Trust me

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Now that I was speaking and singing again, and everything again, now I just needed the trust again. To learn to trust again. Hoping that it shouldn't take too long to get there. Just as it has been for the last little while now, I trust my sister and Cody. I'm still spectacle about trusting Justin, even if I'd love to be able too. I just have to keep reminding myself that Tyler wasn't ever really related to Justin in anyway shape or form.

Even after all of this, and not thinking that I probably trust him, even when I know it's not his fault because he's not the one that caused me pain, but he's still and will forever be my BFF. We just need to get back to that part in our lives again. Back to how it was before. No Tyler, me and Justin being the best of friends, to the point that it's more than just how well me and Phoebe get along. But right now she is, she's currently in the place close to how well Justin and I used to get along.

You would think that as my sister, I'd be closer to her, since she's all I have left of my family, and she looks out for me and takes care of me, and stuff. But Justin has always been my BFF, we used to do everything together, we were as close as too people could possibly be. We even made up our own secret language, that wasn't really that secret, anyone could really figure it out, it was really just talking backwards.

But that was then and this is now, but my feelings haven't changed, and after all this time, maybe his haven't either, but I'm not sure how he's ever felt about me other than the fact that we're best friends, and we never got together because we valued our friendship too much. But I wish someone would've told us that if we were really great friends that, that could never happen, that we'd always be friends.

So maybe, I know this will sound terrible, but maybe I should've thanked Tyler for hurting and abusing me because if it weren't for Tyler I would've never texted my sister to make the tour bus come back for me, and they would've never came for me, and my sister wouldn't had gotten together with Cody, well yeah she would've but, Justin is single now. She knows how we feel about each other, feelings neither us knew we had about each other.

I wouldn't had gotten so close to the gang again, if it weren't for him. I've taken care of myself for so long because of Tyler, that it's hard for me to want someone to help me, to let anyone back in, to trust my friends again, or anyone for that matter. It was like being a new born learning to do all these things again, except trying to be independent but because of all of this, I had to learn to let people help me.

Being with Tyler, if I didn't help myself, or did what I had done to get away from him, no one else would've done it for me, my sister was away with Justin, and my parents were dead, I didn't have much of a choice, I couldn't depend or rely on Tyler he was the one hurting me, causing me this pain, making me feel the need to be independent. Now he's gone and now I'm here, and now maybe I can be with Justin now. Now that Tyler is out of my life.

While being lost in my thoughts, I didn't realize that Justin had been trying to call out to me. Farrah?! He called. Huh? What? He jumped hearing my voice, and felt his heart melt like butter. He couldn't find the words he wanted to use. Um.... I.... I just giggled, watching him blush as he ran his hand behind his neck and through his hair. He smiled greatly at the sound that came from my mouth.

Come with me. Where? We're stopped for a little bit, there's someplace I want to take you too. All of us or just us? You'll find out when we get there. Um.... Ok. He let down his hand, I was reluctant to try to take it, as I slowly reached out for his hand. He grabbed a hold of it pulling me to my feet. Come let's go. Ok. And off we'd gone. Close your eyes. What? Close your eyes. Please? Ok I'll play along.

I closed my eyes, as he pulled me along. Where are we going? You'll see it's a surprise. Can't see anything, don't know where I am or what I'm doing? He waved his hand in front of my face, and tried once more but this time he poked at me, and made me jump. I heard him make a soft hm noise. It was almost as if I could sense that he was smirking. Right this way then. He said pilling me along again.

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