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I got dressed in a black silk outfit, some dark makeup, and one of my favorite pairs of shoes of all time, my black six-inch Louboutin stilettos. I tucked my guns in the back of my pants and made my way downstairs, where Liam was waiting for me, with two guards, unfortunately, one of them is Derek, the other I can't even remember the first letter of his name.

Does that mean I'm a horrible boss?


When Derek saw me he immediately looked away, I have to talk with Liam about sending him to another place for work. I am the one to blame here, it's not the first time I sleep with someone that works for me, but this never happened before. But now, I know better, from now on I won't sleep with my employees.

I got inside my Bugatti Divo and drove to the club, Liam was following in his own car, and the guards behind him were in a black SUV. Thirty minutes later I was parking near the club, I got out of the car, leaned against the closed door and took a cigarette, I put the cancer stick between my lips and lit it up.

I really need to stop smoking,

But is so fucking hard.

Everyone deals with stress differently, some people turn to drugs, alcohol, and shit, this is my way.

"Ready?" Liam asked when he got next to me, the other two following him.

"Let's walk around for a while and if everything is good you are free for the night." I said, I threw the butt to the floor, stepped on it, and walked to the club.

There were people waiting to get in, two bouncers, one checking ID and the other checking for guns, alcohol, and drugs. I know that they probably won't catch everything, but it's better than letting everything in.

"Good night, boss. " The bouncer says when he sees me, I give him a nod and walk past him.

People dancing, drinking, kissing, laughing, and touching, that's the first thing I see when I get inside. Those who see me, get out of my way, those that don't, are pulled by others to get out of my way. People fear me, do I care? Fuck no, because they should.

After a few minutes, I see something that I don't like, I walk to the private booth on the side of the dance floor and sit beside a guy.

"Hey, gorgeous." He says, drunk and high as a kite.

"Where did you hide that at the door?" I asked.

"Why? Do you want some? I can get it for you." I took one of my guns and pointed at his dick under the table.

"How did you get that inside?"

"I didn't, I bought it here."

"From who?" He looks around and raises his finger.

"Him. " I look in his finger direction and see a guy behind the bar flirting with some girls.

"Go home." I ordered everyone around the table, with my hand I swiped the lines of white powder to the floor.

"Hey, bi- " One guy started to say but when I slowly put the gun in my hand on top of the table he went silent.

That's what I thought.

I got up and walked to Liam, I leaned on his shoulder and talked in his ear so he could hear me above the music.

"Send Derek to the door, I don't want any more people inside, take another look around and meet me on the second, I want to see if it's just here or in the floors too." I said to him and walked away to the elevator.

I'm pissed -no- I'm livid, if it was brought from one of them I would simply send them home, but having cocaine sold by one of the workers?

Fuck no.

When I say this is a legal club, I really mean it, I don't even do money laundering here, I have the cops on my pocket but, there's the government, the fucking FBI, and these little legal businesses I have spread all through the town keeps them away.

I had FBI raids here before, the first time was with the last manager, the numbers caught their attention, I kept everything private, my innocence was easy to prove because the fucker wasn't very smart, and after a while. he admitted.

Because of the trouble that he caused me, I couldn't let him live, so after the trial, I got someone to take care of him inside. I just hope that Carlo isn't trying to mess with me and my business because I will burn his fucking eyes.

After walking around the second floor nothing caught my attention besides some old shits that would get too excited with the girls, I need more security here. I walk to the bar and hope that the girl doesn't know who I am.

"Hi, what can I get you?" The young girl asks, she looks so innocent and frightened to be working here.

"Martini, please." I say and she prepares my drink.

"Here you go." She puts the olives in and gives me the glass, I take a 20 dollar bill from my pocket and give it to her, but before she can pick it up I grab it back and she looks at me.

"The bouncer took something for me before I got in, do you know where I can get something stronger than alcohol to help me relax? "

"I'm sorry miss, but the only thing I have for you is this. If you are looking for drugs they are forbidden inside." She says.

Good girl.

"What is your name?" I ask her.


"How old are you? Are you old enough to be serving alcohol?" I asked and she paled.


"I'm sorry but I have to go back to work." She said, ignoring my question.

I'll find out anyway, although I have a feeling she shouldn't be working here.

"Keep the change." I said, I drank the martini like a shot, I slide the bill over the counter to her and walk away.

There's something about this girl, and my gut feeling is telling me that I need to know more about her. She looks too young to be here, maybe it's because I wouldn't like to see Ivy in her place. I don't fucking know but I need to find more.

"What did you see?" I asked Liam, he was waiting for me next to the elevator.

"More. I sent them home."

"Did they tell you who sold it?"

"The blonde behind the bar. " I nodded, I looked around the third floor and it was clear. Time to talk with Carlo. We went to the top floor and I barged through the office without knocking.

I'm the owner after all.

"Miss Zade, I wasn't expecting you." Carlo said and got up from the chair behind the desk.

"I know, we need to talk. Are you or are you not selling drugs in my club?" I asked straight to the point, his eyes widened, his face turned white and for a second I thought he was going to pass out.

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