Now we can be childish

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Now we could if we really had to, be childish. The day began early the next morning but not so early that I would kill him for waking me up. We'd gone to sleep apparently both with water guns next to us, glad that they didn't make either of our beds wet. Rise and shine Farrah. I heard a sing songy voice call out to me. I pretended to stay asleep to see what he would do, and that was a horrible idea.

The next thing I knew he was shoving cold ice down my back. I shot up in the bed at the sudden cold feeling, not that I objected but it was very sudden, and very cold all at once and not something you want to wake up to. After doing that he was rolling on the floor laughing. That's ok, I pulled a rope and he got splashed with a buck of ice cold water. We decided this meant war, and pulled out or water guns.

And when we were done there, we had other toy guns that other things in them, and we were ready for today you could say. Today just like I promised him we could be childish all we wanted all day if we really needed too. And these guns had goo/slime in them and the other had confetti. We were a mess. After we were all done making that mess, we went our separate ways and changed out of our pjs and showered.

When we were all done. He'd changed, and so had I (outfit 3) I decided to wear something of my style, but a little more younger looking, like as if we'd gone back to being little kids again. Look at you, aren't you adorable?! You're missing something. I am? What? This (Flower crown) he said putting a hand made crown of flowers on my head. There now you look the way you did when we were little kids. Before any of this Tyler nonsense happened.

How much longer are we gonna be stopped here for? Enough time to do what we want today. So what are we going to do today? There's a little park down the street from here. And when we're done we can go have pizza, and then we can go back to the rose field just to roll down the grass hill and go back to the ice cream shop and have ice cream. We can do whatever we want to do. That's nice where are my sister and Cody? They decided they were gonna spend time together as long as we were spending time with each other.

Aw that's so sweet. No that's gross. EW. Justin? What, we're being childish today, it's all part of the fun. I playfully roll my eyes. To the park he shouts grabbing my hand as we run out the door off the bus. Bend down. Why? Do it! Fine. I run and jump on his back. Piggy back ride wee. Charge! Right away your highness. We arrived at the park, there was no one around so that was nice to have the part to ourselves.

We sat and swung on the swing set, we got covered in mud, while making mud pies, we played a game of man on rocks, and ran around and played tag for a few mins, we went to the slide, and he pulled me down into his lap and pushed us down it. I was still too short to reach the monkey bars, so he had to lift me up while I climbed across. We collected a bunch of leaves and jumped into them making a mess. So now we were covered in mud and leaves were sticking to us. But we didn't care. He held down a hand to pick me up and brought me back to my feet as we pulled leaves out of each other's hair.

We momentarily went back to the bus to grab our skateboards, and went to go stop by and get pizza. And put them into our "adventure bags" when we went back to the rose field and laughed rolling down the hill, and dusted ourselves off and went back into the ice cream shop like we did last night, while scooping a finger in of our ice cream and dipping it on each other's noses. We made a mess trying to feed each other ice cream, but we laughed and smiled anyways. We went back to the bus and cleaned up.

I then decided after that we should make brownies, and back on the flour went to our noses while we backed and while we did that we listened to and sang Disney songs at the top of our lungs. And when we were done there, we played a game of hide and seek. I was hiding and gone into Justin's room to take one of his things and put it on myself. One of his favorite baseball caps. And when he found me I'd made a run for it back outside. You can't catch me! I called childishly.

Farrah get back here, that's mine, he giggled chasing after me. You want it come and get it! Those are fighting words. We ran around outside, it wasn't that late yet, but it was getting dark, the kind of dark that it was probably going to rain, and we'd be leaving soon anyways. When he finally caught up to me, he pinned me to the ground and started tickling me silly until I gave him his stuff back, but that's ok I got him back. We were having so much fun laughing that we didn't notice the weather until it was too late. And the sky had decided to open up on us.

Well because of the rain there is one thing we can't do anymore, but we can pretend to do later, but for now let's sing and dance in rain. May I have this dance? Why of course you may good sir. We danced around in the rain, splashing in the puddles. Until we got called back inside. We decided that now we would do the late night childish activities. And we made an awesome huge pillow and blanket fort, somehow. And got out some sleeping bags and stuff and put them into the fort, and brought everything we needed for tonight in it, and then we went off to instead of showering we ironically enough had decided to not at the same time in the same place of course that would be bad and weird, but to take a bubble bath instead of showering which would be twice that we got cleaned up today once this morning and then after the mud and the rain and everything we were a mess again so now we were getting cleaned up again.

And we decided that we were gonna put on animal onesies. IDK why we even had them, or where they came from, but hey the universe knows what it's doing. We came back to the fort and had a gentle enough pillow fight that no one could get hurt. And we got covered in feathers. We calmed down after that, and I'd noticed he'd had s'mores stuff, which we had to pretend to do without a fire. We sat down and popped popcorn and watched a Disney movie. And then crawled into our sleeping bags and laid down.

I dah nuf htiw uoy yadot. I dah nuf htiw uoy yadot oot. I evol dna evah syawla devol uoy. I evol dna eave syawla devol uoy oot. We kissed each other. Doog thgin teews smaerd. Uoy oot. Now in English.... I had fun with you today. I had fun with you today too. I love and have always loved you. I love and have always loved you too. Goodnight sweet dreams. You too. Then we closed our eyes and went to sleep, today couldn't have been more perfect.

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