Drs. are like miracle workers

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In the morning everyone came back to the hospital. It was early in the morning so I was still asleep. Good morning they said to the Dr. How is she? Everyone wanted to know. Sleeping right now, but as far as progress goes I was able to make some. Really?! How?! I used my own hands to sign into hers so that she would be able to feel the letters. Now she can sigh again by herself. I gave her a bell and taught her how to ring it in order to gain someone's attention.

Oh we have experience in that already. Both with her signing and the bell. That's good. But like I said yesterday you have to be patient with her. Very patient. More patient than you have ever had to be with her before. Which is probably not as much more than you already apparently have been. Yes sir we understand. We'll be taking her now.

My sister dragged me to the bathroom with clothes and signed to go get dressed. You can't just sign at her she can't see you. You have to sign it in her hand. So she took her hand grabbed my own. And signed into it. Then she nudged me into the bathroom again. Only problem being the mirror I was dressed and felt for the door.

I opened it and went to the door. Where is she going? Everyone turned their head to me. We don't know. Follow her, but let her get to where she's going. If you try to stop her, who knows what will happen, it's probably the same reason why you don't wake up a sleep walker. It could be dangerous. Justin where are you going?!

He said to follow her, so that's what I'm doing, I lost her once I'm not going to lose her again! Come with me. So my sister and Cody followed him who was following me, and even though I had no idea where I was going or why somehow I still got there safely. I reached my hand out to open the door and went inside.

Where are we? IDK but this is where she lead us. Watch carefully and listen for any screaming. How can she scream if she can't speak?! Just listen! Where are you two going? To different places of the building. Cody is just a little bit taller than both of us, so he'll take the top window, I'll watch the door, you listen for screaming. What do we do if we hear screams since no one knows we're here?! Call the police. But what if she gets hurt because of whatever's in there because of us?!

We'll cross that bridge if we get there. For now just do what I'm telling you to do! There is no room for arguing this is for Farrah! You can't be stubborn about this! I'm not, this is for someone I really care about of course I'm not gonna be stubborn. That shocked everyone. Who are you and what have you done to our Justin?! Oh stop!

They stayed there waiting for what seemed like forever, inside I was in pain screaming, no question of what was going on. But the building was blacked out and soundproof for a reason. I don't hear anything. I don't see anything. Soon, after what felt like forever I got sent back to where I came from. So I walked back to the hospital.

They followed me back. I couldn't remember why I was out there or what just happened, but somehow I knew where I was going. When I got back the Dr. Held my arm signing into my hand. "Where did you go and what happened?" "What?" "Where did you go and what happened?" He repeated. I still gave him a confused look. "What are you talking about, I was just in the bathroom getting dressed?" Then my sister came over and signed into my hand. "No, you walked to a broken down looking building and came back, we saw you, we followed you." "What are you talking about?"

The Dr. Pulled them over to him. It could be possible that when she goes wherever she goes that her capture tells her to forget what happened so that if they make it so that she can't speak like she is now, they can make sure she's not communicating in any other kind of way. So when whoever took her, so Tyler when he put the Tommy curse or whatever on her he must've told her to forget what happened when she goes there. So that she can't "tell" us anything.

Well, we take her with us for now, and make sure someone has some kind of eye on Tyler and someone else keeping an eye on Farrah. I call dibs on the second part! That's the annoying Justin we all know and love. Come on let's get out of here. You guys are miracle workers, thank you so much, we'll be checking in soon, but we'll be sure to keep a good eye on her too. See you soon. Or talk to you on phone later and we'll check in with the hospitals you recommended.
Well good luck. Thanks again, bye.

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