Twenty nine

193 11 2

•Agent Carter•

"Did she say anything?" I ask Alice when she came back from the office with Theo.

"No, she was talking on the phone with Theo in her arms." She said and I nodded.

Two weeks, that's how long it has been since we kissed and since we talked. Every day since then she has been living in her office, she gets out to shower and goes back again, we are the ones taking food to her and she barely eats it.

She doesn't even wear heels.

We are getting worried, I know she's looking for her brother but she also needs to take care of herself. She doesn't talk with anyone, most of the time it's just her and Theo in that office, and she only stops working when he cries.

I just want her to talk to us. We want to help her too.

And I want to talk to her about what I've been doing and also about that kiss. I've sent them some of the information she shared with me to the bureau, I went to the other side of town because I knew they would try to find where that came from.

And the kiss.

What if that's the reason she closed herself?

Did she like it?

I'm being stupid, she has bigger things to think about.

"Liam, can I borrow a car?"

"For what?" He asked. He still doesn't trust me very much, but we get along.

"I want to go to my house for tonight."

"Is it because of N- Take the Divo, maybe she will notice and get out of that office." He started but was interrupted by the bell. I got up and was going to get my bag out of the room, but I stopped when I heard voices.

"We want to talk to her." One guy said.

"She doesn't want to see anyone." Liam explained.

"She doesn't answer hour texts or calls for two weeks. Where is she?"

"In her office but - " Then I saw two similar guys walking in her office direction, but stopped when they saw me.

The Langston brothers.

"Who the fuck are you?" One of them asked.

"And who are you?" I asked back even though I know.

"Are you with Neera? Is it because of you that she doesn't talk to us?"

"Are you her boyfriend?" I asked, they seem fucking jealous, one more than the other.

"We are." They say at the same time, full of confidence and pride.

"Good for you." I said, I turn around and went to get my shit.

Now I understand why she didn't say anything else, not even looked at me when I took the fucking food so she wouldn't starve. She has a boyfriend, correction she has two fucking boyfriends.

Yes, I'm jealous, I thought we had something going on, I thought we were getting along, I thought she liked me. But I thought wrong, maybe this was all false, she was probably using me so I don't continue my investigation.

I got inside the car and drove home without looking back. She used me, this was her plan all along. Well she can fuck herself, tomorrow I'll go back to work, and I will continue where I left off.

I parked the car and got inside my house, I went straight to the shower, and then to bed. I turned and turned but I couldn't fall asleep no matter how hard I tried, I could only see the three of them together.

Am I overreacting?


But I feel betrayed.

She made me feel things, and I open myself to her, yes, she's beautiful and I was -am- attracted to her, but it's not just her beauty, I feel that the connection goes deeper than that.

I give up on trying to sleep and get up, I pass through my office, pick the Zade file and go to my living room. I'm being fucking childish, I won't continue the investigation, I can't. I now see that she does things illegally but they are the right things, she killed or put behind bars more criminals than all of the agents on my floor.

I look at the photos of her. She's so fucking beautiful, so-so fucking irritating. She fooled me, used me, made me fall in love- wait the fuck up. In love? That can't be, that's not how it works it's too soon, too fast.

It can't be.

But I can't stop thinking about her, our conversations, her eyes, her personality. The way she is with her family, she's so caring and understanding, family to her is everything. I stop my thoughts when I hear pounding on the door.

Who the fuck it is at 2:30 in the morning?

"I found him." Neera says after I opened the door and she barged in.

"Your boyfriend? Or should I say, boyfriendS?"

"What? No, my brother, I found him but after telling Ivy I wanted to tell you, but you weren't there. Why did you come back?" She says looking around, and her eyes stop at the table with all the information about her.

"Really? You're still going through with it? You played me?" She said and sounded genuinely hurt.

"I played you? You were the one messing with my head, for what? So I would stop digging? You can stop the act, Neera, don't worry I will drop the investigation, I'm happy you found your little brother, now go share your happiness with your boyfriends."

"What fucking boyfriends?" She shouted.

"The twins."

"You really are so fucking quick to judge. Who the fuck told you we were in a relationship? I never played you, you idiot. I fucking like you."

"They were the ones telling me you were theirs." I said and she laughed darkly.

"I will fucking kill them. We are nothing! And you? Are you that of a coward that didn't have the balls to come to me? I told you things I never told anyone, I let you sleep under the same roof as my family. I can do horrible things Zack, but if I was just fooling you I wouldn't put my family into the mix. You know what? Do whatever the fuck you want." She said.

She turn her back to me and started walking away, but when my brain registered her words, I reacted. She likes me, they are not together and that's all I need to know, I put my hand on her shoulder and turned around, she opened her mouth to protest but I didn't give her a chance.

I slammed my lips on hers and plunged my tongue inside her mouth, kissing her hard, fast, softly, and roughly. I kissed her how I've been wanting to kiss her since I saw the first photo of her and the best part?

She kissed back with the same intensity.

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