Trust us trust me

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It had been another couple of weeks since then, still no progress, in speaking or trust, they all just had to be very patient with me. But, Justin was losing it. My sister always said let's not lose our heads, but that's hard to do when the girl you love doesn't trust or talk to you, when you could've ending this from starting. Does that make sense? That's what I always hear Justin complain about. About how he wants me to trust him.

It hurts me to see him like this, but I'm still slowly healing. I don't want him to be hurting because of me. I trust my sister, and I almost trust Cody, but I do really want to try and trust Justin, he's my BFF, and I like him, a lot. I think he does too. I wish I could trust him, but its been so hard. He's always talking about all these if only's. I don't understand.

What is he talking about? If only this, if only that, and then my sister yells at him to knock some sense into his head, or to get a grip. I'm being nice here, she actually says words, I don't cuss. It's not very nice. Everyone's going mad, and I'm scared. We had so much fun making brownies, I was so happy.

IDK what this is I'm feeling. I want to trust him, but I can't yet, or I do but I can't admit it to myself because he's still Tyler's brother. No, wait, he was never really related to him in the first place, so I should trust him. I guess, we just need a plan. I've got one. I hope it will work.

We were stopped for the day. There was a little skate park near by. And an arcade. Perfect. I went to my room and wrote a note, then to my sister, so that she wouldn't worry, and got out my skateboard, and went to the arcade. Note: Justin, come alone, come to the arcade, play me in Donkey Kong! Then, it will be off to the skate park, then follow me to the ice cream and pizza place. This is your rival Diamond Head. You'll recognize me when you see me, again come alone. Justin arrived, he saw this Diamond Head guy, my plan was to recreate how we met. Or not met, we'd known each other for a bit since then, but not real well yet, we grew up next to each other our parents were best friends. This was how we became best friends. I had a keyboard in my voice modifier helmet. So that I wouldn't really be speaking, and wouldn't reveal myself until we went to go get pizza and ice cream. DH?!

Justin, we meet again, do you remember me? Of course I do, you were a good opponent? Was that all I was to you? We'll see what happens by the end of the day. You said Donkey Kong? That's how this all started. It started the same way it had before. I'd beaten him again. Beaten again. You said round two was skateboarding? Got mine right here. We headed to the skate park. His fans cheering him on, mine cheering on me.

How did you know where I was? Trust me, we've been with each other the whole time, you'll know who I am by the time this is all over again. Just like old times. I won, again. Follow me. Wait up! There. Mario and Maggie's Pizza and Ice Cream? IDK they had that here? We ordered our food and ice cream. How are you going to eat your food with that helmet still on? We're alone aren't we?

Don't you remember this all when we were younger? Well yeah of course? Who am I? Why are you asking me? If I have to answer, you've learned nothing. Don't you want me to trust you? What? Wait?! Let me think. Yes Justy Boy think. That name, there's only one person that calls me that! I know exactly who you are. Then say it Justin, say it, out loud, say it. My best friend in the whole wide world, who I should've never left, and I'm sorry. I've missed you so much, I'm sorry Tyler hurt you, I wish I'd been there for you.

It's not your fault. It is, I left, both of us left. We were all blind. I wouldn't blame you if you never trusted me ever again, but I do wish to hear your voice, I promise never to leave you again, unless you order me away, or something comes between us, something I have no control over. I want to trust you, I'm still adjusting, I'm still scared. I'm sorry. Now, you're beautiful face shouldn't be hidden under such a heavy dark helmet, take it off, and come back with me. You did an awesome job of the recreation Farrah. He hugged me, I hugged him back, he reached up and removed my helmet.

And we returned back to the bus. "Race ya!" I signed rolling down my board. You're so on!

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