On the news

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So just when things were meant to be getting better, I still wouldn't use my full voice, I still only now spoke in whispers, which was all progress. They were all being so patient with me, and now Justin could chill even though I still didn't 100% trust him still, but because my sister knew he had been freaking out the most all because of a BFF cliché.

We all know the one, BFFs like each other but don't want to ruin the relationship they already have. IDK if this makes it more cliché, but the BFFs don't admit their love for each other to each other or anyone, and so the sister dates the boy the other sister likes, and the boy dates the wrong girl just because they don't tell each other how they feel just to spear the friendship from the cliché awkwardness of making that friendship possibly awkward.

Now the sister knows, after making the Romeo of the relationship spill his guts about the girl he likes, even though the girl's he likes sister thinks she knew that already anyways and just wanted to hear the boy admit it, even when the older of the sisters that used to date the boy the younger of the sisters likes promises not to tell the other sibling against their better judgement because they ship them together.

Too bad all good things had to come to an end. Back in the prison cell that Tyler was in, he was plotting, he was plotting for revenge, revenge against me, against our friends, and especially against his "brother." I will be back for you my darling, but I'll take out my brother first.
And to make sure no one can ever take me away from you again, or vise versa, and that you won't run off..... He holds up a swinging watch, and walks over to a wardrobe mirror, plans in his hand. And this is is how I'll do it! Somehow he tricked the guards into thinking there was something wrong with him and when they came over he broke out, with watch and mirror, but dropping the blue prints/ plans, that would be used as evidence.

On the news it was reported that Tyler had broken out of jail, we all panicked. He disguised himself as a fan. We were meeting that afternoon with fans. Tyler in disguise pulled us aside to "take a picture with us." I remembered the eyes. Guys this is a very bad idea! I warned.
We were in a silent place, where we couldn't heard or seen. What's wrong Farrah, he's just another fan? But...... Hey girl speak up why don't ya? The next thing I knew since Cody and my sister weren't the far away knowing where we were. Justin got knocked out. Justin?! I yelled out in full voice, as I reached out for him and he passed out. As soon as he got knocked out, Tyler ripped off his disguise.

Pay back's a bitch ain't she Justin?! He grabbed my arm, tying me up, gagging me, and our friends came two secs too late, they saw me gagged and tied up and Tyler used a smoke bomb to get away. He tied me up setting me down in front of the mirror of the wardrobe. Spinning the watch in front of my eyes.

Listen to me and listen to me good every time you see your reflection in a mirror you will come to me no questions asked and when you go back you won't remember what happened, and you didn't see it, you didn't hear it, you won't tell a soul about it and just to make sure you don't in order to complete the transformation, I have to do it in song.

How about that, you might not be a boy, but you might as well be "Tommy." Blind, deaf, and dumb. What do you think of that? Well? Oh that's right first you won't speak and now you can't and id you will ever be able to again you won't want to even ever again. I win,, game set match, come saver her this time brother! No one can stop me now! Mwhahah!

I'm done with you, just remember what I said, you don't remember what goes on here, meet me here every you see just that. Understand? Of course you do! Run along now. My dear! No one can save you this time, you're as good as dead! No one said anything about me not being able to sign, so maybe, just maybe there was hope for me yet. 

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