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Damon was sleeping comfortably on the couch, Atlas was patched up and now we were in the kitchen around the island with cinnamon rolls and coffee, Liam and Ivy were here too silently eating.

"Let's go over the rules." I said to the twins.

"Rules, what are you our mom?" Atlas said.

"I'm not but you can call me mommy if you want." I said back, Liam and Ivy snickered and Adonis choked on his coffee.

"What are these rules?" Adonis asked after composing himself. I walked to the closet and took a mop, I went to Atlas and gave it to him.

"One, there are no maids, so you have to clean your shit, and you Axel, dripped blood all over my floor. This also means you have to keep your rooms clean, when I say there are no maids I mean it."

"It's Atlas."

"Aren't you like crazy rich?" Adonis said.

"I am, your point?" I asked.

"Why can't you hire maids?"

"Are you not capable of keeping your room clean?"

"Yes, b- "

"Good, so you keep your space clean, and once a week we all clean the house. There's also no cooks, usually, it's me and Liam doing the meals, breakfast being at 7 am, lunch at 12, and dinner at 7 pm, but since you'll stay here that means you'll have to cook. "

" We don't know how to cook. " Atlas said.

"That seems to be a you problem, I suggest you learn. You have cooking channels on the tv, books, and the internet. " I said.

"Aren't we supposed to be your guests?"

"No Alexi, for you to be my guest you needed to be invited to stay here, I don't remember inviting you."

"It's fucking Atlas."

"Alright fucking Atlas. I prepared an office so you can keep working, Damon's room is also ready. Yours, too. Because I know how close you are I made sure that your bed is a California king so you can share with each other and cuddle to keep your feet warm." I said, it was a lie, I prepared separate rooms, but seeing their faces is fun.

"You're right we like to share the bed, but only when there's a woman in the middle, since you are the only woman in the house are you going to be there?" Atlas asked arrogantly with a smirk on his face.

"Only if you promise me to call me mommy." I said and the grin turned into a scowl.

"Fuck." I hear Adonis mumble.

Maybe he likes that idea.

"That brings to another rule, you can go out as you please, but if you bring someone to fuck you have to do it inside the room." I said and looked sternly to Liam.

"Okay." Adonis said.

"Go-" I was saying but stopped when I heard my phone vibrating, I looked at it and it was a warning. I watched the cameras and saw who came to the house.

Fucking traitor.

I dialed his number and he answered after the third ring.

"Yes, boss."

"Good morning Derek, can you come to the kitchen quickly?" I asked calmly.

"On my way." He said and hung up.

I should be expecting this.

"Liam, get ready." I said and he strained his back.

Does he think I'm stupid?

Every door and window has a sensor in it, this device detects other frequencies, the type of frequencies on bugs and shit like that, some times I thought that I was being over the top with this kind of security but now I'm fucking thankful for it.

"What do you need boss?" Derek says when he gets in the kitchen, I signal Liam and he goes to the door behind him, so he can't escape. I pull my black and silver gun from the back of my skirt.

"I need the devices you are hiding." I say not taking my eyes off of him, you could hear a pin drop in this kitchen. I raised my head, the twins were watching what was happening, Ivy sat with her arms crossed over her chest and an angry face.

We hate traitors.

"W-What devices-s?"

"Derek, Derek, Derek, you saw what I can do in the basement do you really want me to take you there? I know that when I asked down there you said you rather die than talk, but from the way your face is pale, the sweat is rolling down your forehead and your hands are shaking I wonder how long it will take until you talk. Battery acid was nothing, I can get really creative."

"I-I- " He shuttered.

"I would tie you to the chair, really tight, ankles, wrists, and head. Then I would start with nails, one in each finger including toes, then screws four in each knee, two in each shoulder, and one in each elbow. Next-"

"Okay, okay. Stop it." He shouted, he slowly put his hand in his pocket and took several small round pieces of black plastic.

"What is this?" l asked.

"Mics, and cameras."

"Who are you working with?" I went to one of the draws around the island and took a silencer for my gun.

Damon is sleeping.


Well, fuck.

I shot two bullets hitting him in the legs and shattering his tibias and he fell to the floor screaming.

"Liam, take him downstairs, find everything. Ivy show them their rooms, I'm going to clean this shit, and then I need to talk to you."

"Okay, let's go." She said to the twins and they followed without a word. I filled a bucket with hot water and bleach and started cleaning the blood and pieces of bone.


Was it because I only wanted to fuck him?

What did I do wrong that made one of my men betray me?

How can I trust after this?

Should I expect a knife in the back from everyone?

Am I failing as a boss?

There's anyone else involved?

How many people?

And what about the FBI?

And that fucker Ryan?


So many questions, so many thoughts, so much shit to do. It's only 10 fucking am and I already feel exhausted. We need to take care of this, all of it. Derek needs to tell us everything he knows, the twins need to come up with something to stop Ryan, it's their vengeance, I just want a few punches.

And now I need to talk with Ivy about the Alice situation, if the girl really needs help I will help her, even with this shit happening all around.

Let's see what Ivy thinks.

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