Whisper, whisper she finally speaks

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It had been a month ever since Tyler got put away. I still haven't spoken to anyone, and an incident like that hasn't happened again since then, Justin was trying to be patient waiting to hear my voice, as was everyone else, including me, but he above everyone else wanted to hear my voice, just as much as I did.

I still didn't know if I could trust anyone, I know that I probably trusted my sister, and maybe I still trusted Cody, but I still didn't know if I trusted Justin. Adopted brother or not, he was still his brother. Right now for the longest time, I had been left alone to heal and sleep. No one talked to me, no one came to check on me, I had my own bathroom, I only came out of my room to get food.

*Ug* What's the matter Justin? I miss Farrah, she doesn't speak as it is, she can't sign to anyone if we never see her, and she doesn't trust me! He said covering his face with his hands. Anger and sadness in his voice. Hot bitter tears coming from his eyes. I miss my best friend. All I want to do is hug her and hold her and never let her go. This is all his fault!

Justin! I miss my sister too, but being angry about the past isn't gonna fix anything! My sister said. I'm sorry she doesn't trust you, she says rubbing his back wiping his tears away. I'm gonna go check on her. I wouldn't do that. No, I can't take it anymore, I at least have to see her, even if she can't talk to me, or won't sign right now, and doesn't trust me, I still want to be able to see her.

Fine, but no monkey business. No way it never even crossed my mind. Uh huh sure. No way, JB honor the thought never even crossed my mind. I'm going now. Good luck. He knocks on my door. I ring the bell, he slowly comes in. Hey just came to check up on you. "Come in." A smile crossed his face. You signed to me. "I've been in my room for like a month." Good point. "No one comes in, hasn't ever since I helped you get away and that was weeks ago."

I'm sorry I would've came sooner, but your sister told me to leave you alone to sleep and heal. We were told not to talk to you, and not come check on you and just leave you alone. "Since when do you follow the rules?" I asked giving a small smile. Ever since I thought I lost you and that it hurts that you don't trust me, I long to hear your beautiful voice again after all these many many months which seems like forever.

"I'm sorry Justin." Why are you sorry, it's his fault? "I want to trust you. I'm so selfish, I won't trust you, and I don't talk to anyone, I just, I'm sorry." Hey, hey, hey, he cried out. No, oh Farrah you're not selfish, you're in pain, physical and emotional pain. He said reaching up to wipe my tears away, and brush back my hair. I let him.

You let me touch you? "I still don't trust you, but I knew you wouldn't hurt me." It's ok it will be worth the wait. And I would never hurt you. I promise. Can I hug you? "A small one." He smiled. He gently wrapped his arms around me to hug me. Thank you. I've been waiting so long to do that. Then my sister came in.

Ok, times up. What? You didn't give me a time! Let's leave her alone. What? No, I'm making progress. She cried I wiped away her tears, she let me touch her, she let me push her hair back when it fell, she playfully teased me, and smiled at me, she doesn't trust me but she signed that she let me because she knew I wouldn't hurt her, she let me give her a small hug.

She's lonely, she wanted people to come talk to her. I followed your rules. Stop it, we need to let her rest. No. I whispered in a small voice. Let him stay, I whispered. See she said she wanted me to stay! Wait a minute....Said? I think it was more like a whisper. Wait a minute?! They turned to me and ran towards me hugging me.

OMG even a whisper is good news, even if it's not the same as hearing your voice. Hey bro easy now baby steps baby steps. Cody came in. What's going on? Oh Cody come feel the love. What are we celebrating? Farrah just whispered instead of signing! Woo that is worth celebrating. Say Justin will you come with me for a second, and Cody can stay and whisper with her.

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