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I spend the rest of the day in my office going through paperwork, Ivy stayed with me, so I let her help me. She does this sometimes, I don't mind, usually, she only has to write what is in the papers on the computer.

My head kept going to the twins, they were hot, yes, very fucking hot. But I didn't understand their attitude, I was very nice to them, I took care of their brother, did I make them wait? Fuck yes, but nobody told them to get here earlier.

Adonis with his silent stares and that I don't give a shit, but I'm watching everything attitude, and Atlas is so impulsive and angry, I want to feel his wrath on my body, somewhere between the sheets, and at the same time I want to tame him.

Teach him a lesson, teach him that he can't talk like that to me.

Fuck, my head doesn't work normally, I know.

"Liam, let's go out." I say. It's now 9 pm, we have already eaten dinner, I'm done with work and the three of us are just sitting in my office.


"Death by pleasure, it's been a while since I went there, I want to see how everything is going."

Death by pleasure is one of my many clubs, but this one is special. It's located in a four floor building, the first floor is a normal club with a dance floor, bar, DJ and some VIP booths, the second floor has strippers, it has a stage where the girls perform, and a few private rooms for private shows.

The third floor gets interesting, at least for me, it has strippers but males just like the floor below it has a stage, booths and also some private rooms. The top floor has some offices, I special room for me where I can see some entertainment, the camera room, where the guards keep an eye on everything, and the rooms where the workers get ready.

Every morning when I start my work, I read the report that the manager sends me, and from what I can see everything is going well, but I like to do these surprise visits and see for myself.

Carlo is the one taking care of the place, he is a normal man, he does not work in the mafia, there was another one before him, but he was filling his own pockets without my acknowledge so I had to kill him, since Carlo already worked here and helped also his resume is not bad I promoted him.

He doesn't know what happened to the last boss, if you are thinking that I should've told him, that it would be his warning, you are wrong. Why? I'll tell you, everybody knows me mostly because I own a lot of this town, hotels, restaurants, clubs, coffees and more, and my businesses are very successful, which means I make a lot of money.

Some of that money goes to help the town and shit like that.

But of course, there are rumors about my criminal activities, with the police in my pocket and without confirmation, they are just rumors, the bottom line is if my businesses are legal or not they don't fuck with me, that's it. Carlo doesn't need the warning because deceiving me in any way shouldn't even cross his mind in the first place.

Does that make sense?

If I hire you to be my manager or just to serve drinks behind the bar, fuck, even to clean the toilet is because I have some kind of trust in you. There are a lot of people that like to do of those traitors examples, a warning that if you fuck up that is what is going to happen to you.

I don't.

You simply shouldn't betray me, knowing what will happen or not.

"Can I go?" asked lvy.

"No, go get changed for bed, and don't even think about sneaking to the back seat like last time, or I will tie you to the bed."

"It's not fair." She whined.

"Life is not fair, get used to it, and we already had this talk, when you turn sixteen you can start coming with me to work."

"Okay." She said, she got up and walked out of the office.

"Should we take someone with us?"

"Maybe, just two in case of any trouble, if nothing happens they can have fun on the second floor."

"Me too, I want to have fun." Liam said with a big smile on his face, honestly, he looks creepy as fuck right now.

"You can have your fun, but if I hear you fuck anyone in the hall again I'll make sure you never fuck ever again." I said while smashing the butt of my cigarette on the ashtray.

"I promise." He said.

Three weeks ago he went out and came back with some pussy, it was 4 in the fucking morning when I heard some squeaky sounds, not knowing what it was l got out of the bed, when I opened the door of my bedroom, it sounded like someone was killing a fucking pig.

When I looked to the end of the hall Liam had his pants in his ankles and a girl against the wall, he was fucking her, and those sounds were coming from the girl's mouth. The sounds were so high-pitched that gave me a headache.

I made my way to my room and after taking my clothes off, I got in the shower, I shaved, used all the good stuff to have smooth, shiny, and smelling delicious skin, and got out, I wrapped a big fluffy black towel around my body and got out, but what I saw made me stop in my tracks.

"What the fuck are you doing in my room?" I asked.

"I thought we could repeat what we did in the basement."

"Did I tell you we were going to repeat it?" I asked, Derek was laying down in my bed half-naked.

"No, but -"

"But, what?" I said and crossed my arms over my chest.

What the fuck was he thinking?

"I thought you liked me, that what happened meant something."

Is he serious, right now?

"We fucked. That's it. Now, get the fuck out."

"I-I- "

" You, you nothing. Next time you show up without being called, I'll shoot you. Out. Now." I said and pointed to the door, he picked his shit from the floor and got out.

Did this really happen?

We fucked once, and he thinks he's special? Did he think that we were boyfriend and girlfriend? I can't help to laugh at that, maybe my pussy is magic. I heard Liam talk that some girls would get clingy after one fuck, but it never happened to me.

I don't know how a romantic relationship works, never had one, but I'm sure it doesn't happen after fucking. Right? I never had the time for a boyfriend, between taking care of lvy and making money, there wasn't space for anything else, not even for friends.

There was only Liam, but with him was only a brotherly love, I never saw him more than that and I know that he never saw me more than a sister too. I won't lie, I do sometimes think about what that feels like.

Being in a relationship.

My only examples are from the movies and tv shows, and I wonder if everything is so magical like they seem to be on the screen.

Doubt it though.

But I also know how greedy people are for power and money, how am I supposed to trust people when I know that most of them want what is mine? The old man said - With great power comes great responsibility. - and it's true, I have power, great power, I can destroy peoples lives, towns, small countries, and I know there are people out there that want to be that powerful.

People that are willing to do anything to have it.

And the great responsibility that I have is to keep those people away from it, my organization is also my responsibility, these people that work for me, I take care of them. I have to pay them, I have to keep them alive.

I can't fuck up.

So how am I supposed to open up to someone just to have a deeper connection, a relationship?

That means trusting, and is fucking hard for me to do that.

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