother after all. Even though I would've gladly taken more pain if that meant that he didn't. I suffered that long so far I would've been fine with being hurt so that no one else would've had to, but what's done is done.

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