Thirty three

175 10 0

•Agent Carter•

Being left behind is not fucking fun, the girls are with their teachers and here I am, changing toxic diapers, I like the kid and all but I like the action more, and it might seem a simple mission but many things can go wrong.

I dressed Theo and heard the door closing downstairs, it's only been a few hours, are they here already? It was too quick, I know they are good but never thought they were this good.

I pick the kid up against my chest and go downstairs, Liam is walking from side to side, phone in one hand and the other hand repeatedly running through his hair.

"It's done?" I asked and he stopped to look at me.

Something is wrong.

"No man, it's not done. We lost one of the guys, I had to take two to the clinic, and she told me to leave."

"To leave? She's still there? Alone?"

"Yes, and it's driving me crazy, but the bitch Bianca had the ground outside full of explosives, and Neera hates when someone gets hurt, or worse, and that happened, so she told me to leave her."

"We need to g- " I stopped talking when I hear my phone ringing in my pocket, I pull it out.

"It's her. Neera are you okay?" I ask and put the phone on speaker.

"Hum, I didn't know what to do, this lady told me to wait outside, and I did, but she never came so when everything was silent I got inside again- " I heard a boy say.

What the fuck is going on?

"Who are you? Where is Neera?"

"My name's Nathaniel and they are all bleeding, I think they are all dead. I took her phone and your name was the first I saw. Can you help me? I don't know what to do."

Fuck, fuck, fuck.

"I'm on my way there, okay? Five minutes and I'll be there, can you tell me if the girl of this phone is breathing?" I asked, Liam heard everything, took Theo from me, and went to give him to the girls. I ran to my room took the gun and ran outside, Liam was already inside the car waiting for me and talking on the phone.

The long pause on the phone was making me so fucking nervous.


"She's breathing very slowly, and there's a lot of blood, you need to get here fast."

"I'm on my way, can you see where the blood is coming from?"

"Yes, it's from the bottom of her belly."

"Okay, Nathaniel. I need you to take your jacket or shirt off put it on top of it and press it down with your hands. Can you do that?"

"Yes." He said and then, silence.

"I already called an ambulance, she will be okay, she has to." Liam said, his eyes on the road driving way above the limit, in a matter of minutes he parked the car and we ran inside with our guns in hand.

We got inside the house, one woman had a knife between her eyes, the other had her throat open from ear to ear, and then there she was, laying on the floor in a pool of her own blood, the boy had his little hands pressing on her wound.

"Where the fuck is the ambulance, Liam?" I shouted while running to her side, there was so much blood, I put my hands on top of the wound and applied more pressure, the blood wouldn't stop, she was so fucking pale.

"Here, they are here." Liam screamed, he ran outside and came back with the first responders.

They immediately started pulling things out of their bags, sticking needles on her arm, they cut her shirt in the middle and I saw the perfect round wound where the blood was coming out.

Liam went to the kid and when I saw the medics taking her away I followed them to the ambulance. Everything was happening so fucking fast and I don't even feel like I'm here, it's like an out-of-body experience, I can't react and I don't know how to feel.

I'm on autopilot.

Hours, it has been hours since I saw her in that house, it's been hours since they took her inside to the OR. Liam went home and came back with Ivy, this still doesn't feel real, she looked dead, she was pale and cold when we got here.

She can't be dead.

She can't die.

Fuck I'm being selfish but we only now found each other, she can't leave me. We have to get to know each other better, to kiss more, to spend more time together, why? Why does the thought of her leaving me now hurts so fucking much?

"Family of Neera Zade." An old doctor calls out, Ivy, Liam and I jump out of the plastic chairs.

"It's us. Is she okay? Can we see her?" Ivy asks.

"She's stable now, you can see her in a bit but she's unconscious, the bullet missed any important organs, but it did hit large vessels making her lose a lot of blood. But she will be fine. Follow me." The doctor said and everyone immediately relaxed and followed him to her room.

Thank fuck, she's going to be okay, there was so much blood when we got there that for a second I thought the worst. I don't know what I would do if something happened to her.

We got inside her room and there she was pale as a ghost in bed, but she was alive.

"When she wakes up I'm going to fucking hit her. It's the second bullet this month." Ivy said.

"Go home to your new brother, I'll call you when she's awake."

"But I- " Ivy started but Liam stopped her.

"Come on Ivy, it's super late and Alice is alone with Theo and Nathaniel. He must be scared and since your sister is here you need to be with him."

"Okay, but call us." She pointed a finger at me.

"I will." I said they kissed her head and went home. I sat in the chair next to her bed and ran my fingers through her hair.

"This has to be the last time you come here, fuck you almost gave me a heart attack." I said to her even though she can't hear me.

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