I must survive in order to do that maybe I can trust Cody once and for all

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I just couldn't take it anymore! Tyler was here, my sister was gone, I didn't trust any of the guys on this bus. One was the cause of this, of making me this way, one reminded me that my sister had to pay the price, the other was the evil one's brother.

I was being treated the same way I had been since before I had escaped, my sister was in jail for protecting me, and the tour had nearly just begun, I was so screwed! I know I've said that plenty of tomes in here, but I am, there's no doubting it. If my life right now was a song it would definitely be "SOS." All except no one was gonna help me.

They couldn't even if they wanted to, they had no idea who Tyler really was, had no idea what happened to my sister, and I never said anything. And everything was Tyler's fault. I didn't even want to date him in the first palace so really it was mine, because I never told my BFF how I really felt about him, and my sister never knew but she I guess assumed.

It was my own fault all this pain was thrust upon me for as long as Tyler and I have been together all because I couldn't just grow up and be a man and tell Justin that I liked him. So now I have the abusive BF who didn't even start off that way, until he just wanted me for sex.

One weekend Justin and Tyler went away for the last couple of days to catch up. I spent that time healing. Cody and I were the only one's left. I had the bell, I left my door open in case with in those couple of days I'd need something. Behind closed doors, I continued my sister's job. I taught Cody sign. He'd have to teach Justin, Tyler would be left in the dark. The only other thing being that I "told" Cody not to "tell" Justin what really happened.

Cody came in one day, to find new bruises and cuts, and other things, that weren't on me when I arrived, "asked" me if I had done this, trying to end my pain, and previous suffering. Before I came on the bus. I "told' him what really happened. He was so shocked.

I "told" him to promise me not to "tell" Justin. Because Cody was so worried about me he didn't. I "told" him what really happened to my sister, he "asked" to hug me, I was hesitant and "told" him I didn't think that was a good idea, how I really wanted to trust them both. "Told" him how I really felt, that I wasn't sure if my sister knew. He laughed and "told" me that someday when Justin hadn't been around that she assumed I had really liked Justin, but just never told anyone.

That was one of the reasons that they broke up, so that she could be with Cody, and she thought we'd make a really cute couple. Because BFFs just make really nice couples or something. Now Cody and my sister couldn't be happier. He "said" he'd help me get him to be mine, and Tyler out of everyone's life. I smiled at that, blushing gently.

I was at a lost of words. Not that I would be speaking anytime to anyone for a while anyways. "said" he was gonna help me not feel as much pain, that during nights, if Tyler tried to hurt me, he filled the room with sleep dust, to knock Tyler out.

I "thanked" him, and decided that I would hug him, just this once, that one way or another, Tyler would get was coming to him, that Justin and I would be together, and by doing that, Tyler and my sister would soon be switching places. That is if Tyler didn't foil our plans first and ruin this plan to.

Wish us luck. We're gonna need all the help we could get, but for now I was majorly glad I was starting to trust a boy again and almost be rid of Tyler forever.

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