Smash the mirror and break the curse

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My sister picked me up, as they set me in front of the mirror. The wardrobe that started the second half of this mess, now that Tyler would be gone we could only hope forever. The mirror was the only thing I see and hear. So, what do we do now? Where's the reverse?

They mentioned something about singing the reverse song, and smashing the mirror. After that, she should return back to her un-blind, un-deaf, and not longer mute. Well, you know she may still be mute by choice again after this, but she'll no longer feel pain, but she will have to probably start all over again to trust us.

Not again! I'm sick of this! Why can't it be more like a sleeping curse, where the prince kisses the princess and the curse is all over?! True love can conquer all, it's not supposed to be this way! Justin calm down, I love my sister more than anything in this world, apparently same as you, but panicking and wishing that things were different isn't going to help!

So, get a grip! G-D you're annoying! We're gonna get through this, if we keep our heads, this is bigger than just us, its about saving the one person all three of us love more than life its self, and that's Farrah. Focus on our mission at hand. You're right, I'm sorry. You're ok, just don't freak out on us.

Next time you freak out, I'm gonna slap ya silly to slap some sense into you, you hear me?! Yeah, I got it, I'm not gonna panic anymore. Can you keep that promise? I will do my best. That I promise. Good enough. So, I have the reverse here, and the song of the spell here. She's good, she's just sitting there.

Let's break this stupid painful curse you guys. Now those are words I like to hear.

at the end of the song, the mirror of the wardrobe was smashed to pieces. I blinked my eyes, I can see and hear again. I signed. My sister helped me up from the floor, and hugged me. Oh sissy, we did, you're free, you're saved! I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her.

The boys wanted nothing more than to hug me too, but they knew I'd have to start over again, that my sister was once again the only person I trusted now again. It made some form of sense. Tyler being a guy, and Justin's "brother" it just would bring back too many painful unforgettable memories.

All the pain and the suffering. All the rape and the abuse, and the drugs. Being controlled. Having to take orders, so that not to be punished. Even when I did follow them I'd still be punished. Even if Tyler called it love, taking our love to a whole new level, blah, blah, blah.But that's not what love is. Romantic or non, or family, which could also be non romantic. I was free of the curse, free from the pain and the suffering, free from being a puppet, but still mute, still having to start from square one all over again with trusting everyone, aside from my sister, aside from my pretty much coulda shoulda woulda been supposed to be twin sister, my older sister.

The only person that loved me with all her being of all her life, in the whole world. Not knowing that Justin felt the same, as did myself, even if my sister would always be the person I loved the most, she was the only person from my family that I still had with me. Sister's before mister's.I love you she said to me. I love you too. I signed back. Let's go back to the bus ok? I tried to stand on my own, my body was too numb, as my knees got pulled out from under me. Farrah?! My sister cried out. I'm fine, I'll be ok I signed to her. She picked me up, and carried me to the bus.

How is she? Free. She's free, but still now once again just mute once more and she has to start all over again with trusting everyone but her sister. Again. Can you just be happy that she's no longer cursed and that you're brother can never hurt her again?! I am, it's just disappointing to have to start all over again, as if she never trusted us before.

I told you, we'll get through this, together, let's not lose our heads. Farrah, you must be exhausted, go lay down, I'll be right there to lay down with you. After being forced to sleep from Tyler and his drugs, I'd been a little afraid to sleep after that, but knowing that my sister would be right there with me, made all the difference in the world.

Now, all I had to do was to trust, which would be more easily said than done.

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