Phoebe Jade sister help me you're my only hope

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Help her? Help her do what? She's obviously been hurt of some kind. Look at her she's all banged up. Good thing I know sign. She's been acting strange the last few times I've seen her. I wonder why? She rarely ever speaks unless spoken to, but even then I usually only get a few words out of her.

Something just isn't right here. She's the most popular girl at our school, and her BF is the best guy I know. Aside from Justin and Cody. Justin stay here with her in case she wakes up, Cody go fill up a glass of water for her to drink when she wakes up. What are you gonna do? Try and contact Tyler again. No I know Tyler don't bother him, you go get some sleep. I'll still watch over her, Cody will help me. If we need you, we'll call you in.

A couple hours later, I woke up and tried to open my eyes. I started signing and when I heard no one speak, I got scared and screamed. My sister came in, and tried to wake me up, but I just couldn't see. "I'm awake" I signed to her. "I just can't get my eyes open, they're swollen shut." My sister translated. I finally could open my eyes. My head really hurt.

"Head, hurts." Give her the water. He gave it to me. Drink it. I nodded my head, I put it to my lips, then screamed dropping it. Justin caught it before it broke. What the hell? What's wrong with her? IDK. Farrah look at me what's wrong? "Is it poisoned?" "Does it have some form of drugs in it?" What?! No! Now drink it! I jumped. "Stop!" I cried. "Don't raise your voice at me please?!"

Farrah, sis, baby sis, please drink the water you can trust me. "You I trust, I don't trust boys." Is this about your fight with Tyler? I could've told the truth and said yes, but if Tyler found out, and he found out where I was hiding he'd find me and kill me, maybe not literally, but you know.

Phoebe why is she signing? IDK. Why does she trust only you, I'm her BFF? IDK. "No, some guys that were drunk beat me up" Somehow she knew I had been lying, but she didn't push, she knew I was probably lying for a good reason. She knew that if she tried I might just shut down, or that I'd never be able to tell anyone.

Why is she signing? IDK! I whimpered. Shh, shh, its ok Farrah. I wanted to believe him, I didn't know Cody personally, and right now I didn't trust Justin right now since, it was his adoptive brother that had given me so much pain. Farrah look at me, Justin placed his hands on my shoulders, I bit back wanting to scream, I shut my eyes. Farrah who did this to you, you won't speak to us, what happened? "Leave me alone Justin, go away, leave alone, help, I don't trust guys, Phoebe!"

Justin stop! I think I figured it out. What's wrong? She doesn't trust guys at all right now, IDK why, and if we try to ask her she'll probably shut down and never open up to us, once we get her to trust us we can try again, but for now, she just doesn't trust you, slowly take your hands off of her, and let me deal with it, she trusts me only right now. What's wrong with her? I'm gonna figure that out right now. Trust me on this.

She started signing.... "Farrah? What's wrong with you, why won't you talk to us?" I'm mute now, I only scream or do other things that are out of pain or fear." OMG! Phoebe *gasped* What's wrong with her? She's become mute. What does that mean? It means she doesn't speak. Pretty much in a nut shell. Why did she decide to do that?

IDK, I'll ask her. "Farrah? Why did you become mute, don't lie to me, I know something like this has been going on for a while now." *sigh* " I can't tell you. Please just respect that?" "Why can't you tell me?" Because I don't want Justin to know, and I don't want anyone especially Tyler to know if I told you." "You'll just be more worried about me, but the short version is that part of it, is that I was getting abused and bullied at school, people were calling me a whore and a bitch, and shortly after mute girl, because I stopped talking, I only spoke when directly spoken too, but in very little amounts of words, like on the rare occasions, that I did get to see you, no one cares about me, even at school, if the teachers did they would've probably tried to put a stop to it."

OMG! That's all I'm gonna ask you right now, but I hope we can make progress and that we can get you to speak to us at some point, I miss your voice. "Don't bet on it, if you had known, all what I had been through, you understand, you'd want to be mute too, to keep everything locked up." "Does this have to do with Tyler?" "Somewhat."

My sister started crying. "Don't cry Phoeb's, I'll be ok." She just cried and cried and cried hugging Cody tightly. What happened to her? I'll tell you later, I mean.... Can I tell him? "Not about Tyler!" "Promise?" She nodded. She says its ok if I tell you. How come she can't tell me herself? She doesn't trust you right now! Why, what did I do? Its not what you did, its what your gender did, and other kids our age. I'm sorry, I'll stay away for now, but she's my BFF, I just want her to know how much I truly care about her, and that I'm here if she ever needs me. That I hope someday she can trust me again.

I'm sure she will. She'll come around, just for now let's leave her alone. "No!" "Sissy stay with me." If you need me I'm right next door. I'm just gonna go and teach the boys some sign, is that ok with you? "Yes." Ok. You get some sleep, I'll come wake you for dinner. "Ok." See ya in a little bit. "Bye."

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