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"Do you want to spend the day with me, or do something else? Damion's brothers are here." I ask Ivy, it has been at least two hours since they arrived.

"With you."

"Okay, sit in my chair, I'm going to get them." I said, we got up from the couch, she went to my desk and walked out.

"Two fucking hours, what can she be doing that is more important than seeing us?" I heard someone say angrily and I stopped walking.

"I don't know, Atlas." Said someone calmly.

"We should've brought more men with us, we are inside her house. We can kill her easily. Look around, there are only three cameras in this big ass room. This would be too easy. " I walked slowly inside the room, took the two kimbers from my back, and pointed at their heads without making a sound.

"In this room, there are 6 cameras, one escape tunnel, one panic room, and more. You could've brought more men, but you wouldn't get far. There's more beyond what you can see. Now, stop being a little bitch, I told you what time you should've been here, not my fault you don't know how to read a fucking watch. Do. Not. Underestimate. Me. Aron." I said, the guns still pointed at their heads, but when they heard me they turned around only to meet the barrel of my guns.

So I do know that his name is Atlas but, fucking with them is more fun. They are very identical even their hair, but their eyes are different, Adonis has blue eyes, like the water in the Bahamas, while Atlas are grey and stormy.

"My apo- " The other brother tried to say, he must be Adonis, and fuck, he looks like one too.

Control your horny ass, Neera.

Oh, for sure I would let him fuck my horny a-


"Save it. Don't forget, I found your little brother, I took care of him and I called you. Just be fucking grateful, we are not enemies but we aren't allies either. So have anything else to say, Axel?" I ask.

"It's At-"

"No, he has nothing to say." Adonis says.

"So your the calm and collected one and he's the arrogant and impulsive one. Tell me how often do you intervene just to save his ass?"

"More than I should. " He says and looks at his brother.

"Then don't now, we can go to my office and talk when you apologize, for being rude in my house." I said and looked at Atlas.

"What? Fuck no, I don't have anything to apologize for." He said, his face red with anger.

"Try again. Last chance." I said and cocked my gun, not the one in his face, but the one that was in my left hand, pointing to Adonis.

"Atlas, just fucking say it." Adonis said, there was a little pleading in his words, probably because my gun was ready to shoot at any moment. But I wouldn't, I just want to teach him a lesson.

"I apologize for my behavior." He said through gritted teeth.

"Apology accepted, now follow me." I tucked my guns in the back of my pants and started walking to my office.

Where the fuck is Liam, and why were they alone?

I got inside my office and Ivy was spinning in my chair, she stopped, looked at us, and her jaw almost hit the floor when she looked at the two men behind me.

"Holy fuck they are hot!"

"Language Ivy, and I know. Does Damon know what you do or you guys keep him away from your work?" I asked them.

"Why?" Asked Atlas, so fucking rude.

Maybe I should spank that fucking attitude out of him.

"Just fucking answer the question, Gru."

"Yes, he knows." Adonis answered.

"Ivy go get Liam and Damon here." I said, she got up and walked out.

"So-" Adonis started, I sat behind my desk and took a cigarette liting it up between my lips.

"Do you know who took your brother?"

"No." Atlas answered quickly, too quickly.

"Oh, so this is how it's going to be?" I asked, looking between the two.

Now, I'm really getting annoyed with both of them, I don't know what the fuck their problem is but if they think they can come here, talk shit about me, and lie to my face, they are fucking wrong. I look down at my desk and grabbed the black file that is waiting to be read.

"Ryan Brown, 30 years old, blond hair, brown eyes, single. Oh, this is interesting until ten years ago he was your best friend and six years ago he killed Dakota Langston and Elijah Langston. Did I miss something?" I asked and looked at them, Adonis had a blank face, but his eyes showed anger, while Atlas was fuming and even jumped up and came closer to me and took his gun out.

"Fucking bitch." He said, his gun against my head.

"You should know a few things about me Antonio, one: I don't scare easily. Two: I killed people for less, so you should be careful. And three: I have a gun kink, so your little act is only turning me on. I see you have anger issues, perhaps you would like to meet my therapist?" I said, the door of the office was opened and three more people joined the party.

"Atlas, what are you doing?" Little Damon asked and walked to us.

I knew he wouldn't kill me, he was angry- no- he was livid but not towards me. He wanted to kill someone, but not me, Ryan he wants to kill him for what he took for them, his parents.

One thing I'm sure, I will help them find this guy, and even let them kill him after my fun with him, he messed with Ivy, even though she was not injured, he shouldn't have even looked in her way. And because he wants to kill me.

"You touch my mom I will blow your brains out. " Ivy said, she had a gun in her hand, and Liam had one too. Adonis was just sitting there.

This was getting ridiculous now.

"Everyone, put your fucking guns away. Now!" I said, my voice was cold, I was in Death's mode now.

"Shit." I heard Liam say and he put his gun away quickly, Ivy knew that my good mood had just gone out the window so she followed his movements. But Atlas didn't move.

"This is how's going to be. You will take your little brother home, and get out of my property. NOW! I will search for this Ryan guy, I will torture him, and then if I feel like it, I will call you to finish the job, because if it was me I would want to kill the bastard. But that's it. I don't want to see you until I say so. Get the fuck out."

"I'm sorry, Neera." Damon said and that made Atlas return from where the fuck his head was.

"It's okay little guy. It was nice to meet you." I said, I turned to him and kissed his cheek. He walked out of my office and I turned to the twins.

"Out. Don't make me repeat myself." I said, Adonis gave a small nod and got out with Atlas following. Liam closed the door after him, he was going to make sure they got out, and I was finally alone again.


Thank fuck.

I took a cigarette and lit it up.

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