You told pay the price

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Once we were alone and Tyler was with me, after we picked him up, he picked up right where we left off. I was afraid to be anywhere near him, but Justin was on stage at one of concerts, and I was waiting in the dressing room. My sister was watching the show, with Cody.

All the while I had tried so hard to trust Justin again, but now that Tyler was back, there was nothing I could do. They made us share a room. He started beating me up again, and raping me again, and I would scream, and try to fight back, but he'd drug me again.

It was like nothing had changed, as if I never left. I never said a word to anyone, and he wouldn't even have to know that I told my sister. If he did, I would be dead, for sure. Like him being here, to "take our love to the next level." Wasn't bad enough already as it is, as it was, like when this all started out.

I couldn't do anything about it, but it didn't help that my room was soundproof. Then one day, he told me that after the stunt I pulled I'd have to pay for it. He was gonna go to court and tell them, that I drugged him, and fled the house, it was just gonna be us a judge and my sister.

He was a good actor, could get anyone to side with him on anything he wanted them to. That's probably how he got all of my friends to believe his lies. That's exactly what happened, all except that, we didn't count on Phoebe taking the hit for me.

At court he pointed right at me and told them what I did. I was gonna accept what I did, but before I could, my sister told them that, because we look so much alike he got us mixed up, that SHE took the full responsibility for drugging him, that she did it because he abused her, and raped her, had been spreading bad rumors about her.

That's when he turned to me with pure evil and hate. I knew she was trying to protect me, but now if she was gone, who would protect me when she was. Cody was her BF, Justin would never believe me even if I "told" him since Tyler had been my BF, and that he knew nothing about what had really gone on. Not that I could talk to any of the guys for sure after this.

I'd be starting at square one all over again. All because my sister thought she was protecting me by taking the blame. They believed Tyler and Phoebe. Tyler and I arrived back on the bus, she told the judge that I had been on tour with MY BF Justin, and that SHE had been staying with Tyler in Justin's guest house ever since they pretty much got together. They took her, because they thought she was lying because she had no marks, or proof.

What was I gonna do now?! The only thing I could do. That was pray. That didn't work, I would've wished I had been dead after all the hell Tyler had put me through. Kept telling me he loved me, just wanted to love me better, and harder.

When I refused his pleasure, he drugged me. He acted fine in front of Justin and Cody. They left us alone all the time, could never see through, Tyler's evilness. Cody and Justin wondered where my sister was. I tried to "tell" them, but they didn't know that much. I was screwed. I was mute and now the person that made me that way over life or death was here to pretty much make sure that I could never tell anyone ever again.

I was stuck on a bus of people, wreathe whom I either hated for hurting me, or didn't trust, the only person that I had trusted let herself get arrested. Bad ideas were just going around, this week. Tyler coming to stay with us, my sister getting herself arrested! G-D can't anything go right for me?! Just this once please?!

I've been good, never did anything wrong. G-D I swear sometimes the world just hates me for no reason at all! What would you do? What could I do? Nothing that's what! It wasn't fair! My sister didn't deserve this, but she volunteered as tribute per say. Now I had no one again. Couldn't "speak" to anyone, had no no to protect me. Once again, I say I am so totally screwed!

I should've been arrested not Phoebe, I should be dying, not suffering. Can't anything go my way?! Of course not! Why should it?! He left me alone some days. He spent some of the time with his brother and Cody. So I'd relax on those days. Not many times, but on those times I did what I wanted to do.

Most of the time it involved healing. Then he'd come back and undo my hard work. Well gee I "told", I had been warned. Too bad now I had to pay the price. I thought after putting drugs into his drink and running away, would fix everything, but then Justin just had to go back and get pick him up. He was blinded by his brother's evil. Now both me and my sister were paying for it.

Somehow I'd promise my sister I'd break her out of jail and clear her name, that Tyler would finally get what he deserved. Just probably not anytime soon.

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