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I parked the car, not even bothering in taking the key from the ignition, and speed-walked inside, my men were all on high alert, their hands twitching to hold their guns, mine too. I saw Frankie and went to him, he was talking to someone, and when I looked around I notice ten people that didn't work for me.

"So what's going on here?" I asked, in front of him was a guy, tall but skinny, extra pale.

Edward Cullen, is that you?

"Hey boss, so this guy here wants to buy a ton of guns, and wants them now, I told him that's not how it works, all orders have to be done at least two weeks before." He said

"Neera Zade, I heard a lot about you. A young woman in a men's world."

"Ryan, you know very well that I would never do business with you so I wonder what the fuck are you doing here?" I asked ignoring his comment.

"You are right about the business, but I also knew you would come here, and I wanted to see the space that will soon be mine."

"And what? Are you going to kill me? This will never be yours."

"No, just talk. I'm giving you the chance to give up peacefully."

"And if I don't? You really shouldn't have come to my territory to threat me."

"I guess, I will have to kill you when the war start. It wasn't a threat."

"Oh, hunny, the war started when your bitch took my daughter from school." I said.

"Don't call her that." He said angrily.

"Sorry, you're right, the bitch is you. Was she the one telling you to come here? Tell me, do you ask her to finger you when you're in all fours?" I asked and everyone laughed.

Then everything happened fast, he pulled his gun out, I felt Frankie pulling me and turning us around. Shots were fired, Frankie fell on his knees, when I looked at him I saw he was in pain, blood soaking his white shirt.

I look up, Ryan was dead with his men, Frankie was now on the floor, I went on my knees and put pressure on his wound. I can't believe he would do this, I may not know all of their names but I rather take a bullet for them than they for me.

After Liam and Ivy, these people are the closest thing to a family I have and it's my job to protect them.

"Why did you do that? I swear to fucking god, if you die, I'll put the wrong name on your grave." I said and he chuckled.


"Just hang on, the doctor is coming." I said and looked to the door.

"Boss, you're bleeding."

"Shut the fuck up, Save your energy." I said, I looked up again and saw the ambulance pulling up, we had our own ambulance and clinic, any person could be treated there but it was made thinking about this situation, though I'm proud to say we barely visit it, it was just a couple blocks away from.

The doctors came running with a stretcher they picked Frankie up and took him away. This is my fucking fault, if I didn't poke the bear, nothing would've happened.

Me and my fucking mouth.

On the bright side, there will be no war, he's dead, it was a bit easy.

One of my men came and helped me up, as soon I was on my two feet everything became blurry and I was going down again, and that's when I felt the pain in my stomach, I looked down and saw the blood coming out of me.

"Fuck, clean this, I will call later." I said.

I took a couple of deep breathes until my vision was clear again, and went to my car, I got inside, the car was already running and I drove in the clinic's direction. I breathed in and out through the pain and ten minutes later I was in front of the baby blue building.

The pain was getting worse, the blood kept oozing out of me and dripping from the seat to the floor of the car, and it was getting harder and harder to focus, I dragged my ass out of the car and inside the clinic. One of the doctors came running to me. I remember his face but not his name, I think we fucked.

Doctors are hot.

I really need to start fucking strangers.

"Neera, what happened?" He asked, I looked at the card that was hanging from his pocket and saw his name, Axel. I couldn't hold the chuckle that came out, that's what I called Atlas.

"Frankie, he was shot, how is he?" I asked, I was starting to slur my words, I would pass out soon bet I needed to know, he took the bullet for me. Well, kind because I think the bullet went through and through me too.

"He's in surgery. What happened to you?" He asked, his arms were holding me up, I didn't have the strength.

"I think the same bullet got me too." And that was the last thing I said before passing out.

When I woke up, I had wires coming from my chest and arms, people were whispering to each other. The pain was bearable and now I just wanted to get the fuck out of here and find how Frankie is, I opened my eyes and started pulling the wires and the machines started getting loud.

"Hey stop that." I looked up and saw Ivy.

"How's Frankie?"

"What the fuck happened Neera?" She asked, I saw her eyes full of tears and pulled her for a hug.

"I'm alright, I promise. But I need to know how Frankie is." I said.

"I'll get the doctor." I heard someone say, I looked up and it was Adonis.

"What is he doing here? Where's Liam? What time is it? And what the fuck happened?"

"You were shot, you had internal bleeding, they had to open you and find it but you will be okay. It's 3:45 am. And Liam is at the warehouse, Atlas stayed with Alice and Theo and the doctor called yesterday to me, I didn't know what to do so I called them, because I remembered you saying you were going to see Ryan, and well- "

"Hey, hey Ivy, easy, breathe. Look at me, I'm okay." I said, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath, the door opened and Adonis got in followed by Axel.

"How are you feeling?" Doctor Axel asked.

Like I could jump your bones again.

Blame it on the meds.

"How's Frankie?"

"He's fine, both of you were lucky, the bullet barely missed his kidney, it went through him and into you, it hit a few vessels but nothing major. Now, are you in pain?"

No doctor, just my clit that it's throbbing for you.

"No, when can I go home?" I asked.

"I'll see how you are in a few hours and we will take it from there, now you need to rest so it's time for you to leave." He said to Adonis and Ivy.

"I'll get a car for Ivy. I'm staying." Adonis said.

"No, you won't. You are not sending her home alone, you came with her, you go with her. And I'm sure Dr. Axel will take good care of me, so I don't need you to stay." I said. I need them to let me fucking be and move on. Ivy kissed my head and got out of the room, Adonis gave a murderous look to Axel and then followed Ivy.

"I'll see you in a bit." Axel winked at me and left.

Finally, some fucking silence.

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