Enough is enough I'm so out of here

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For the past few days, I've been planning on running away. I just need to find my phone, grab my stuff, get out of there. The easiest way to do that? Spike his beer and that he shouldn't be drinking anyways and make him fall asleep, hard core, so that when he wakes up I'll be gone already. So that's what I did.

I put on my cover up, he wasn't home, so I searched the house for my phone. Got dressed (outfit 1)and headed to the store. When I got back, he still wasn't there thank G-D. I finished packing my stuff. Then did something I hadn't done in forever. Contacted my sister. Texting of course, there was no way I could probably ever talk to anyone ever again. I was mute girl now, have been for a while now.

Me: Hey uh Phoebe, do you think you guys could make a quick pit stop home, long story short, Tyler and I got into a little fight, and I need to be away from him before it gets worse?! I put my phone down. He came home. I had already poured the drink. Farrah are you ready?! Yep babe I'll be right there, I left you your special drink.

Ha if you think you're gonna try to butter me up to let you leave, your crazy. I was packed, tossed my stuff out my open window, and heard a loud thunk come from the living room. I jumped out the window and ran with my stuff, too bad it was raining. I ran away and never looked back. Sister: Farrah where are you what happened? Back on the bus she was freaking out!

Damn Tyler's not answering the phone. She should be with him. IDK that Justin, she said they were in a fight and that she needed to get away from him. Then track her phone. Because it was raining so much my scars were starting to show. I learned sign language, I'd have to lie, so that they wouldn't be as worried about me as they were gonna be. I'd "tell" them that some drunk guys beat me up. Which wasn't a total lie. I knew if they knew and that Tyler knew about it he'd kill me, he was already gonna kill me if he ever saw me again.

When I heard my phone being tracked I ran even faster, I was scared he had woken up already and was gonna come kill me now. My sister had already been taking sign for a while, so she could understand me. I huddled in a corner in an ally way, about to pass out when I saw a figure coming at me, then passed out.

OMG she's all cut up, why is she all the way out here?! What happened to her?! We need to take her to the bus. ASAP! No kidding. Justin I got her stuff, you can carry her. I felt someone pick me up, I moved my hands around to signal the word what. In a groggy way. Shh, shh, its ok, just go back to sleep. I tried to keep my eyes open, but to much pain kept them closed anyways.

When we got to the bus, my sister pulled out an outfit for me to wear, to change into since the other one was soaked. They had broken up at some point, because Justin had realized he actually liked someone else, and my sister knew it was me. So she was ok with it, she had been dating Cody for a while now. They met at a concert, became BFFs and now he's on board too. 

This (outfit 2) was what I was in now. When I woke back up again, the first thing I did was change outfits. Then wonder to myself where I was. I freaked out and screamed. Since screaming was kind of one of the only things I could do since I couldn't speak. The other's came into the room. Farrah what's wrong? I started signing asking for help. My sister translated, but no one got that she was translating me.

Help what she wondered? This was all too much for me and I passed out again.

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