Who, what, when, where, why, how

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So, let's go over the basics. At some point, unless otherwise, we send her in to do something, and when she comes out, she walks perfectly to a place she's never been before, and somehow forgets why she's out there, and leaves the place perfectly coming back to the bus. Yep, sounds like that's all we know, so here's what we need to discuss and find out, first I don't want to talk about anything without her, so I'll go get her.

Once my sister comes to get me, she carefully places me on the floor. Ok, so we sorta know what's going on, we already discussed this, but we need to know who is doing this, what is making her do this, where she goes, when she goes there and comes back, why she's going there, and how we can make it stop and get our girl back.

Ok so, we know where she goes, she goes to an abandoned creepy broken down building. Where it's sound proof and darkened out so that we can't hear anything or see in. We can probably guess who, which would be Tyler, so then the why would be to rape or abuse or beat on her. The what would be possibly the Tommy Curse, and that he makes her forget what happens so that even if she wanted to, she can't tell of us of any kind. So we need to know how this is happening and how to stop it from happening.

Ok, so she's my sister so the next time she starts to walk away I'll go after her. Let's go get ready for bed. Ok. So I was sent in to get ready for bed. When I was done showering, and dressed, I saw myself in the mirror and opened the door and started going to the next abandoned building. There she goes! My sister came after me. When I got there I opened the door and went in.

A couple hrs. later I was sent out. When I left Phoebe called Justin and told him to call in one of his guys to tear down the building. He got right on it. Every building I went to got torn down. I went back to the bus and went to my room and went to sleep. They regrouped. So.... Where's Farrah? Asleep still you want to wake her up? Cody go get her. Ok.

Cody carried me into the living room carefully setting me down. Thank you. Now, so we figured out when she goes it's been mostly at night. So what do we do? Um.... Let's send her in now and see what happens. I went in and came back out and back to where the abandoned building had been. She went back to the same spot.

Because it's the only building like that in this area. Farrah? She can't hear you Justin! They approached me. My sister signed into my hand. "No, you can't be here!" I sighed back. She asked me why not. "IDK but I think something bad will happen to you if you stay." "You guys have to go he's gonna come and take me to another spot." They asked me how he knew I was coming. "IDK, he just does." Justin scan her for metal. Why?

Just do it! Ok, ok. Hey, you were right check this out, she's got a tracking chip or something on her. Then they noticed the strange pair of earrings. My sister asked where they came from. "Tyler gave them to me a long time ago." OMG that's how he knew where we'd be when we first picked her up and where she is, he's been tracking her.

Justin asked me for them. I got scared "telling" him I couldn't. Why not? He asked. Guys their getting louder, he must be getting closer. If we let her go with him we can figure out a way to see where she goes. Scan them. Ok. He linked them up to his phone. Got 'em. They hid away. Tyler drove up and got me taking me to the next place.

They went back to the bus. This happened for a good few weeks. They were still trying to figure out how this was happening. Now the time was whenever, there were no specific times like they thought. They'd track me and wait for me for me to leave and make sure Tyler left already too and then called to have it torn down.

Then it was Justin who had the break through! OMG! What?! I think I figured it out. But I need to test it. Phoebe open your makeup case and pretend to put on makeup. Ok? Just do it. Now I pull Farrah here. I saw my reflection and started heading to the door. Quick lock the door! No, we have to let her go. If she goes now, we can cover up all the mirrors, so that this can't happen.

Ok fine. So I went to the next spot. Same thing every time. Until.... So everything's covered. Hey let's go have lunch somewhere. Sure. I went into the bathroom and saw my reflection it had been a few days since then. When I came back from there and it was torn down, the next time it happened, they had a mic on me. And tracked me and had 911 on speed dial.

When I got there, I was drugged like usual, so that I'd be more corporative. He tied me in an X to the bed. I was already exhausted but he hadn't done anything to me yet. They weren't gonna tear down that building yet until they had the wardrobe with them, they had a truck with them. The police came in, I had been gaged, and tied up. He hadn't touched me yet, and he wasn't gonna touch me ever again.

Tyler would be on death row they were gonna kill him. They said they would discuss with me how. The Drs. Showed up to tell them how to reverse the curse. But first, Tyler got arrested, they carefully first took my mic off, and crushed the tracking device. Then they un gaged me and untied me, I was still really tired. I tried to get up, but I couldn't. I was numb everywhere.

They brought the mirror in. The right mirror the wardrobe mirror that started it all. They said in order to reverse it they had to sing the reverse song and then smash the mirror. Just like they did in the musical. But that we might want to wait for me to gain feeling back, so until then just watch me and make sure I didn't go anywhere.

That would be more easily said then done. 

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