Two to one

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Now being that the only 3 of us that were left were myself and two people that I didn't trust, I was terrified. My sister in jail, her newest BF in the hospital, all where they are because of me. This was all my fault. I should've just let Tyler do whatever he wanted with me, and suffered, that way my BFF and my sister and my newest friend wouldn't be sharing my troubles. Yes I realize what I said, which is the ironic part because right now I'm so afraid of him.

I was like so totally doomed! The only good that came of this was that Justin was worried about me, on his own, not just because we warned him about Tyler. That he had Tyler start sleeping in his room. Justin there's nothing to be worried about. Tyler told him. I know, it's just her sister is in jail, Cody got beat up, and she doesn't trust anyone according to her sister. Yeah, I understand, I feel bad for her. Thoughts: Sure you do!

Is there something wrong Just? Huh? Oh uh no Tyler I'm fine I promise. I know that Farrah isn't though, and I don't know what to do I just want her to trust me again. Aw I'm sorry bro, don't worry she'll come around. You really think so? Sure Justin, sure. Tyler said ruffling his hair. Goodnight Tyler. Justin called out turning over to go to sleep. Goodnight Justin. For the night and only one I was safe.

The next day, we had all gone out, the tour bus had stopped for a couple of days. We had a free day. Those were the days I feared the most. It was about lunch time, Tyler had dragged me to go get food for the three of us. We were in the car, he made a stop to get a drink. Thoughts: He really shouldn't be drinking that, in fact he really shouldn't be drinking at all, and for that matter not while he's driving. I was right, of course I was we got into an accident practically all on purpose.

Tyler had this happy evil look on his face calling Justin to come to the hospital quick that I was hurt. He remembered the warning Cody and I gave him. He had been waiting a while for us to come back, worried since I was with him instead of him with me. That just didn't sit well with his stomach, then Tyler said a drunk driver hit us, and he just didn't know what to do with himself. He knew that's how my parents died.

It was before Tyler came into any of our lives. Tyler had no idea that this had happened, now I could be very well suffering the same fate, yet death would be peaceful, life is hell and hard, especially right now. Phoebe got her one phone call, calling Justin and making sure he knew what she knew without the rath of Tyler, or my concern for everyone. On his way to the hospital, when he got there Cody was on his way out warning him that Tyler was the same person that beat Cody up after he tried to protect me. So after hearing that being said, and learning all of this, hearing what Tyler said about what happened to me, he now realized that what he said was true, but left out that it was his fault.

So for when Justin got into the room, he was beyond pissed! He was more scared and worried about me then he was angry with Tyler though. I was knocked out during all of this. She's my best friend Tyler how could you do this to her?! She's nothing but a a bitch and a whore she got what was coming to her! Forget it she's my best friend, like a little sister to me, and you will pay for what you did to her! Whatever bro she never loved you anyways, it's best if you just forget about her!

Suddenly I started to stir awake. Tyler came to my side and hugged me. He acted like he was so worried about me, when really he had a plan. I looked at them and still didn't speak looking at them like what's going on here? Justin opened his mouth to say something but Tyler spoke first. I'm so glad you're finally awake I thought I lost you! He cried. "What happened?" You don't remember? Justin started to ask. You were in an accident, and it's been a good few weeks that you've been passed out. I was so confused. I looked around for my sister. If you're looking for your sister we didn't want to worry her so she doesn't know. Although myself, your loving boyfriend and my brother, have been watching over you the entire time. He leaned in and hugged me again petting my hair and kissing my forehead.

Come on let's go home. He said helping me out of the bed, because of course I still have my regular clothes and not some kind of hospital stuff. I nodded my head, and left with Tyler, as he swung an arm over me and looked over his shoulder giving Justin a sly evil smirk as we left. Justin was just shocked, and scared, but he knew three things, rescue me and make get me to trust him again, get my sister out of jail and get both my sister and Cody to help him get his "brother" Tyler in jail for all he has done. And maybe in the end let us become friends again, if not something more.

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