Twenty two

190 9 1

•Agent Carter•

I know everything about the woman sitting in front of me but now, I think I don't know anything. I can't read her, I can't understand her, fuck I can't even understand what is happening to me.

What is she doing to me?

I knew she was beautiful, I saw picture after picture of her, but she's more than beautiful, she's breathtaking. If she was here to kill me I wouldn't even put up a fight, I feel- I don't know what the fuck I feel.

My heart reacts to her, do guys get butterflies too? Because I think I have them, my whole body reacts to her.

"Okay." I said to her.

"Where do I start? What do you want to know? What makes you think I deserve to be behind bars?" I hear her angelic voice.

"You are known as 'Death' for some reason."

"I am, I don't show mercy to those that don't deserve it. Do you think you're a good person just because you work with your government? Because you follow the rules? I'm not a bad person agent Carter."

"Rumors say otherwise, you kill, sell guns, drugs."

"I kill bad people, I never killed an innocent. I sell guns to gangs, other organizations but my biggest buyer is your big boss. The army, CIA, FBI, and others use my guns on duty." She said.

That can't be right.

"I don't believe you." I said.

"That's okay, it's your choice, but I don't lie. I have information of worse people than me, I helped put some of them behind bars, does that make me a cop? Carrying a gun made by me makes you one of the bad guys?"

"If you help us so much, why would they let me keep investigating you?"

"That's a good question."

" Talia Forbes, Mark Filler, Clinton Jobs, Marcus, Clarissa, John, any of those names sound familiar?"

"People from the office."

" Mark Filler raped a 17 years old girl, three years ago. Talia is the sister of one gang leader. Still think you should arrest me?"

Mark is my boss, how does she know all of this? What am I supposed to do with this information? I got up and started pacing.

"So what? What do you want me to do?"

"I just want you so the bigger picture, you want to drag me down? Go for it but I have proof of everything I said, contracts, records. I will drag everyone involved with me too, that includes your government. Now, that I think about it, you should do it, go for it, I bet you will be dead by the end of tomorrow, and it won't be me."

"So I should just let everything go?"

"Not everything. Me. Not all of them are like me, you want a big arrest? I can give you anyone you want. Do you want to know more about me? Pack a bag, and you're welcomed into my house. So what's going to be?"

The system is all wrong, I'm building my carrier on lies, I trained for what? All these years for what? Can I really trust her in what she's saying? If she came to kill me I would be dead a long time ago. But-


Everything is so messed up.

"I don't want a big arrest, but I want to make the difference. I want Mark and Talia behind bars."

"I can give you everything I have on them."

"I'll pack a bag, and take some time off of work." I said and turned to walk to my room.

"Oh and agent Carter?"

"Yes?" I asked and look back at her.

"Do not try to bring any of your gadgets. I will know and then I won't be so friendly." She said and I heard the warning loud and clear.

I went to my room and packed a small bag with a few clothes. Am I really doing this? Spending a few days with one of the biggest criminals in the world?

I guess I am.

Things need to change.

Neera Zade doesn't try to be someone she isn't. At least it seems like that. But Mark, that's another story, he got away with rape? Not for long, it's time to clean the house.

I sent an email to my boss, saying that a needed some time away from the case. I tuck my gun and badge in the bag and walk out of the room, I find Neera in my office.

"You have more pictures of me in this board than I have in my house, and also so little information." She said, looking at my investigation board, I'm one of those that brings his work home.

"I know."

"Why? Are you a fan of my looks, agent Carter?" She asked with a smirk on her face.

Actually, yes. I fucking love how she looks, she wasn't even trying, she didn't even know that someone was photographing her, but she still looks beautiful in every one of them. And that's not all, she is always with a smile on her face and with softness in her eyes.

She looks innocent and incapable of killing.

And yet.

She does.

"There's not much information on you, but you are not hiding so it's easy to get images." I said.

"This one was a lunch meeting, one of my biggest deals on drugs. Oh this woman talking to me, she was asking for my help, her husband used to beat the shit out of her, and was threatening her daughter's life. I killed him that night." She said and pointed to some of the pictures.

"Why didn't she ask the police for help?" I asked.

"But she did, over and over again, but he paid the cops to look the other way. Oh, this is a rare one, me not wearing any heels, just some plain Nike, you want to know why?" She asked.


"I was going to train a few teenagers and others. Self-defense. Most of them would take beatings at school or home. You have more information here than you thought."

Indeed, I do.

I realize now that am in deep shit.

Not because, I'm going to her house, but because the more I know about Neera Zade the more I want to know, and maybe I wasn't obsessed with the case, but I was obsessed with her.

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